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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 156

No one wants to go according to Pinel’s ideas, although it is natural for the Navy to fight pirates, but if it is because of the threat of Pinel, it will be very uncomfortable, as if Pinel led by the nose!

The boss of the Warring States eyes widened, and his lips were about to be bitten and bleeding from his teeth!

“Damn bastards, the Navy is not a plaything in your hands, don’t think we’ll give in! You want to play with this world, and in the end you will find that you are only a pawn in this world, insignificant! You can’t change anything! ”

Pinel raised his head slightly, his face full of disdain,

“How do you know if you don’t try? Anyway, now I said, my game, what is the price of not participating in your heart, you have the right to choose, as long as you don’t care about the lives of these navies, I think with your strength should not die in the explosion! ”

Pinel’s words, there is no room for rebuttal, and the Warring States also know in their hearts that they cannot refute him at this time, and the more they refute him, the more Pinel’s victory will expand! So the best solution at this time is to ignore him, anyway, as far as the current situation is concerned, Pinel should still not participate in this dispute, this is enough, this is the result that the Warring States want to see, as for the detonator in Pinel’s hands, more than 90% of the land that Pinel said was buried with explosives, which the Warring States do not believe a toe!

It’s not that the Warring States don’t believe Pinel’s words, but because where is it? Here is the headquarters of the Navy, want to bury explosives all over the square of the headquarters of the Navy? This is simply impossible, there may be one or two blind people, but everyone can’t be blind! Such a big project can not be completed in a day or two, and no one has found it for many years? It is not that there is no probability of this possibility, but this probability will not exceed one percent, which is completely negligible!

“Navy soldiers, don’t care about Heath Piner’s words, our biggest enemy now is Whitebeard, wipe out the Whitebeard Pirates, and change the world to a blue sky!” It’s all for justice! ”

“For justice! Roar! “*N

Morale is not so easy to restore, but the naval soldiers are not fools either, of course they know, when and how, and now at this time, want to back down? No kidding, neither Whitebeard nor the Navy has left a way back! This is a battle that is either you die or I live, unless Ace is rescued alive and Whitebeard dies, otherwise this battle will fight to the last soldier!

Pinel showed a funny expression, and after the navy finished shouting collectively, he also shouted again!

“For justice! Roar! In other words, who is justice? ”

That look of not caring made all the navies grit their teeth, but looking at the detonator in Pinel’s hand, there was nothing they could do!

Whitebeard forced back the red dog in a circle, and his face was not very good-looking, but he didn’t know whether to thank Pinel now, after all, Pinel bought him the time he needed the most now, but Pinel wanted the people of the Navy to kill him, although Whitebeard really didn’t think about leaving alive this trip. Listening to Pinel’s words, his heart was still a little awkward!

However, Whitebeard doesn’t have time to go at this time, and the navy in front of him that keeps rushing up like ants is enough for Whitebeard to be busy, and the red dog doesn’t necessarily come out of nowhere to sneak up! After all, Whitebeard is already a person in his seventies, and the side effect of the ability to shock the fruit, his body is already in a state of decaying wood!

At this time, after receiving a large nest of spiders, he received a punch from the red dog, and still did not fall to the ground, all whitebeard with his breath to support it, this is Whitebeard Zhi amazing, otherwise it is estimated that even if it is not dead, it will not move!

Whitebeard danced the pheasant in his hand with the tiger and tiger wind, with the ability to shake the fruit, and swung it out at the navy in front of him,

“If you want Lao Tzu’s head, if you can do it, come and try it, Ku la la la, little ones, go all out to cover Straw Hat Luffy and rescue Ace!”

Pinel did not have any strange expressions, for Pinel, the game is a game, the rules of the game must be followed by anyone, even if it is himself, since the rules have been set, then Pinel will definitely not take the initiative to attack anyone within twenty minutes!

What’s more, all this is going according to Pinel’s plan! What else does Pinel have to complain about?

Soon, everything went as Pinel thought, and Karp wouldn’t watch Ace die, so he faced Luffy’s fist, and Karp hit it with his own face!

Then because of Karp’s sudden change, Sengoku froze, but then also immediately started, but because Luffy is the grandson of his good friend and brother Karp, Sengoku did not use his full strength, at least Pinel thinks so, otherwise a half-crippled Luffy who stood up by playing stimulants twice in a row can block a blow from Sengoku? Don’t use what rubber can buffer such words to deceive people, use domineering, what rubber is not rubber, a palm shock wave to shoot down, rubber also has to be shot into plasticine!

In short, the scene is played by the Warring States to fight a blow, Straw Hat Luffy desperately resists, and then the candle man Mr. 3, with the ability to create a key, the time and place are favorable, the fire fist Ace successfully escaped!

Just in Portcas, no, Gore D. Ace fell from the execution table, and the moment he landed, Pinel ignored everything and began to applaud, focusing everyone’s attention on himself!


“Good, good, very good, good couldn’t be better! This game is Whitebeard wins, so I want to reward Whitebeard for winning the game! This is the small action that my people are doing serious things and doing, and I appreciate it! ”

Pinel winked at Cenarius,

Cenarius immediately understood, and then took out a detonator from his arms and pressed it down without hesitation!

Not far behind the square under the doubtful eyes of the Warring States and everyone, Malinfodo, a town on the island for the relatives of naval soldiers, sent out a mushroom cloud that rushed into the sky!

The devil knows how many explosives were buried here with those rear admiral-level summons that were dismantled in the navy, in short, it was spectacular!

Sengoku was the fastest reacter in the navy, and he had not yet recovered the golden state of the Great Buddha, and he jumped up and jumped in the direction of Pinel!

“Bastard to death, Shockwave!”

Pinel casually threw the detonator in his hand, and then opened his arms and embraced the upcoming attack, with a sickly smile on his face!

Cenarius and the others, who had been on guard, quickly dispersed, and a few vertical jumps jumped out of the attack range of the Warring States, and two or three seconds after the town was bombed into the sky, the Warring States once again stirred up a puff of smoke!

As blood oozed from the corner of the Sengoku’s mouth, Pinel was slapped into the ground! _

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Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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