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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 144

As long as there is money, life is delicate and suitable, there will be various theaters, dogs will dance to you, whatever you want.

—————————— Gogol, “Minister Chincha”

Faced with the two sharp blades that appeared out of thin air, Tezzolo did not choose to dodge, or he could not dodge!

The two gold rings on the fingers instantly melted and dripped on the ground and began to expand, and just when the blade in Pinel’s summoner’s hand was about to see the slash into Tezzolo’s back, two drops of gold water dropped, which had turned into a fountain, surging from the ground to the sky, knocking Pinel’s two summons away, and at the same time Tezzolo roared loudly with a crazy smile!

“Golden splash!”

The dazzling gold sprayed into the sky like a fountain, and the people next to them stopped to watch this grand scene, no matter how many times they watched it, they would not get tired of the visual feast, which did not affect Pinel’s actions in the slightest!

He didn’t stop for a second, and just as Tezzolo opened his arms and enjoyed the star-like gaze, two explosives fluttered to his feet!

Tezzolo heard the sound of explosives colliding with the floor, looked down inadvertently, and suddenly changed his face!

The golden fruit is a kind of superhuman line, and it cannot be elementalized in nature, and it will be injured if it is shot, and of course it may die if it is blown up!

“Damn, Golden Armor!”

Tezzolo’s physical fitness is actually very average, and if you think about it, you can probably understand that he is a star all day, walking between drinking and meat women and gambling, how much time to exercise! His more powerful aspects are more fruit abilities and monster-like ways of thinking!

So ah, in the face of explosives that are about to explode, all he can do is create armor resistance, because he does not have enough speed to dodge the explosion!

Two seconds later, a little fire of reality emitted from under Tezzolo’s feet, and then instantly swelled and swallowed Tezzolo’s entire person.

However, the fire did not last long, and it was soon extinguished by a strong man who appeared spinningly!

Pinel didn’t care about the gold on his feet at all, as if he didn’t care that he would turn into a golden statue because of this, looking at Tezzolo, who came out of the fire and was in a golden armor all over his body, but with burn marks on his right eye on his face, grinning!

“Hee-hop, it’s fun, so that you have the value of being tortured to death!” Come, attack me, use all your strength, attack me with hope, and then slowly fall into despair, bring me pleasure! ”

Tezzolo was blown back to his senses by Pinel’s two explosives, and Tezzolo, who had recovered his senses, immediately understood that there was no hope in this battle between him and Pinel, and Pinel, an immortal demon, could not be called in vain, and when Pinel entered the Golden City, Tezzolo already knew

If nothing else, the two guys who suddenly appeared just now are enough for him for a while, not to mention that there are more than sixty such characters, and from the battle to now, Cenarius behind him has not moved a step, holding the teddy bear in his hands and staring at him with a serious face!

Tezzolo would not believe that Pinel would not be saved, and there was only one reason why Cenarius did not make a move!

That is, Cenarius did not think that he Tezzolo would be a threat to Pinel, that’s all!

Although Tezzolo is very conceited, so conceited that he thinks he can already play everything, but with such an obvious fact in front of him, he also has to admit that Pinel is crazier than him, and Pinel’s men are stronger than his men!

But if he just gave up resistance and gave up the place where he had been operating for several years or even ten years, Tezzolo couldn’t do it!

Tezzolo, looking at Cenarius, said arrogantly,

“Devil’s lackey Cenarius, join forces with me, being led by such a madman, I believe you are also very uncomfortable, let’s join forces, kill Pinel, in the future you can be the boss yourself, and I will give you a billion Bailey, no, I will give you five billion Bailey, and his bounty will all belong to you, in the future, the income of this golden city will also have your one, power money beauty, what can Pinel give you but I can’t give?” Whatever treatment Pinel gives you, how about I double it for you! There’s no reason to refuse! ”

Cenarius listened to Tezzolo’s words expressionlessly, knowing that Tezzolo had finished speaking, Cenarius looked at Pinel and said in a very cold tone,

“Legionnaire, can I slaughter him? He’s insulting me! ”

Pinel’s face did not change, and the crazy killing intent in his eyes did not mean to retreat! The tone was unceremoniously responded to Cenarius!

“Do I not want to repeat your task a second time, or do you really want to die in Cenarius? What gives you the illusion that you can make a request to me? Tell me? Is this person’s words making you think that you are important? Or do you think that I am already indispensable without you? ”

Cenarius immediately fell to one knee in trepidation,

“I’m sorry Legion Leader, I overstepped it, please punish you!”

Pinel didn’t even turn his head,

“Go aside, I’m not in the mood to punish you now, return this bear to the person who belongs to it, this is the last time I think of Ness, there will be no more in the future, I will actually indulge in memories, what a failure, such a mistake, use the life of this golden man to compensate!”

Tezzolo’s face listened to the conversation between Pinel and Cenarius, and his face became very bad, especially bad!

He really wanted to ask, how did Pinel find such a group of subordinates, and why should your own mistakes be compensated with my life, have you asked my opinion?

Of course, these words Tezzolo just thinks about himself, of course he will not say them, after all, it is too stupid to say these words to the enemy!

Cenarius disappeared in place, apparently on a mission to Pinel!

After Cenarius disappeared, Pinel said to Tezzolo,

“The person who wooed me in front of me, I agree with your idea, but the means are too naïve! Gold dominates? NO! The only thing that dominates everything is fear, only to let others be afraid of you, so afraid that they dare not resist! You guess that it can dominate everything, and fear is the most effective means of domination! You can fear me now! ”

After the last word fell, Pinel consumed all his accumulation during this time, summoned ten lieutenant general level summons, lined up, the cloak on his back fluttered with the wind, and the face that was serious without any superfluous expression, bringing only pressure to Tezzolo! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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