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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 118

Electric Orbs can be said to be the exclusive boosting props for Pikachu elves. If there is Pikachu who carries Electric Orbs when laying eggs, the new elf will be stronger than ordinary ones.

The most important thing is that the electric ball can also strengthen the attack power of Pikachu, so the electric ball is something that some trainers must get.

Of course, Luo Yi didn’t look for the electric beads. After eating the Thunder Fruit for Pikachu, he has surpassed all the electric spirits in the world, and even some props lost their effect on Pikachu.

“Pikachu, come here and take a look at this electric ball.” Luo Yi shouted.

Pikachu immediately ran over and looked at Luo Yi curiously.

Luo Yi handed the electric ball in his hand to Pikachu’s hand. Pikachu was a little puzzled at first, and felt the electric ball carefully, and then handed the electric ball back to Luo Yi with a foolish look on his face.

“Sure enough, this kind of prop has lost its effect on you.”

Luo Yi sighed lightly, and after eating the Thunder Fruit, Pikachu’s own lightning rules may have surpassed 830 of these electrical items, so these items have no effect on Pikachu.

However, just when Luo Yi was about to put away the electric ball, Pikachu suddenly jumped up and snatched the electric ball from Luo Yi’s hand.

“What?” Luo Yi was stunned, not knowing what Pikachu wanted to do.


I saw Pikachu whispered to Luo Yi, and then held the electric ball between his hands, and a lot of electric light appeared on the surface of his body.

Under the control of Pikachu, these electric lights continuously poured into the electric ball in his hand, and soon, the electric ball that was originally yellow turned blue.

Luo Yi stared at Pikachu with wide eyes, shocked in his heart.

Pikachu, is actually transforming this electric ball!

At this time, the electric beads have completely turned blue, but Pikachu has not stopped moving, with a happy expression on his little face, and seems to be enjoying the process of this transformation.

A large amount of lightning power was instilled into the electric ball by Pikachu, and the entire electric ball had turned blue-purple.

Moreover, in the small electric ball, purple thunder and lightning light up constantly, and you can feel the terrifying energy in it just by holding it in your hand, which is completely different from before.

Brand new electric beads!

This ordinary electric ball has been transformed by Pikachu. I don’t know what strange changes have occurred. The current effect needs Luo Yi to find an opportunity to experiment.

“Pikachu~” Pikachu exclaimed proudly, very fulfilled.

The shock in Luo Yi’s heart subsided a little, but Zhichong Xiong next to him was still stunned.

This Pikachu, who had been chasing him with nowhere to run, once again refreshed his knowledge of Pikachu.

Is this still possible?

Even if the electric beads are of no use to you, you have transformed the electric beads! ?

Straight to the bear looking at Pikachu strangely, a little doubt that the one in front of him is a fake Pikachu.

Luo Yi put away the electric ball, looked straight at Xiong and patted its head with a smile, and said, “Don’t panic, there may be many more things like this, you just get used to it when you are ignorant. already.”

Sandstorm Bangira, the ancient tyrannosaurus the size of a hill, and the super-ancient Boss Cordora, I don’t know how I would feel when I saw these elves.

Putting away the electric beads, Luo Yi continued to search in the pile of Zhichongxiong’s treasures. Luo Yi had discovered that most of the “treasures” of Zhichongxiong were things that Zhichongxiong liked, and some were not for Luo Yi. what value.

In addition to the electric bead, Luo Yi discovered a mysterious water bead and a hard rock.

These are all props that can add bonuses to Pokémon. Mysterious water droplets can enhance the attack power of water-type elves, and hard rocks can strengthen the attack power of rock-type elves.

Luo Yi gave them to Suicune and Bangira respectively, so that they could play the role of props.

After that, Luo Yi packed up the rest and said to Zhichong Xiong, “In the future, you can use your ability to find things at will, don’t let go of any feeling.”

After hearing Luo Yi’s words, he directly waved at Luo Yi and ran towards the woods.

After running two steps, he turned back to signal Luo Yi to follow quickly, with a hint of urgency on his face.

Luo Yi raised his eyebrows, such a treasure hunter, I am afraid that he has long been aware of what good things are in this forest.

“Xiaoyao, Shirona, come with me!”

Luo Yi followed straight to the bear and greeted Xiaoyao and Shirona together. The destination of the straight to the bear was unknown. If it was too far, Luo Yi did not want to be separated from the two girls.

Soon, Luo Yi and Xiaoyao Xirona, led by Zhichong Xiong, came to a lake in the forest.

The area of ​​the lake is very large, which is extremely rare in the forest. There are many peaceful elves playing by the water. Seeing the arrival of Luo Yi and the others, some panicked and fled into the woods to hide. Some were really not afraid of strangers. Instead, he looked at them curiously.

“I didn’t expect that there is such a beautiful lake in this forest.” Luo Yi and the others sighed.

At this time, their route has shifted a bit and entered the depths of the forest, but Luo Yi didn’t care at all. Judging from the performance of the straight bear, there is probably a very valuable hidden near this lake. s things.

At this moment, straight to Xiong stood up, his little finger pointed at the lake, and squeaked at Luo Yi.

“You mean that thing is in the lake!?” Luo Yi asked with a move in his heart.

Nodding straight to the bear, he jumped up and down in a hurry, but he didn’t take a step forward.

Luo Yi looked at the straight bear, and its performance was a little unusual. Luo Yi’s heart moved, and he was about to move forward for a while, then turned his head and glanced at Shirona.

The experienced Shirona also looked a little weird at this time. Obviously, like Luo Yi, she realized that something was wrong.

What the hell is the bear afraid of!

Obviously, Zhichong Xiong has long known that there is a very precious thing hidden here, but he has not been able to keep it in his hands. Obviously, there is a powerful elf near this lake, who regards this as his own territory and is not allowed to directly Punch the bear to take things from the bottom of the lake.

Looking straight at the bear, I am afraid that I have already suffered a loss here.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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