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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 151

Sakaski was stunned by Karp that he couldn’t say a word!

Let’s not say that he can’t beat Karp, even if he does, the red dog can’t do it!

Moreover, he and Karp’s strength are also at the same level, in this world, personal strength is capped, and it is difficult to think of progress after a certain level, so even if there is a gap, the difference will not be too far! It’s not easy to tell the winner or loser in a short time!

And this time is also not the time for infighting, verbal hi hi is also enough, if you really move, the Warring States will also have to go crazy, anyway, how can the red dog, as a naval admiral, not give face to the marshal?

Sengoku saw that the red dog did not reply to Karp, and opened his mouth to give the red dog a step!

“Okay Karp, don’t say any more, the plan is so set, if anyone has a better idea, you can find me alone, smile, you want to get familiar with the environment of Marin Fodo, and then you can play your full strength!” Meeting! ”

After the Warring States finished speaking, he got up and left, he still has the next meeting to start, the Seven Warriors Sea has already arrived at the headquarters of the Navy, and is waiting in the conference room not far away for the Warring States to assign tasks!

Lieutenant General Tsuru also got up without saying a word and followed the Warring States and left, and the others left one after another, and finally only Karp was left sitting alone in the conference room, and did not leave for a long time!

After everyone left, Karp’s expression finally couldn’t hold back, his teeth were clenched, his face was full of pain, and even his body was a little twitching, and the tears in the corners of his eyes were about to stay!

All this did not make any sound, because Karp can’t infect his mood to others, he is a naval hero, the strongest sailor, he is a flag of the navy, so he can’t hesitate, can’t show pain, otherwise it will hit the whole sea ju your momentum!

On the Warring States side, the work was quickly arranged for Qiwu Hai,

The content is very simple, after all, the Warring States will not let these pirates do important work, in fact, everyone knows in their hearts that these Qiwu Seas are also here to act as a façade, these talents will not really fight against Whitebeard, this kind of thankless people, how can these elves do it?

Soon, the last two days passed by,

On the day of the execution, from the morning, the navy was already in the square of Marinfodo, outside the bay, and the people were ready to meet the attack of Whitebeard!

Just after twelve o’clock in the afternoon, the Warring States stood on the execution table, watching Ace being escorted by the navy from a distance, and the heavy sea tower stone chains on his hands made Ace, who was not in a very good state, falter!

At this moment, the entire execution process is being broadcast live, Qi Wuhai is already in place, the three major generals have also sat in their places, and all the warship batteries have been checked over and over again to ensure that they can be used accurately!

Ace was finally taken to the execution table position and knelt!

Sengoku held the megaphone worm and looked at the sea in the distance with a solemn expression!

Until this moment position, the Warring States still had Pinel in mind, and the intelligence of the Navy did not see Pinel’s trace near Dressrosa, according to normal circumstances, Pinel should have gone to Dressrosa at this time yesterday!

If there was a fifty percent chance that Pinel would come back from the previous meeting, now there is at least an eighty percent possibility!

What made the Warring States even more uncomfortable was that after he sent a message to the world government asking for help, the world government did not accept it, but used the excuse of protecting the allied country Dressrosa and refused to increase troops to the navy!

It’s not nice to say, if it weren’t for the fear of Impelton’s loss, the Warring States would have already thought of borrowing troops from Impelton!

Warring States looked at the people already stained in the square in front of the bay of Marin Fodo, but there was no confidence in his heart! Pinel hidden in the dark, like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, may suddenly jump out and bite you to death at any time! Such a sense of crisis is really uncomfortable, the feeling like a crow in the throat, easy to make people mad!

But don’t give up the whole plan because of the danger that hasn’t yet appeared!

“Ace, say your father’s name!”

Ace tilted his head to the other side,

“My daddy is a whitebeard!”

Sengoku glasses glowed as if everything was under control!

“No, we opened our eyes and searched desperately, looking for the remnants of that man, it was your mother, who did everything to conceive you in your belly for twenty months before giving birth to you, and when we gave birth to you, we died of exhaustion on the spot, you are the son of that man, inheriting the most evil bloodline in this world, you can’t not know, One Piece Gor · D. Roger, your biological father! ”

Ace’s face was full of hideousness, of course he knew, he had no reason not to know, but he didn’t want to admit it, not because he was afraid of being targeted by the world, but because he didn’t want to admit that the man who didn’t fulfill any fatherhood responsibilities and let him be branded as guilty after birth was his father!

“No, my daddy only has a white beard!”

Warring States did not have Dali because of impatience, so that the voice became roaring Ace, his expression was normal, and he said lightly,

“When we realized that you were Roger’s remnant, Whitebeard discovered this fact at the same time as us, so he recruited the son of his former rival on board the ship, just to train you to be the next One Piece!”

Ace twisted his body and wanted to make a move against the Sengoku, shaking with the chains that bound him, but in the end it was a fruitless move,

“I came on board to make my daddy a One Piece!”

Sengoku pushed his glasses,

“Only you yourself think so, in fact, if it were not for Whitebeard’s protection, you would have been seized by us a long time ago, but since you have this opportunity, then even if it is a war with Whitebeard, we will strangle you in the cradle!”

Just where Ace still wanted to say something, where the sea and sky intersected, a large group of pirate ships suddenly appeared, 43 in the Celestial Empire, but did not see the figure of Whitebeard!

Immediately after that, everyone did not wait long at all, in the middle of the bay of Malinfodo, bubbling began to bubble, and a coated ship jumped out and stayed on the sea!

At the beginning of the navy, there were exclamations,

“It’s the Moby Dick, Whitebeard has invaded the bay at once! Get ready to fight, get ready to fight! ”

The Warring States standing at the execution table, looking at the sudden appearance of the white beard, the forehead also sweated, the white beard suddenly invaded this position, resulting in the arrangement outside the bay all ineffective, and even if the white beard did not rescue Ace, and the 43 pirate groups outside inside and out, the navy is likely to suffer heavy losses!

“Kura la la-la, Sengoku, we haven’t seen each other for more than ten years! My son, are you okay? “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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