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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 12

At this time, Dr. Bai Bo was facing Luo Yi with his back to him. With his hands behind his back, there was a faint feeling that strangers should not approach him.

“Do you want to use this attitude to make me afraid… Haha.” Luo Yi thought, no matter what, Lucario is his own.

Hearing the sound of Luo Yi entering the door, Dr. Bai Bo turned around, only to see the man’s gloomy face and bad eyes. If it was another eight-year-old child, he might have been scared to cry all of a sudden.

But of course Luo Yi would not be so unbearable. Facing the furious Doctor Bai Bo, Luo Yi smiled.

“Lucario is an important part of the White Glass Laboratory…”

While talking, Dr. Bai Bo glanced at Luo Yi with his eyes, and saw Luo Yi’s appearance clearly. Dr. Bai Bo’s voice stopped abruptly, and it got stuck in his throat, and he couldn’t say a word.

Also, his eyes bulged out.

“Young Master Dewen Group!?”

“Why are you here!?”

Chapter 12 Dr. Bai Bo’s Contempt

“You are… the young master of the Dewen Group!?”

Dr. Bai Bo stared blankly at the child in front of him, his eyes bulging out.

He originally thought he was a student from an ordinary family. After all, those who went to the Elf School and would also come to his own research institute to select the initial elves were basically children from ordinary families, but he did not expect that he would still be the young master of the Dewen Group.

The young master of the Dewen Group, although Dr. Bai Bo has no real contact with him, but after all, the Dewen Group also sponsored the Baibo Research Institute, so Dr. Bai Bo also deliberately knew about the Dewen Group, so he knew the second young master of the Dewen Group. Luo Yi’s appearance.

Luo Yinun pursed his lips, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands at him. Although he didn’t admit it out loud, his attitude already showed his answer.

The expression on Dr. Bai Bo’s face changed and changed again and again, many years flashed in his heart in an instant, and finally he smiled embarrassingly:

“This… You can conquer Lucario at a young age, as expected of the young master of the Dewen Group!”

He patted Luo Yi flatteringly, Dr. Bai Bo’s expression had returned to normal, and he could not see anything at all, and then said: “In this case, Xiaozhu, go get Lucario’s Poke Ball and his favorite food. come over.”

Hearing what Dr. Bai Bo said, Xiaozhu couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, looking at Dr. Bai Bo at a loss.

Didn’t Dr. Bai Bo scolded himself just now, saying that Dr. Bai Bo personally came forward to mediate, and told the student that it was just an accident to bring Lucario back?

“What are you still doing, go!” Dr. Bai Bo said.

With Dr. Bai Bo’s urging, the female researcher recovered and hurriedly went to get Lucario’s Poké Ball.

At this time, Luo Yi knew very well that the reason for Dr. Bai Bo’s attitude change was precisely because of his status as the young master of the Dewen Group.

But since Bai Bo’s lab was so knowledgeable, Luo Yi didn’t bother to bother with them. He still wanted to go back to the classroom and let the little fat man kneel down and call his grandfather.

After a while, the female researcher brought Lucario’s Poke Ball and some food that Lucario liked and handed it to Dr. Bai Bo.

Dr. Bai Bo solemnly handed Lucario’s Poke Ball to Luo Yi, and symbolically said some words of encouragement to Luo Yi, and Luo Yi was able to leave.

But looking at the Poke Ball in his hand, Luo Yi just put it in his pocket. Where does he need the Baibo Research Institute for this kind of thing, he just asks the system for how much he wants.

After Luo Yi left, the laboratory became quiet.

“Doctor, didn’t you say that you came forward in person and told him that it was an accident and that Lucario couldn’t go with him?”

After Luo Yi, who took the Lucario Poké Ball, left, assistant Xiaozhu asked in a puzzled way.

“He is the second young master of the Dewen Group.” Dr. Bai Bo shook his head and frowned.

“Ah? Really or not?! No way, why is the second young master of Dewen Company in an ordinary elf school? Isn’t it usually a noble elf school?” The assistant said in disbelief.

“Hmph, as the president of the big group, his father supports the entire Dewen group with one hand. Can you guess the behavior of such a person?”

“Oh yes, Doctor, if I remember correctly, the league champion Dawu is also the young master of Dewen Company.”

“Well, Dawu is his brother, yes, do you still remember that Lucario was provided to us by Dawu? Now it is not inappropriate to treat his younger brother as a starting elf.”

After listening to Dr. Bai Bo’s words, the assistant suddenly realized, but he seemed to have thought of something.

“Doctor, I remember when Dawu handed Lucario to us, didn’t he say that this Lucario was once exiled by the tribe. He was powerful but arrogant. Even he couldn’t control it? Wouldn’t it be okay to give it to his brother now? Will something happen?”

“He’s just a kid.”

“Hmph, why do you need to worry? Lucario has already recognized him. What are you worrying about? Hurry up and check the elves if you have the time, and don’t make any mistakes!”

“Okay! Don’t mention this again! If you hadn’t neglected your duty and let Lucario go, how could such a thing have happened!” Dr. Bai Bo said irritably.

Dr. Bai Bo and the others didn’t know that Lucario, who was exiled by the ethnic group, actually felt Luo Yi’s waveguide, and came to Luo Yi himself to identify himself as his master!

If they found out, they would be shocked and call it impossible.

You know, Lucario is famous for being super strong in the research institute, and his personality is even more famous for being withdrawn.

Even the league champion Daigo admitted that he couldn’t control Lucario. How could they believe that a rookie elf trainer could get Lucario’s initiative to surrender.

At this time, although Dr. Bai Bo did not stop him, his heart was still full of unwillingness. What a cherished elf Lucario is, he just ran away with a child!

He didn’t believe that Lucario could play any value with Luo Yi at all.

No matter how prominent his family background is, he is just a young boy, how can he become a real Pokémon trainer!

“It’s a pity that such a rare Lucario has become a child’s toy! It’s a pity!”

Dr. Bai Bo sighed, his tone full of regret, but what he didn’t know was that he would soon cry and shout with a bunch of Pokémon Doctors, begging Luo Yi to let them take a look at Pikachu that can be elementalized…

Elementary school student Luo Yi, the road to smash the entire Pokémon world, officially set sail!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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