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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 147

After Pinel came out of the Golden City, he went straight to Dressrosa, his intention was very obvious, and there was no hidden meaning!

The inhabitants of Dressrosa have no idea that they and others are about to be destroyed, because their vision has not yet reached that height, and the atmosphere created by Dressrosa by Doflamingo is also excellent, it can even be said to be a romantic city! And with this Doflamingo, the name of the Seven Martial Seas, in the way, the residents of Dressrosa did not expect that someone would come to this country to make trouble!

Even when Pinel contributed to family planning for the world a few years ago, they were fine, not to mention this ‘calm’ time!

Of course, it is normal for these ordinary residents to not get news, but the members of the Don Quixote family are very panicked at this moment!

What Pinel’s goal is, they even know better than Pinel in their hearts, Doflamingo’s true identity, while in some ways it is a guarantee, in other aspects it may be a talisman!

For example, now, Doflamingo doesn’t have to guess, it must be that Pinel didn’t know where he learned his true identity, so he came to get him! And according to Pinel’s previous rules, his fate is basically clear, Pinel has not let go of any Draco so far, all the Draco who fell into Pinel’s hands, none of them survived! Doflamingo didn’t think he was much, and it was clear that his end was definitely not much better!

The rare presence of the Don Quixote family is there! All the cadres put down their work and prepared for the nightmare that followed!

However, what gave Doflamingo some comfort was that everyone in the family was present, and no one chose to run away because they were afraid, which made Doflamingo a little relieved!

It was not Doflamingo who provoked it, but because he was sane and smart!

Doflamingo will not think that he has a chance to turn over like Tezzolo, he is just a Qiwu Sea, although the people on the road give face and call him Joker, but in fact, he can’t even provoke the four emperors, don’t mention the rest for the time being, just one Kaido is enough to destroy, all of their family!

And who is Pinel?

Pinel is the one who almost crippled the Hundred Beast Pirates and retreated from Cake Island head-on! The rest aside, based on these two points, Doflamingo is enough to conclude that Pinel is not a figure he can provoke at all!

This is still because Doflamingo does not know that Pinel has ever pitted redhead, and threatened Whitebeard, otherwise, he has no confidence at all, the world is not fair, but some laws are indeed obvious, for example, Pinel can deal with the Four Emperors for so many years, and has fought so many wars with some of them, don’t think about it, they must be the same level of power, otherwise Pinel would have been destroyed long ago!

Doflamingo looked at the family members who were sitting in a circle, and said in a loud voice,

“You are all part of the family, let’s talk about your opinion, Pi’s goal must be us, and it is definitely an unending situation, there is no doubt about this. The main thing is what we should do to avoid this calamity, whether to run or fight, where to run, and if we fight, we will win over those allies, not to mention that we will be able to get through this stupid thing by faith, Heath Pinel this guy is completely different from the trouble we have encountered! To be honest, if I could choose, I would rather face the other four emperors, at least that is rational and negotiable, Pinel this madman, he will simply talk about conditions! ”

As soon as Doflamingo finished speaking, Torrebol hurriedly said,

“Do you still need to think about it? Of course, it is necessary to run, as long as we are all alive, such a chassis will have a chance to get it in the future! Oh, Dover, listen to me, let’s quickly pack up and run, please don’t say in the newspaper that that guy is only three days away from us, and if he doesn’t go, he may not be able to run away! ”

This is not the answer that Doflamingo wants, Dressrosa is Doflamingo’s clan land, he worked hard to get it back, he doesn’t want to give up so easily, if he gives up this time, then it will be difficult to get it back!

But he can’t help but admit that what Torrebol said also has some truth, after all, it can’t be beaten, and there is no negotiation, instead of continuing to waste time, it is better to run away quickly!

For Torrepol’s words, tough guy Señol Pique has a different opinion!

“Young Lord, I don’t think Torrepol’s proposal is appropriate! First of all, we haven’t seen Pinel with our own eyes, but I vaguely remember meeting him many years ago, when he had just escaped from Imperton! At that time, I didn’t think he was strong, and how could a real man run away without trying! I think we should give it a try! Otherwise, the reputation we have accumulated over the years will all be ruined this time! ”

As Xenniol Pique said, the reputation of this sea is still a very important thing, if the reputation is bad, the voice of their Don Quixote family will definitely be affected, no one wants to cooperate with cowards, this time you can run away without a fight, who knows if next time you will betray your partner because of other things!

The most important thing is that Doflamingo is unwilling!

After Señol Pique spoke, the entire Don Quixote family quarreled over these two ideas, each with its own reason, but the noise soon stopped because they all saw Doflamingo’s expression!

No one can see clearly under Doflamingo’s sunglasses, but the face that is so gloomy that it is almost dripping water can’t be hidden!

The family members understand that Doflamingo is making a decision at this time!

A few minutes later, Doflamingo leaned back in the chair behind him and let out a long sigh!

“Contact Kaido, say we need help, give me the phone worm, I want to talk to the five old stars, Kaido and ·’s alliance is still there, the world conquest will not watch me die and sit idly by, I still have their handle in hand!” Quadripartite united, I don’t think Pinel has any chance of victory! Even if we can’t keep Pinel, at least we shouldn’t lose! ”

Listening to Doflamingo’s words, Torrebol is not talking anymore, after all, the boss has already given the order, and if he is opposed, it is not in line with the rules! And Doflamingo has some truth in what he said!

It’s just that Doflamingo didn’t finish speaking!

In fact, the four-party alliance can only unite for a while, not the first generation, but Pinel is obviously not the kind of person who gives up halfway, and the four-party alliance will have a day when they go back to each family to dissolve sooner or later, and after that day, how he should resist Pinel can only be said at that time!

As for the previous Navy saying that it would execute Ace and let him go to the headquarters to help, of course, it can only be stopped, if he can’t take care of it, who else can he help? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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