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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 148

Pinel sailed on the sea with a calm face, and the goal was just as the world guessed, Pinell’s goal was Dressrosa, Doflamingo!

Pinel likes to live a planned life, where a life with goals is wasted, and every day can feel fulfilled!

But what Pinel didn’t know was that during the time he went to Golden City, there was already a storm on the sea, and the captain of the Whitebeard Second Team, Portkas Ace, was arrested by Blackbeard and handed over to the Navy in exchange for the position of Qiwu Hai, and the Navy headquarters has issued a notice that it is expected that seven days later, Malinfodo will be publicly executed!

Of course, Whitebeard would not agree, and the day after the news was sent, Whitebeard disappeared into the sea with the entire Moby Dick and disappeared, and there was not a single surveillance ship left of the Navy, all of which were destroyed!

Although Whitebeard does not know where he is going, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that after the execution in a few days, Whitebeard will definitely be there, whether he can save Ace or not, at least it can be said with certainty that he will go!

Of course, these news Pinel does not know that the means of information dissemination on the sea, if there is no telephone worm, can only rely on the bird that delivers the newspaper! Coincidentally, in the past two days from the Golden City, Pinel and his group did not see a single newspaper delivery bird!

But fortunately, on the third day, Pinel finally got the news,

Lying on the deck, Pinel basked in the sun and listened to Cenarius read him the newspaper over and over again!

“The Navy and Whitebeard in five days after the big war has been inevitable, the analysis of this proposition is as follows, first of all, Whitebeard is a person who protects his short, not to mention that the Navy moves the captain of his second team, even if it is a member of the second team, it is estimated that Whitebeard may rush to the headquarters of the Navy to rob people! The second reason is that the Navy’s publicity this time to execute Ace with such fanfare is also obvious, that is, to force Whitebeard to save people, yes, it is precisely because the strength of the Navy’s propaganda is very strong, so the back road for Whitebeard to pretend to be crazy and sell stupidity has been cut off, Whitebeard will also be a person who wants face, how can he hit himself in the face! So this war will definitely be fought! The above content is provided by “Sea Foreknowledge News”, if there are similarities, it is pure coincidence! ”

“In the next edition, the Star Club of the Sea, a band formed by the Long Hand Clan is about to arrive in Hara Heitania for a performance, and the gentlemen of the Sea are invited to actively participate!”

“Next version…”

“Stop! Yes, there is no need to say the following, even if it is said to be some non-nutritious words, it is not as meaningful as sleeping! But is what you said above true? The Navy is going to war with Whitebeard! Can you be sure? ”

Cenarius replied very sincerely,

“According to the prediction of subordinates, the possibility of war is more than ten, as the newspaper said, Whitebeard will not be instigated, if even Whitebeard is provoked, then there is nothing tough in this world!”

Pinel licked his lips,

“Hehe, it’s not easy, the sea is finally a little messy for many years! But Cenarius, what do you mean by what you just said? The white beard looks not low in your heart! Don’t be nervous, you see, you are on your knees, I didn’t move you, what are you kneeling for all day? A question for you, Cenarius, do you know why the world dies? ”

“Subordinates don’t know!”

Pinel listened to Cenarius’s words, and his eyes immediately sharpened,

“You don’t even know why people die, what are you still alive for? Get off the boat, you haven’t drowned up after dark! As for why people die? Of course you will die if you are killed! What a simple question! You actually said you didn’t know! Wait, before you go down, tell me, how did the previous plan go? ”

Cenarius just wanted to turn around and plunge into the sea, and after hearing Pinel’s question, he abruptly stopped his forward bending body,

“If you return to the Legion Elder, the plan has been completed by 87.64 percent! Most of the completed parts are in the square bay, usually a place where people are mixed, and the remaining unfinished parts are more important places and are not easy to sneak into, so they are not finished yet! ”

Pinel waved his hand, signaling that Cenarius could roll off the boat, and then touched his chin with one hand, with a thoughtful smile at the corner of his mouth, and murmured softly,

“Eighty-seven point sixty-four percent, which is probably enough, and there are many people in places like Square Bay after the war began! You can do it! ”

After talking to himself, Pinel said to Sylvanas, who was standing behind him in the position of substitute Cenarius,

“Sylvanas informed the helmsman, the target has changed, Malinfodo, let him find me a good time, I will arrive in Marinfodo between one and two o’clock in the afternoon on the day of execution!”

Sylvanas would not be as stupid as Cenarius would ask Pinel questions, although she also wanted to know why Pinel had changed course, but she also did not want to get off the boat to swim with Cenarius!

Pinel looked at the sea in the sky, playing with the gold coin that finally asked for Tezzolo’s life from the Golden City, his eyes were a little bumpy, there is nothing more pleasant in Pinel’s world than the passing of life! And he has endured for several years for this pleasure!

This chess game, which has been arranged for several years, is finally about to show its glory to the world!

The Navy is laying out defensive preparations, Whitebeard is laying out invasion preparations, Doflamingo is laying out preparations to defend against Pinel, and even Monch·· Luffy is starting to prepare to go to Impelton to rescue Ace!

With Whitebeard disappearing, Red-haired Shanks is also quietly missing on this sea!

All parties are moving, the four emperors are moving, and the navy is moving!

Probably only Pinel, as always, pursues the plan of doing first and talking later! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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