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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 154

“I have drunk very strong wine, and I have let go of hands that should not be let go, and I will never look back, and I will not settle in the future.”

———————————— Beacon Play Princes “Sword in the Snow”

Pinel did not go to war with everyone at once, killing people was not his intention, despair was!

Whitebeard is not continuing to wait, for the people of the Whitebeard Pirates, time is money, rescue Ace a minute earlier, maybe the people of the Whitebeard Pirates may die a lot less! So ah, Whitebeard didn’t care about Pinel at all, of course, this is not to say that he felt that Pinel was not worried, but because Whitebeard was very smart, he knew that Pinel in this environment, will definitely not target the Whitebeard Pirate Group, after all, now it seems that the Whitebeard Pirate Group is relatively weak, since ancient times, the third party has joined a war halfway, it is necessary to help the weak first, fight the stronger, so as to reduce their own losses!

Whitebeard believes that Pinel is a madman, but he does not believe that Pinel is a fool!

“Little ones! Advance on Oz, destroy the navy, and rescue Ace! ”


Everyone cheered in response, and Pinel was also happy, with his hands around his chest and a smile on his face!

Even Pinel is really very cute looking at these white-bearded pirate group people who are desperately trying to rush to the bay, have you ever seen it jump into the fire pit? Haven’t seen it? The people of the Whitebeard Pirates are there!

Pinel had already thought about it, and when all these people landed in the square in front of the execution table, it would be when this war entered its peak! It was also when Pinel started his plan, a plan that excited Pinel and was quite perfect!

The war continues, Pinel is playing soy sauce and wandering around, of course, no matter where Pinel goes, the surrounding hundred meters is out of a vacuum, of course, not everyone deliberately avoided Pinel, but those who did not specifically avoid, there is no need to avoid it in the future, the whole corpse is the last mercy that Cenarius can give them!

Just as the melee continued, Sengoku began to speak to the phone worm in his hand, of course Pinel saw the actions of the Warring States, after all, in the entire battlefield, there are no more than five people who can be paid attention to by Pinel!

“Ha, there is also the back hand, it seems that something interesting is going to happen!”

Sylvanas took the rare initiative to ask Pinel,

“Legion Elder, Sengoku was rated as a wise general, there must be a conspiracy in his actions just now, should we guard against it?”

Listening to Sylvanas’ words, before Pinel could respond, the sea took the lead in giving a response! A violent tremor, coming from the bottom of the sea, froze the entire bay ice shaking violently, as if Whitebeard used his ability!

Whitebeard frowned and waited for the result, not that he shouldn’t, but before he knew what traps the Warring States had laid out, the best means was to respond to all changes with no change, otherwise once guessed, it was good not to move!

Soon, the result appeared, as high as a giant wall, emerged from the bottom of the sea, surrounded the people of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, Whitebeard looked at the metal wall, his brows were wrinkled and serious, catching turtles in the urn, the enemy is tens of meters high, the general means are simply powerless to counterattack, but the navy can attack wantonly from above, very unfavorable!

But it’s not without a chance, the position where Oz fell, just suppressed a wall and did not rise, which is also the only way out for the Whitebeard Pirates!

Without the whitebeard decree, the people of the whitebeard pirate group know what to do, after all, there is no other way to find!

Whitebeard just wanted to order to drive the Moby Dick to the gap, but the big nest spider walked in front of Whitebeard, and the big nest spider that appeared at this time was obviously wrong, but the big enemy was still his beloved son, so he didn’t think much about it!

“Big nest spider, you came well, pass on my order, start the Moby Dick, and march towards Oz…”

Before Whitebeard’s words were finished, he was pierced through his body by a long knife,

The whitebeard’s face was full of disbelief, he could not have imagined that his dear son would stab him at this time!

Seeing this scene, Pinel did not show any happy expression because Whitebeard was his enemy, but his face became a little gloomy! The body trembled slightly,

Seeing this scene, Sylvanas, who had just finished talking to Pinel, took two steps back quietly!

Pinel involuntarily took a few steps in the direction of Whitebeard, glared, and roared with some anger,

“What are you kidding, Whitebeard, you’re my approved opponent, so easily injured? Are you humiliating me? Want to prove to me that I’m wrong? If that’s all you do, there’s no need for the Whitebeard Pirates to exist anymore! You can leave this world and quit this stage! Edward Newgate, answer me, are you already old? ”

Blood oozed from the corner of Whitebeard’s mouth, did not care about Pinel’s roar, but asked questions about the big nest spider, and after two or three sentences, the matter was clear, the admiral red dog made things happen, deceived the big nest spider, and let the big nest spider think that Whitebeard was Ace and betrayed these sons of them!

Pinel also calmed down after this time when Whitebeard was talking to the spider in the big nest, and then turned around and wanted to walk inside the bay, expressionless!

“Cenarius, Sylvanas, let’s go, go face the navy, the Whitebeard Pirates are no longer worthy of being called opponents, they are no longer threatening!”

Pinel’s voice was not small, because of Whitebeard’s injury, so the scene was very quiet, and Pinel’s words also spread far away!

Hearing Pinel’s words, the corners of Sengoku’s mouth twitched slightly,

It’s good to have Whitebeard hurt, but it’s a very bad thing to have Pinel target the Navy!

And the Warring States are very clear that this plan he formulated must not allow any enemy to attack the bay, otherwise this encirclement wall will have no effect at all!

“Block them, never let anyone near the execution table, as long as you keep them out, we win!” _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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