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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 150

Tsuru’s words entered the heart of the Warring States, this is also what the Warring States are most afraid of, to be honest, even if Shanks and Whitebeard come to you together, the Warring States will not be stunned, after all, they have Ace in their hands, how to lose, after all, whether it is Whitebeard or Shanks, they will care about Ace’s life, and will not start to really move, even if they do, they will throw rats and dare not use their full strength!

But Pinel is not necessarily!

For Pinel this person Warring States is understood, Pinel will not have any scruples at all, and he did not come to save people, just wanted to expand the war and raise the casualties of the war, as for the result, Pinel would not consider it at all, or that Pinel was a winner no matter the result!

Sengoku followed Tsuru’s words and said,

“That’s right, Whitebeard is the first thing we have to consider, and then we have to consider Pinel’s problem, no one can guarantee that he will not go to war, and even as far as I know about him, he will not give up this opportunity, he has not made a big move for so long, what do you think he is waiting for?” Was he still afraid? No, Pinel will not be afraid of anything, he can endure this time without making a move on the four emperors of our navy to conquer the world alive, there is only one reason, he is not sure of killing with one hit!

Pinel doesn’t want to play games anymore, he wants to mess up the world, so during this time he is accumulating strength and preparing to give us a thunderous blow, and now his chance has come!

We don’t know how much energy Pinel possesses, but it is certain that if he is present this time, it will definitely be more severe than all previous wars! If we are not careful, our navy may really be destroyed!

So I think, this war, we need allies!

And I have already submitted an application for support to the World Government, whether they agree or not is their business, anyway, they haven’t given me any response yet!

However, there was a person who took the initiative to come to the door and wanted to join this war, and this meeting was also his words, I just called it! Because this man is very sure that Pinel will come!

Now I would like to introduce to you, Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters, Fujitora smiled, please welcome the new colleagues who have joined the Navy! ”

Sengoku finally led the topic to a serious place!

No one applauded, and no one showed a welcoming expression, in addition to solemnity, it was still dignified! The pressure brought by these three words Pinel is too great! If nothing else, at least one-third of the people who attended the meeting had suffered from Pinel’s loss, and it could even be said that all the members had dealt with Pinel, and the harassment of Cenarius was indiscriminate!

Fuji Tiger smiled and lit his cane knife and walked into the conference room!

Everyone who participated in the meeting was stupid, although Fuji Tiger’s appearance was not strong, and even blind, but how could a character who could be recommended by the Warring States personally and directly break the grid general be a soft egg!

“Hello everyone, I am Fuji-, although my eyes are blind, I can still feel your heavy heart, but I want to say to my colleagues, you know better the horror of Pinel, I have challenged him, I am ashamed to say, I also specially chose a weak period when he had just finished a battle with Kaido, but despite this, I still lost badly!

But I still want to say to you, please don’t be afraid of Pinel, at least we can’t be afraid, if even we fear him, then who in the world can stop him?

If we don’t stop him, then one day in the future, this monster will definitely destroy the world! And this day will definitely not be far away!

So we must stop him, not for justice, but for the sake of this world, for the future survival of our families and our respective families in this world! ”

Fuji Hu’s words with a smile are very sincere, and everyone else who is doing the content can probably understand! It’s just that it’s easier said than done!

Fuji Tora took his seat with a smile, and after Sengoku saw Fuji Tora smiling and taking his seat, he continued,

“This is the case, and today’s meeting is actually not here to find a solution, because we have no solution to Pinel, the only way is to solve Whitebeard and the others as soon as possible, and then concentrate all our forces against Pinel!” The content of today’s meeting is that we are going to change our previous plan.

The previous plan was for the pheasants to freeze the sea, then we raised the defensive wall, and after that, the red dog melted the ice inside the defensive wall, so that the people of the Whitebeard Pirates lost their footing, thus slowly destroying them!

Now add a link in the middle, when the defensive wall is raised, the red dog only needs to keep an eye on the pirates who break into the square, and Mr. Fujitora Ichixiao summons meteorites to strike inside the defensive wall, which can kill the enemy more effectively. Pinel will definitely not enter the battlefield at the first time, he will definitely wait for us and Whitebeard to fight to the point of white, launch a surprise attack, and then annihilate us and Whitebeard’s people in one fell swoop! Therefore, we cannot drag out the battle for too long, and we must fight quickly, even if it costs us a little more! ”

The red dog listened to the Warring States’ tone like a great enemy, and was very disdainful!

“Che, it’s just a Heath Pinel, does it need to be so targeted? I fought with him, what other skills does he have besides being a little more powerful? If I fight alone, I can beat him a hundred! ”

Karp has always been not dealing with the red dog, and when he heard that the red dog did not give face to the Warring States so much, he suddenly said that he had not said a word since the beginning of the meeting until now,

“That’s how you can fight a hundred characters one by one, you have killed more than one and a half million people, and I almost died at his hands, and you also suffered defeat in front of him!” Or did you believe what the newspapers say? Mary Joa defended the battle whether we won or not, others don’t know, don’t you still have points in your heart? ”

In fact, Sakaski is only addicted, and it can be seen from his gloomy eyes that he also cares about Pinel, and does not look down on Pinel as he himself said!

He just doesn’t like the way Sengoku speaks! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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