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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 145

People say that reading can change your destiny, but this is not the case, reading can only give you a job.

—————————— (a little touch that has nothing to do with the content!) )

Survival is stressful, life is threatened, such a feeling, Tezzolo swears he hasn’t felt it in years!

Although I haven’t felt it for many years, it’s not unfamiliar to feel this way again at this moment!

This pressure of survival reminds Tezzolo of his darkest and most difficult days to forget, in order to forget that memory, Tezzolo uses alcohol entertainment and harm others to fill the emptiness in his heart.

Tezzolo once swore that he would never feel such a feeling that life was not under his control! But now Pinel has brought him such pain again!

Don’t talk to madmen about reason, just like don’t talk about charity with capitalists, such things are useless!

Tezzolo’s sanity was destroyed in an instant, what can’t be beaten, what has no chance of victory, all are no longer in Tezzolo’s consideration, at this moment, he who was evoked by Pinel has only one idea, that is, to erase this person who brought him fear from this world!

“Ah~ah~ah~ah! No one can dominate, no one, no one wants to control my destiny anymore, I am the master of this world, I have become a god, no one can resist me, I have gold. Damn Heath Pinel, you have to die! Golden giant! ”

Tezzolo, who lost his mind, had begun to speak incoherently, but Pinel listened very happily, looking at Tezzolo, who was wrapped in a large amount of gold and gradually turned into a giant, Pinel smiled like a child!

“Hey, hahaha, that’s right! That’s fun! The expression that wanted to escape just now is not suitable for you at all, how can you be a normal person, so don’t pretend to be a normal person, it’s boring! What’s the point of fighting like that without the idea of killing me? Come on, let me feel your power! Hey hahaha”

Pinel faced the golden giant that had taken shape, did nothing, did not fight back, did not dodge, just opened his arms, as if ready to embrace the upcoming happiness, very happy!

It’s no wonder that in a sense, Pinel and Tezzolo have certain similarities, they are both people who came out of Mary Joa prison, and they are also driven crazy by reality, but Pinel chose to break and change the rules of the world, and take revenge on the whole world, while Tezzolo chose to obey the rules of the world and live the appearance he hated the most!

Although Pinel hated Tezzolo, he could smell the surmountable despair from Tezzolo’s body, and Pinel knew that the person in front of him who was about to be killed by him had really experienced despair, a very dark despair!

Tezzolo was also not polite, looking at Pinel’s underwhelmed appearance, he really threw his fist directly towards Pinel’s position and blasted over!

The house-sized fist, before it made contact with Pinel, the fist wind blew Pinel’s hair like a racing car, and swung behind him in unison!

Tezzolo was at the head of the golden giant, looking at Pinel with a hint of madness on his face, and shouted loudly,

“Gold Industry Fire!”

With Tezzolo’s shout, the golden fist that swung towards Pinel suddenly swelled again, as if wearing a fist sleeve on his bare fist! Not only that, but the fist that was originally golden light, after putting on the fist, began to glow red, and it was obvious that the temperature of the fist had increased for some reason!

The first to contact the golden giant’s fist was Pinel’s face, and Pinel’s face with an evil smile was directly distorted at the moment of contact with the fist! And he couldn’t stop it for even a second, and was directly pressed into the ground by the golden giant fist!

The explosion collapsed the surrounding buildings, and the golden city trembled, as if it was groaning in pain, and after the fist made contact with the ground, a large area of the ground began to crack and collapse with the fist as the center! There is even some seawater seeping out of the cracked crevices!

No matter how much this golden city resembles a small island, the fact that it is a ship cannot be erased!

Pinel was directly bombarded, penetrated the entire Golden City, and fell into the sea!

Tezzolo looked at the disappeared Pinel and laughed arrogantly!

“Hahahaha, what world calamity, what immortal demon, under the gold is not all bullshit! The characters that the navy and the four emperors couldn’t help but die under my gold, sure enough, I have become a god! Hahaha! ”

Cenarius stood beside the little girl who sold flowers before, looking up at the behemoth made of gold, his face full of pity,

“Pathetic fellow! After hope, it’s time to face despair! ”

At the same time, the more than sixty summoners who were not far away were sabotaging various places in the Golden City, and engaged in a melee with the guards on this island, under the leadership of Sylvanas, at the same time abandoned the enemy in front of them and rushed to the direction where the Golden Giant was!

Tezzolo laughed maniacally while fighting the 12 summons that Pinel had just summoned!

Although he couldn’t solve these twelve summons, it didn’t affect Tezzolo’s conceited laughter!

That is, after Tezzolo blasted Pinel into the ground for more than ten seconds, more than sixty summoned objects entered one after another, surrounding the golden giants in a circle, and the battle posture was already set, ready to move at any time,

Pinel’s voice came from the cracks in the ground!

“God? Those stupid pigs also call themselves gods, and if that one is your strongest attack, then you can now be ready to accept death! Although the punch just now is strong enough, it is still different and itchy! ”

Pinel spoke over and over again, crawled out of the cracks!

Although the clothes on his body were torn, Pinel still did not have a single scar on his body, but the brand on his chest was looming! Tezzolo looked at the scar on Pinel’s chest, the smile disappeared, and the whole person fell into deep thought!

Although the scar was inconspicuous and even blurred, Tezzolo could tell at a glance what caused the injury!

The scar on Pinel’s chest represents only one meaning!

That’s despair! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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