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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 110

Dare to touch me Luo Yi’s things, let you know what horror is! !


North of Wudou Town.

The regions where the Devon Group branches are located.

It was noon at this time, when everyone was taking a nap, but the northern part of Wudou Town was already in chaos. With the Dewen Group as the center, there were elves fighting everywhere. .

The building of the Devon Group has been damaged, but the research institute under the building has not been invaded yet.

Outside the building, ordinary people have already fled without a trace, and looking around, countless elves are divided into two forces and are fighting!

Iron-footed Rhinoceros, Heluga, Great Wolfhound, Kedora, Fire-breathing Camel…

The force that stormed the Devon Group was the Lava Team!

In the ancient ruins, the branch of the Lava team was pushed by Shirona overnight, and it was directly out of the game without really participating in it.

But today, the Lava Team did their best, and all kinds of elves followed one after another, getting a steady stream of replenishment, pushing the guards of the Devon Group to a dead end.

You must know that Dewen Group, as the largest seller of elf supplies in the Fengyuan area, has an absolutely strong guard force, but today it cannot resist the steady stream of attacks.

The elves representing the Devon Group have retreated to a place very close to the Devon Group Building. If they retreat, they will be attacked by the Rockets into the building!

At that time, the underground research base will also be missed, countless precious research results will be snatched away, and even the Groudon Stone Carvings that Luo Yi cares about will disappear.

In the dark, the three team captains of Team Rocket showed a smug smile.

“Dewen Group is just like that,” said one of them.

“That’s right, it’s not that we are losing ground under our attack!”

“This time the stone carvings of Groudon must be ours! Hahaha” a woman with a shrill voice said with a smile, as if she had seen a successful scene.

“The credit made this time is enough for us to not work for a few years!”


Several people chatted happily, it seems that breaking the branch of Dewen Group is already a matter of grasping.

Behind the three, a tall black shadow loomed, and no elves dared to approach the shadow’s surroundings…

In the camp of the Devon Group, Yun Dun was also there, commanding his elves to fight hard.

It’s just that his elf has been bruised all over, but he still insists on fighting.

Yun Dun knew that if he couldn’t hold it this time, the loss of Dewen Group would be too great.

Ancient stone carvings with information on Groudon! !The value is simply immeasurable!

Not only Yun Dun, but almost all the researchers in the Dewen Group’s camp came to the front line, released their own Pokémon, and fought against the enemy.

They all have a belief in their hearts, and they must not let the other side take away the ancient stone carvings!

However, under the strong attack of the Lava team, their resistance was insignificant. These researchers were not good at fighting, and at this time, many elves had already lost their combat effectiveness.

On the Lava team’s side, seeing that the overall situation was settled, the three team leaders appeared in the darkness and shouted to the people of the Devon Group:

“Hand over the ancient stone carvings! We will retreat immediately!” one of them shouted.

Their goal is the ancient stone carvings. As long as the ancient stone carvings are obtained, other things don’t matter at all.

“Fart! We don’t have any ancient stone carvings at all!” Someone from the Dewen Group responded, beating him to death and refusing to admit that he had ancient stone carvings on his side.

“Hahaha, your mouth is tough! But I want to see what kind of expressions you have after the stone carvings are taken away!” Lava Team said.

“You dream and want to break us, you are still far from it!”

“Hmph, the big talk is very loud. Today is Zvoch Hibiscus, and it is impossible to hold it!” A team captain of the Rockets said arrogantly.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, there were bursts of rumbling sounds from the horizon.

The sound came suddenly and became louder, and it quickly attracted people’s attention.

People looked up to the sky and quickly found the source of the sound.

However, after finding the source of the sound, whether it was from Team Rocket or from the Devon Group, they all stared at the sky in the distance, stunned.

Only Yun Dun, looking at the behemoth in the sky flying towards here, burst into tears instantly.

What flew in the air was the super ancient Tyrannosaurus that was captured by Luo Yi in the ancient ruins, the size of the hill is 103!

At this time, the tyrannical carp dragon regained its hill-like stature, and moved forward rapidly in the air, making a roaring sound. Its body was more than [-] meters long, and it really looked like a giant dragon.

On the head of the carp dragon, Luo Yi was standing there!

Boom boom boom boom boom!The sound of air blasting became louder and louder. After people discovered the figure of the Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon came to the top of Wudou Town in just a few seconds.

brush!The mountain-like Tyrannosaurus was parked above Wudou Town. The huge figure covered the sun, and almost the entire battlefield was covered by the shadow of the Tyrannosaurus.

Now, whether it is the lava team or the researchers of the Dewen group, they all stare at the huge figure in the air with a bewildered expression.

what is this! ?Tyrannosaurus! ?There are tyrannosaurs the size of a hill in this world! ! ? ?

Just when people didn’t react, Luo Yi’s voice had already reached the field.

“You guys dare to grab the things that Luo Yi agreed to!?”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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