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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 155

Pinel is really a little angry! The original good mood is gone!

And Pinel is not the kind of person who can endure, and it is Piner’s rule to do things, if you punch me, I will kill you! If you slap me in the mouth, I will kill you, in short, if you can die!

Pinel led the crowd to the bay, of course, Pinel didn’t have to take the road of Oz’s body, his subordinates were summoned at the level of lieutenant generals, and the encirclement wall of tens of meters could not stop Pinel and others, and the only difficulty in action was only Pinel!

Of course, this is not too much of a problem, after all, Jinping can say that Luffy throws it in, there is no reason why Pinel can’t get in, even if Pinel’s summons don’t have Jinping’s strength, but two or three together, it will always be possible!

The situation on the battlefield changed rapidly, and soon, Whitebeard and the others, with the help of Oz’s last vitality, entered the Bay Square and landed!

And Pinel easily climbed over the encirclement wall and stood on the stage he had been preparing for many years!

After stepping on the land, Pinel was in a slightly better mood, and he could bring some fake smiles to the corners of his mouth!

Just as Pinel entered the bay square in Malinfodo, he immediately saw that the red dog punched a hole in Whitebeard’s chest! The fake smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly disappeared, licked his lips, took out a detonator-like thing from his waist, and shouted loudly,

“Enough, stop your game for a while, I’m going to play a game with you!”

Warring States, standing on the execution table, gritting his teeth,

“Who do you think you are? Why do you say play and play? In this environment, I don’t agree to play your so-called deadly game with you, what can you do? ”

Pinel stretched out a finger and clicked Sengoku twice in the air, his head tilted slightly,

“Marshal of the Warring States, my game is something no one can refuse! First of all, let me tell you that ninety percent of the area of this square has been sold by my people with high explosives, which is enough to blow up this square to the sky, yes, like the golden lion fluttering fruit ability, blow up the entire square to the sky! Hush…! Don’t interrupt me, let me finish! I return to you that you don’t believe it, so I will destroy my useless pawns and let you confirm that what I say is true, I am so sincere! ”

Hearing Pinel’s words, Sengoku suddenly seemed to think of something, and immediately shouted with some horror,

“Stop, don’t move…!”

‘Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom’

Before the Warring States finished shouting, seven huge voices had already come out from various places on the battlefield, directly engulfing the Warring States’ shouts.

The navy and the white-bearded pirate group of people were in a group, and seven wolf smokes rushed into the sky, mixed with firelight, and instantly swallowed hundreds of lives!

This is an inevitable result, after all, now this square can be described as people next to people, people crowded, the navy alone has more than 50,000 people, and the white-bearded pirate group has fewer people, but it will not be less than 20,000! Sixty thousand people huddled together, seven explosions took a hundred lives, this is already because the strength of those present is not weak, if sixty thousand civilians stand together, let alone five hundred dead and wounded.

Pinel put his hand to his ear and made a close sound,

“Marshal of the Warring States, what did you just say? I didn’t hear clearly, can you repeat it? ”

What else can Sengoku say? Pinel has done it all!

“Bastard, you fucking bastard, why don’t you die!”

Pinel didn’t pay any attention to the curse of the Warring States, smiled and rubbed his face with his hand,

“Hehe How can you expect me to die? Do you feel that there are more naval personnel and want to reduce the salary burden a little? Otherwise, you still want me to die knowing that as long as I release the detonator with this hand, it will directly cause an explosion? Among all of you here, I am the least deserving of death, because if I die, there will be many people who will be buried! ”

Sengoku ripped off the cloak behind his back, and the angry was still on the ground,

“Bastard, what the hell are you trying to do, you say it bluntly!”

People are swordsmen and I am fish meat, and the Warring States can’t help but think about Pinel’s problem, after all, he is not a red dog, and even if he is a red dog, in the face of the problem that will cause tens of thousands of naval casualties, he has to think carefully!

Whitebeard didn’t stop at all, it had entered the white heat, Whitebeard knew what was the situation of his body, after being hit by a punch by a red dog, Whitebeard knew very well that he would definitely not survive, and the question now was how long he could hold out! And before he dies, Whitebeard must rescue Ace, otherwise today’s sacrifice will all be in vain, so at this moment, for Whitebeard, the most important thing is, time!

Pinel deliberately looked at Whitebeard, but when he thought that Whitebeard would actually be attacked by his son just now, Pinelton lost the idea of waiting for Whitebeard,

“The game is very simple, twenty minutes to see if Whitebeard rescues Ace first, or Whitebeard falls to the ground first! During these twenty minutes, the people of the Navy are not allowed to kill Ace, and if you can’t, you will have to suffer the consequences of my unhappiness!” Believe me, the consequences will be serious! ”

Of course, Pinel is fair, how could Pinel let something unfair happen?

“You know, I’m a fair person, how could I do something so unfair? Therefore, after the Navy obeys the rules of the game, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates are not allowed to go to the execution table for this twenty minutes, and there are restrictions on each other, which is a relatively fair game! Hope you guys have fun! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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