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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 102

“It’s very smart, Lucario, who can’t beat me, beat me first, and all the incidents here are caused by my arrival. After defeating me, everything will be fine.”

“On this mountain, other elves can’t enter. It is indeed the best place to defeat me. I really have a heart.”

Luo Yi said with a smile, he didn’t feel scared because he became a target, he still had a calm expression on his face, as if everything was under his control.

However, Luo Yi was still able to stand there calmly, but the two girls at the foot of the mountain and Luo Yi’s elves were a little panicked.

In particular, when there was another loud noise in front of Luo Yi, and the fluctuation of the confrontation blew Luo Yi’s hair, both Xiaoyao and Shirona let out an exclamation.

However, the old Lucario let out an unpleasant laugh on the side.

Although Lucario was very strong, every time he blocked the guardian’s attack, he could knock the opponent out, but the two guardians ignored their injuries and attacked in turn, getting closer and closer to Luo Yi.

This is simply a suicide beheading operation!

From the first ten meters, ten meters, to five meters, three meters, the situation is already close!

Even Lucario during the battle sent an anxious message to Luo Yi.

Feeling the strong wind blowing towards his face, Luo Yi smiled lightly and said:

“Clever, but that’s about it.”

After that, Luo Yi stretched his hand into his arms and took out a small straight knife.

A… black small straight knife.


On the mountain road, Luo Yi looked at the small black straight knife in his hand and felt a little emotional.

This small straight knife is only the length of one hand. It is very simple and wide with one finger. The blade and scabbard are made of unknown black metal. There is no blocking hand. It looked very suitable for surgery, but it was a little weird.

Seems to be more suitable for… deciphering.

“I thought I would never use this knife in the battle of elves in my life.” Luo Yi said with emotion.

At this time, one meter in front of Luo Yi’s right, Lucario once again smashed the defender who came to attack, and the strong fluctuations blew the stones under Luo Yi’s feet flying around, but Luo Yi stood there straight, majestic. Do not move.

At the foot of the mountain, there were the exclamations of Hirona and Haruka, as well as the roars of elves such as Bangira Pikachu.

And the ugly and smug laughter of old Lucario.

“It’s over.” Luo Yi said softly, his eyes sharpened in an instant.


Luo Yi’s left hand clenched his fist and slammed open, a white cyclone appeared instantly, and then expanded into a blue light in an instant, covering the entire [-] to [-] meters area around Luo Yi.

The ability of the fruit of surgery was used by Luo Yi in a battle for the first time!

After the blue light appeared, Luo Yi’s eyes instantly locked in a position, his right hand was like electricity, and the black knife in his hand pointed straight ahead.

A few meters in front of Luo Yi, in the direction pointed by the black knife, a guardian appeared instantly.

The black knife in Luo Yi’s hand pointed at the center of its eyebrows!

The guardian’s heart was alarmed for a moment, and he dared not move again.

Cold sweat instantly wets the guardian’s hair.


On the other side, Lucario violently smashed another guardian to the ground, causing seven or eight cracks to erupt on the mountain road.

The guardian who was smashed to the ground has lost consciousness.

The elves and the two girls at the foot of the mountain were all stunned when they saw this sudden scene.

Luo Yi actually reversed the situation in an instant and defeated the two guardians.

Luo Yi turned around and looked at the old Lucario whose laughter stopped abruptly at the foot of the mountain, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

“Just because of you, you want to decapitate me? Garbage!”

At the foot of the mountain, the old Lucario turned pale.

Luo Yi ignored it, put away the black knife in his hand, nodded to Shirona and the others, and prepared to continue climbing.

… … … … … …

At this moment, Luo Yicai felt that his head was aching, but he just forcibly used the ability of the surgical fruit to attack, overdrawing his mental power.

“In the future, the ability of the fruit of surgery should be used sparingly in battles. This feeling is too bad!”

Luo Yi pinched his temples, raised his head, and met the eyes of the last guardian.

The last guardian, standing on the edge of the mountain, looked down at Luo Yi and his Lucario, his eyes were full of fighting intent!

“A pair of eyes eager to fight! Lucario, let’s move forward!”

After all, Luo Yi took Lucario along the mountain road to the top of the mountain.

After Luo Yi walked away, the guardian who had just been pointed by Luo Yi with a black knife between his eyebrows sat on the ground with a puff.

In its eyes, it is full of fear…


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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