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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 149

The navy seems to have no idea that the white beard has disappeared, and still looks like what the clothes should do, the soldiers clock in normally, the three admirals also enter their offices on time every day, and then eat after work, the whole Marinferdo is normal!

But this superficial normality can’t hide the serious expression on their faces!

Even in the past few days, even the Draco have not done anything, they are all grounded in Mary Joa, and the Chambord Islands are not allowed to go!

Warring States soak in the conference room every day, meeting people of all classes, everything is detailed, and the Warring States basically do things big and small by themselves, everything related to this campaign, can pass through one less person, Warring States will definitely not let the extra people convey!

This is not a pain in the idle eggs of the Warring States, but because the Warring States are afraid,

Last time in Mary Joa, Pinel and the steel bone empty play of the center bloomed, their own people bombed their own people, inseparable tricks, but frightened a lot of people, although the Warring States came to power after fiercely purged a group of internal treachery, but after a world conscription of the navy, the Warring States can not guarantee that at this time the navy is like iron, and he has no mind reading, how can everyone be found out!

And the Warring States also have to take care of the mood of the naval soldiers, if the investigation is too detailed, the investigation is too strict, if the number of checks is too much, it will be a little distrustful of these soldiers, and it will discourage enthusiasm!

Therefore, in order to avoid the leakage of secrets, the Warring States can only do it themselves, the entire naval stall is too big, the number of people that the Warring States can fully trust, is not enough to support this stall, so the Warring States can only pinch their noses and swallow the bitter fruit themselves!

On the other hand, Whitebeard is also seizing the time to assemble troops, assign tasks, and prepare for the plan to storm into Malinfodo Harbor from underwater! All the captains of the sixteenth team, except for the second team Ace and the fourth team Saatchi, the remaining fourteen members honestly stood by Whitebeard’s side!

The same face full of seriousness!

Compared with the navy’s worry about the white-bearded robbery of the legal field, the people of the white-bearded pirate group are more worried about attacking the navy, and what is the situation of themselves and others, their own people know in their hearts, not to mention that it is very difficult to save people in a head-on game with the navy!

But no one has the intention of backing down, let’s not say anything else, after all, it is a brotherly relationship, in this sea, if you do not save your recognized partner, you might as well quickly get out of the sea and go home to farm!

Of course, there is also a certain selfishness, after all, if they choose to give up in the face of Ace this time, then if one day in the future, they themselves are captured by the navy or others, will others also choose to give up? Once such an opening is opened, it is difficult to recycle!

So no matter what the outcome, the people of the White Beard Regiment must be present, if not for friendship, but for themselves!

The atmosphere on both sides is and depressed, and there is almost a cathartic point, and this point, on the day of the execution of Marinfodo, this repression, this pressure, will be issued, for the Navy, and for the people of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Whitebeard and the others’ plans have been made, and there is nothing to change,

But the navy represented by the Warring States is still making adjustments,

It’s easy to attack, but it’s hard to defend your home!

There are far more things to think about in the Warring States than Whitebeard!

Just like now, at this moment, there are still two days before Ace’s execution!

The high-ranking officials of the Sengoku and Navy were sitting in the conference room, holding meetings, and the goal of deliberation was the threat beyond Whitebeard!

Warring States, as the initiator of the meeting, knocked on the table and spoke first,

“Colleagues, the content of our meeting today is what to do after we go to war with Whitebeard, if someone else joins in! The first most likely to appear is Whitebeard’s alliance, the red-haired Shanks, although the alliance between them is limited to fighting Pinel, but no one can say whether Shanks will come to mix this muddy water! Secondly, there is a person who is more likely to appear…. Heath Pinel! ”

When Sengoku said Pinel’s name, he paused slightly, and the meaning of jealousy was very obvious!

The Warring States did not finish speaking, but the people present were all figures above the vice admiral, how could they not understand the meaning of the Warring States!

Before everyone could digest the question raised by the Warring States, Akainu Gang said uprightly,

“No matter who comes, we must resist to the end, justice will prevail, all evil is not necessary, whether it is Shanks or Pinel, if they come to rob the execution ground, we will take the opportunity to kill them all!”

The red dog said very seriously, but it was this seriousness that made the naval doves a little disturbed!

Iron and blood are not unbearable, but at least you have to grow your brains, although the arrangement of the Navy is planned to kill them all, but the same price paid is absolutely unacceptable, at least not for dovish admirals such as Sengoku!

After the Great Staff Crane finished his speech, he put his hands on his chin, pulled his eyes, and said in a deep voice,

“Don’t be too childish, Red Dog, you, as a admiral, are responsible for what you say, what do you take Whitebeard Shanx Pinel for? Little pirates? Say it’s all done?

Just facing a white-bearded man is enough pressure on our navy, not to mention another Pinel who is already similar to the Four Emperors! If we act your way, our chances of winning will not exceed 20%!

First of all, we should exclude the case of Shanks’ participation in the war, he is no more than one in ten percent, because this is not the same as his philosophy, a person like Shanks, faith is important to him!

But Pinel is not necessarily, he has no bottom line, no rules, and even no rules at all, we should mainly consider him, although the intelligence shows that he is going to deal with Tenyasha now, but I estimate that he will appear on the battlefield more than fifty percent! ”

Tsuru’s words are very pertinent, and her identity as a naval staff officer should not be underestimated, even if Akainu wants to refute it, he must consider it carefully, after all, the position is one thing, and the qualifications are also on the other hand! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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