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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 152

Sengoku looked at the white-bearded look of arrogance, and the whole person gritted his teeth,

“Whitebeard, you old immortal fellow, why are you coming!”

Whitebeard plunged the huge childish knife into the boat, clenched his hands into fists, and slammed it hard to the sides of his body!

The atmosphere on both sides was directly shattered, one after another cracks intersected, the sea was shaken and rolled up, and they all retreated to both sides! Although the sea water was shaken and receded for a while, when was the great sea defeated by manpower? Never!

The receding sea water rushed back with more ferocious force, overwhelming tsunami, and there was no edge in sight! A momentum that wanted to drown Mariinfodo was shot at Marinfodo from both sides of Marinfodo!

Under the wrath of nature, human beings are small, and it is difficult for human beings to confront this world!

Of course, this just means that most people, a very small part of this world exists, can be day by day! For example, the whitebeard who just caused the tsunami, such as the green pheasant who jumped up from the execution table and froze all the tsunamis twice, such monsters are all guys who can compete with nature and the world!

Under the terrified expressions of most of the navy, the green pheasant jumped up, flew into the air, raised his hands flat, and two icicles suddenly appeared from his hands, heading straight for the tsunami twice!

“Ice Age!”

The devastating tsunami was directly frozen into an iceberg!

The whole sea has frozen to the ground!

‘Land’ was created directly, and because of the appearance of land, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy went to war directly, the warriors began to border each other, the pirates desperately rushed in the direction of Ace, and the Navy resisted desperately and organized the Whitebeard Pirates to log in!

The entire war except for the entry of Whitebeard out of the Warring States surprise, everything is going in the direction predicted by the Warring States, the old god of the Warring States stands next to Ace, quietly looking at the whitebeard who is also standing on the Moby Dick not far away!

Of course, Whitebeard knows that it is his side that is at a disadvantage, but as the main general, he cannot easily move, and the hole card can never be exposed at the beginning, just like the two kings cannot be the first hand to play cards, unless it is a fool!

The war itself will be cruel, pirates are dying, the navy is also dying, what is a melee? That is, everywhere is people, everywhere is cutting and fighting each other, even if it is difficult for teammates to take care of each other, it is called a melee!

Whitebeard didn’t look back, and Sengoku didn’t look away, staring at Whitebeard was the task he gave himself!

Everyone has found their opponent, and no one sees that Pinel is gradually entering the bay from the bottom of the sea! It’s about to reach directly below the Moby Dick!

Pinel is also on a boat, but this ship is not there, his summons are all simple, single bubbles to wrap themselves, because the number of people is relatively small, it is better to prepare a bubble coral for everyone than to coat the ship!

As for the possibility that bubbles accidentally burst? Then Pinel can’t manage it, this is all fate, although fate is sometimes not fair, but for this matter, it is fair, otherwise, why are other people’s bubbles okay, just yours broke?

As for Pinel, of course he didn’t use bubbles! This familiar feeling of suffocation, Pinel is familiar with, and not annoying! Behaviors such as self-harm are sometimes addictive!

Cenarius came to Pinel and said to Pinel,

“Legion Elder, when are we going up?”

Pinel used a coral that could squeeze out bubbles and put a bubble on his head, because after all, Pinel is not a fish man, and if there is no air, he can’t speak!

“When do you go up?” Hehahaha, of course, it’s time for them to really fight, and when they start to mess up, we go up and suddenly mess them up completely! As long as Whitebeard dies, and the three living navy generals die, this sea will become completely chaotic! ”

Senarius was silent, and Sylvanas was silent, they were just warriors, fighters, not the ones who made the decision, although they did not agree with Pinel’s idea so much, but as long as it was Pinel’s order they would carry it out!

Just when Pinel looked up at the ice above his head with excitement, the bottom of the sea floor from far to near was trembling, this rhythm, this sound, it was obviously footsteps, but the owner of this footstep was a little big!

Immediately after that, the sound of footsteps gradually became a little chaotic from very regular, and finally boomed, there was no sound!

After hearing this movement, Pinel turned his wrist, poked the bubble on his head, and took a deep breath against the sea, yes, it was a deep breath, a large amount of seawater poured into Pinel’s lungs, and the feeling of suffocation and the pain in his chest seemed to explode, making Pinel even more excited! Although he was already about to twitch in pain, the unbridled smile at the corner of Pinel’s mouth was still clearly visible!

Pinel waved his hand at Cenarius and the others, the meaning was clear, this is to prepare for the appearance!

Pinel didn’t look for a hole through the ice, wouldn’t that kind of behavior be too low, since he wanted to make a brilliant appearance, of course, he had to attract the attention of the audience!

Cenarius took out the double guns on his waist, accumulated energy, and after accumulating for three seconds, two pillars of light rushed straight into the ice from the bottom of the sea, and the ice that could act as a land in front of these two attacks of Cenarius, like tofu, did not cause the slightest obstruction, and passed through the ice in an instant and went straight to the sky!

This is not over, Cenarius clenched his guns, and then at the bottom of the sea, he directly turned a 360-degree circle!

Originally, there were only two holes in the ice, and a huge circle was suddenly drawn, and a large piece of ice shattered, and the people standing inside this ‘aperture’, whether navy or pirates, all fell into the sea!

And Pinel and others jumped out from the bottom of the sea by the trend, as for the ship at the bottom of the sea? When did that consumable Pinel care?

For a while, there was a moment of silence in the war, time seemed to stop at this moment, the sound of swords colliding and artillery guns firing was gone, and the sound of swallowing saliva was all brushed!

Of course, what shocked the audience was of course not only Pinel’s sudden appearance, but also the straw hat Luffy and his group who fell from the sky on the other side of the bay!

These two sudden appearances made the navy and pirates in the original battle stop at the same time! Because everyone wants to find out whether this group of people who suddenly appeared is friend or foe! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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