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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 120

boom! !

The water cannon failed and bombarded the woods, breaking many trees.

However, Luo Yi and Sui Jun didn’t pay attention to the landing spot of the water cannon, but looked up at the air. When Charem took a strange pose, his figure disappeared instantly, avoiding the attack of the water cannon.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared in the sky.

“It’s a yoga pose! Charem’s aerial movement skills!” Luo Yi shouted.

Yoga posture is precisely the use of mind power by the elves to achieve free movement in the air. In the battle, whether it is attacking or defensive evasion, it is a very practical trick.

However, like Charem in front of him, Luo Yi was able to use the number of yoga words so well that he couldn’t even see the movement process. This was the first time Luo Yi saw him.

The power of this Charem’s power of thought is far beyond Luo Yi’s imagination.

At this time, Charem, who was already in the air, had not released the frozen fist in his hand. Even Luo Yi, who was a little farther away, could feel the icy aura.


Charem moved like the wind, descending from top to bottom in the air, clenching his fists, and headed straight for Suicune.

“Suijun! Ride the wind!”

Luo Yi ordered the exit, and Sui Jun had already taken advantage of the wind and left there.

You must know that Suicune is the incarnation of the North Wind, and can move with the wind, which is easier and faster than Charem’s movement.

boom! !The Frozen Fist failed, hit the ground, and a thick block of ice burst out, freezing a large piece of the ground.

As soon as Charem missed the hit, he turned around in an instant, and behind it, Suicune’s mouth was ready to attack again.

Aurora Beam!

Just as Charem turned around, the polar beam had blurted out and shot in front of Charem.

This wave of polar beams is different from the previous water cannons. As the battle progresses, the water lord becomes more and more brave, and the terrifying power contained in the body is gradually recovering. This wave of polar beams is not only more powerful, but the brewing time has become Shorter and faster in the air.

Charem couldn’t dodge this violent blow with yoga poses anymore!

call! !

At this critical moment, a white light flashed in front of Charem, and he actually resisted this wave of polar beams!

“Mind power!!” Luo Yi exclaimed.

At this time, Charem held up his hands forward, and white light radiated from his palms.

At this moment, the polar beam was only one centimeter away from Charem’s forehead!

On Charem’s forehead, a layer of fine sweat instantly appeared, and he was obviously afraid for a while…

In just the second confrontation, Suicune has almost gained the upper hand!

Luo can see clearly that the current Charem is in a state of shock, which is a good opportunity to pursue the victory, and command: “Suijun, use the destruction to die!”

Hearing this, Sui Jun immediately burst out with a shining orange light, which is exactly the way to destroy the death light.

What a fast agglomeration speed!

Luo Yi secretly marveled inwardly. He had already discovered that although the current Shuijun was small, he really became more and more brave in battle, and the terrifying power contained in his body was slowly being controlled by it.


From Suicune’s mouth, an orange beam of light appeared, heading straight for Charem.

At this time, Charem has not recovered from the horror just now, and the death light of destruction is about to attack!


Charem didn’t care about anything else, he shouted, his mind power broke out again, and he strongly resisted the destruction of the death light!

Blue veins exposed!Charem has done his best!

“No! It’s not just resisting! It’s rebounding!!” Luo Yi’s eyes narrowed and he noticed something was wrong.

Charem, who went all out, was more than simply blocking the blow!

It is trying to use its psychic power to bounce back Sui Jun’s destructive death light!

And it has made a little progress, destroying the death light is slowly moving away from Charem under its powerful mind power!

If it is successfully controlled to destroy the dead light, the results may be completely reversed.

What a Charem, who wants to turn the tide against the wind! !

At this time, a spectacle appeared by the lake.

Between the two elves, there is an orange beam of light, one end is Suicune, who is working hard, and the other end is Charem, who is going all out, using his mind power to control the destruction of the dead light!

Between the two elves in 5.3, the plants on the ground were quickly burned to ashes, and the air was distorted by the high temperature. Now, whoever can’t resist, will be instantly killed by one move!

Not far away, Xiaoyao nervously grabbed Luo Yi’s hand and asked worriedly, “What should I do! Luo Yi, will Xiao Shuijun lose?”

Luo Yi stared at the field and said with certainty, “Impossible, the plate of the divine beast cannot be turned over by him with just Charem.”

“Even if it is stronger than the average Charem!”

Xiaoyao was still worried and said, “Luo Yi, help Shuijun!”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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