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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 146

Destruction is much easier than creation!

———————— (Where love comes from!) )

Tezzolo’s eyes looked at Pinel’s chest with some anger, and the whole person was stunned in place, and the desire to do anything disappeared in an instant!

The corners of his mouth muttered to himself,

“So you too, it turns out to be the same as me, so it is!”

Tezzolo was stunned in place, Pinel was not just waiting quietly, after all, only Tezzolo could not come out of the past, Pinel had already jumped out of the previous nightmare, and the current Pinel is living for tomorrow!

Pinel grinned, not feeling shame at all because he was about to sneak attack, waved his finger, and shouted loudly,

“Dismantled it for me!”

As Pinel’s shout fell, seventy figures burst out from all angles and directions at the same time, heading straight for the golden giant!

Tezzolo lost his mind for a moment, but in a duel, a moment of loss of concentration was enough to be fatal!

It took only two seconds for Tezzolo to fall into memory, but in just two seconds, Pinel’s more than seventy summons were already close to his golden giant!

More than seventy lieutenant general-level summons, this terrifying number is enough to make any force despair, even the navy!

These more than seventy people, either with knives and slashes, or with guns design, in short, everyone’s attacks fell on the joints of Tezzolo’s golden giant!

Tezzolo had done his best to dodge the important ones when facing these attacks, but there were too many attacks, and there were still more than forty attacks, slashing at the joints of the golden giant,

The golden giant up to 100 meters high, starting from the legs, then the arms, then the spine, and finally the neck, the joints that were attacked, swayed leisurely, scattered on the ground!

Don’t hang the golden giant, how big is it, but gold is gold, it is not as hard as imagined, and the whole body is too large, Tezzolo’s armed color domineering has not yet entangled all the golden giants up to hundreds of meters, may be even Kapu, who is famous for its armed color domineering sea, it is estimated that it will not be able to cover the entire golden giant!

Pinel watched the golden giant scatter into parts, fall to the ground and stir up a burst of dust, and the smile at the corner of his mouth made those who saw it panic!

“Don’t be idle, drag him out for me, this degree is not his life, he is also a person who has survived from hell, he can’t die so densely, just based on the experience, I should give him a chance to feel fair!”

Pinel casually picked up a gold coin from the ground and quietly looked in the direction of Tezzolo!

Tezzolo was like a dead dog at this time

Pinel stretched out his hand, pinched Tezzolo’s cheeks, made his mouth grow, and then shoved the pistol in his hand into Tezzoba with lightning speed!

Under the wide-eyed and whining sound of Tezzolo, he said to Tezzolo nonchalantly,

“Ahh Isn’t God supposed to control everything? I don’t see who you can control! I still want to say something to look at your appearance, but I’m sorry, I don’t allow it! It stands to reason that I should have shot you directly now to send you back to the West, but I asked about the breath of the same kind from you and quietly told me, did you also work as a slave? ”

Pinel slowly lowered his head as he said this, as if he was really listening to what Tezzolo said! Of course, if Pinel could get the muzzle out of Tezzolo’s mouth, it would be even more like it!

Pinel put his head to Tezzolo’s ear and said in a voice that only two people could hear,

“I don’t need you to say it at all, I know that you were a slave of the Draco, otherwise you would not be so similar to them, because of your experience, I decided to give you another chance, your name is determined by this coin in my hand, I give you what you want fair, the front you live, the back you die!”

Where Pinel and Tezzolo were fighting, there was no one else at all, so no one could see what Pinel did to Tezzolo!

After Tezzolo heard Pinel’s words, his already lifeless eyes immediately recovered a hint of radiance, anyway, the chance of survival has increased from zero percent to fifty percent, if such a thing is not worth being happy about, then what is there to be happy about?

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Pinel calmly stood up straight, while Tezzolo was half-kneeling in front of Pinel, tilting his head slightly, and looking at Pinel with a longing look in his eyes!

Tezzolo is just a little perverted in thought, not really not afraid of death, like him, who used to be a slave in Mary Joa, hmm, cherish his life more than ordinary people, because Tezzolo knows that this new life is not easy to come by! If he could live, he definitely didn’t want to die!

Pinel held a gun in one hand and a gold coin in the other, and dangled twice in front of Tezzolo, signaling that he was about to play! Tezzolo involuntarily swallowed his saliva, although the saliva was mixed with the smell of gunpowder, but Tezzolo did not feel a hint!

Pinel smiled brightly and easily flew a coin made of gold into the air!

The gold coin kept circling in the air, one second, two seconds, the time for the gold coin to fall was so long in Tezzolo’s eyes, and it was as if it had completed a lifetime! At the same time, Tezzolo how much he expects that the gold coin will not fall in the end, because as long as the gold coin does not fall, he will not die!

But everything has gravity, and the gold coin finally fell to the ground!

Whether the gold coin fell on the ground was front or back, no one knows, only Pinel and Tezzolo know, but when Pinel left the Golden City, Tezzolo died where the gold coin was still there!

The golden city of Norda fell apart overnight, and even the real time took did not take one night, and the specific time was definitely not more than ten minutes!

Tezzolo operated the Golden City for several years and even decades, and in just ten minutes, it was destroyed!

Pinel eventually found his target on the Grand Desolo, the Draco family that day!

Immediately after that, this family mysteriously disappeared from the sea, no one was alive, no corpse was seen, although basically everyone knew that this Draco and Pinel were related, but no one had evidence that it was not!

Finally, Pinel left the Golden City by boat, leaving only one sentence,

“Destruction is always easier than creation!”

Float over this sea! _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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