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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 111

As soon as these words were said, the position became clear immediately, and the faces of the lava team changed wildly. I don’t know how many people’s clothes were wetted by cold sweat in an instant.

In particular, they saw that an orange-colored light began to appear in the mouth of the mountain-sized Tyrannosaurus.

That’s… Destruction of Death Light! !

This will be a record of destruction and death in the annals of history! !

Chapter 96 Luo Yi’s Identity!

Under the stunned gaze of the Lava Team, the ancient tyrannical carp dragon like a hill began to brew and destroy the death light!

Above Wudou Town, a huge figure like a hill, with a dazzling orange light blooming from its mouth, is frantically condensing and destroying the death light.

Near the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, the air made a crackling sound, and it was the violent energy condensed in its mouth that distorted the air.

In Wudou Town, whether it was the two sides who had just fought near the Dewen Group or the other residents, they all stared at the huge figure in the sky in stunned eyes.

They are all dumbfounded!

They had heard of and even seen the Tyrannosaurus, but they never imagined that there was such a Tyrannosaurus the size of a hill.

At this moment, I don’t know how many people are going to doubt life.

In particular, this tyrannical carp dragon is now facing Wudou Town with a terrifying destruction light, and it is about to be bombarded.

It’s still possible to do this! ! ?

At this time, not only the lava team wanted to cry, but the ordinary residents of Wudou Town were going to call Luo Yi’s father.

With this destruction of death, I am afraid that the entire Wudou Town will be destroyed in half!

In the martial arts gym in the distance, Fujiki rushed out and opened his eyes wide as he looked at the huge figure in the sky.

Because he saw a familiar figure!

It was Luo Yi standing on the faucet!

“It’s Luo Yi! Is this his mutant carp dragon!! It’s really terrifying!”

Fujiki’s heart trembled again and again. He also felt a pity that he didn’t fight Luo Yi’s tyrannical carp dragon, but now it seems that it is a happy thing.

In front of this tyrannical carp dragon, that trainer can win! ?

At the same time, some reporters in Wudou Town were frantically taking pictures of the sky despite the danger.

Absolutely big news! !

At this time, not only the residents of the Lava Team and Wudou Town were frightened, but also the people from the Dewen Group, their faces were pale, even if the attack did not fall on them, but at such a close distance, I am afraid that the aftermath alone is enough. The Devon Building was overturned.

Feeling the increasing energy in the mouth of the tyrannical carp dragon under his feet, Luo Yi stomped helplessly, stepped on the tyrannical carp dragon, and said, “I want you to teach them a lesson, do you want to destroy the entire martial arts town!”

Hearing Luo Yi’s words, the tyrannical carp dragon wagged its tail and obediently stopped to continue accumulating energy.

But even so, the energy in the Tyrannosaurus’s mouth is terrifying enough!

Soon, the eyes of the tyrannical carp dragon locked on the three team leaders of the lava team.

The three team captains saw the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon’s eyeballs turn, and locked their position accurately, and the hairs on their bodies exploded in an instant!

Behind the three, a tall Boss Cordola trembled, turned into a red light in an instant, and ran back into the Poké Ball.

Although this Boss Cordora is not as powerful as the super ancient Boss Cordora that Luo Yi had conquered before, it is also a powerful elf, with the strength of a heavenly king, and is the biggest reliance of the Lava team on this trip.

But now, being stared at by the tyrannical carp dragon, it ran back into the pokeball in an instant, and was directly scared to death!

Luo Yi looked at the people in the lava team, snorted coldly, and said, “Let’s go!”

Boom boom boom boom boom!

An orange beam of light instantly shot out from the mouth of the ancient carp dragon and bombed directly to the vicinity of the three team leaders of the lava team!

After the light hit the ground, it immediately caused a big explosion. Moreover, this beam of light did not disappear with a single blow, but maintained the shape of a beam of light, sweeping frantically at the main gathering place of the lava team!

Wherever the Death Light goes, violent explosions will occur!

This ancient tyrannical carp dragon, with its divine beast-level ability, continuously destroys the death light, as if it has played the destruction of the death light to a new level.

Luo Yi stood on the head of the tyrannical carp dragon and raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene. The attack of the tyrannical carp dragon could cause huge damage to the Lava team, but it would not destroy Wudou Town, which was exactly what Luo Yi wanted. .

At this time, on the ground, many houses were directly destroyed by the aftermath in the area next to the bombardment by the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, and the entire battlefield exploded, sending rocks flying.

The people from the Devon Group next to them fell to the ground in panic, for fear of being affected by the rocks and aftermath.

At the same time, they felt that the earth was shaking violently, and the huge explosion almost destroyed their ears.

The aftermath was so terrifying, and the center of the explosion was even more unbearable.

Half a minute later, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon stopped the shooting that destroyed the death light with satisfaction, and let out a roar of pride.

On the ground, the area where the Lava Team was located was shrouded in smoke and dust. The entire ground sank to a depth of several meters. There were seriously injured and fainted elves everywhere. As for the three team leaders of the Lava Team, they had no idea where they were blasted.

The crisis of the Devon Group is lifted!

Hearing the explosion stopped, the talents of the Dewen Group raised their heads from the ground.

As far as the eye can see, except for the vicinity of the Dewen Building, it is relatively complete, and the vicinity is already a mess.

“It’s terrifying!” The head of the underground research institute of the Dewen Group’s martial arts branch stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and the shock in his heart has not receded.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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