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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 122

In an instant, this group of wind blades rushed in front of Charem, and in its terrified eyes, bombarded it fiercely.

Charem endured this move sturdily, and he couldn’t hold it for even half a second, and was instantly knocked out.

When he reappeared, Charem was already [-] meters away and completely lost consciousness!

This is the battle process Luo Yi saw, the powerful Charem, under the attack of Suicune’s move, knelt down in seconds!


Seeing the scene in front of them clearly, Xiaoyao and Shirona didn’t know what to say.

Since Xiao Shuijun followed Luo Yi, it was the first time he had officially fought against the elves. The moment he made a move, it was so terrifying, it was beyond their imagination.

Luo Yi breathed a sigh of relief, with excitement in his eyes.

This is the performance of the divine beast Suijun!

After the victory, Suijun shook his head proudly, without looking at Charem again, he let out a soft cry and jumped into the lake.

It still remembered the task Luo Yi gave it to bring up the things in the lake.

Soon, Suicune jumped up from the lake, dragging something wrapped in water plants.

Luo Yi and Xiaoyao Xirona have recovered from the shock, and the two girls quickly accepted the strength shown by Sui Jun. Although Xiao Sui Jun has not grown up, he is a divine beast after all, and the power in his body is inestimable.

The three of them ran to the lake, Suijun put the thing dragged from the lake at Luo Yi’s feet, and then rubbed his head on Luo Yi’s leg intimately, as if asking for praise and touching his head, and he looked very cute.

At this moment, Suijun, who was facing Luo Yi, was like a cute little elf, how could he still look strong and arrogant just now.

Luo Yi smiled, the tiger touched Xiao Shuijun twice, Xiaoyao looked at it, and hugged Suijun in his arms.

Xiao Shuijun was also very obedient, and seemed to enjoy being held by others, with a pleasant expression on his face.

Luo Yi then focused his attention on the thing Sui Jun dragged out of the lake, squatted down, and opened the water plants wrapped around it.

Chapter 104 Elf Egg!Ibrahimovic! ?

Luo Yi squatted down and looked at the thing that was dragged up from the lake on the ground.

As soon as Luo grabbed the water plants, he cut them all off with three or two blows, exposing the contents.

A fairy egg.

Luo felt a little surprised for a while. The thing he found straight at the bear turned out to be an elf egg!

The eggshell of this elf egg was brown, and it was a small one. Luo Yi quickly touched the surface of the eggshell, but found that it wasn’t that cold to the touch, and it didn’t look like the one just salvaged from the lake.

Looking at this color, Luo Yi’s head flashed a lot of elves whose initial color was brown, but he still couldn’t confirm what elves were in this elf egg.

Seeing Luo Yi pull out an elf egg from the water plants, Xiaoyao and Shirona next to him became interested.

“Hey, it turned out to be an elf egg!” Xiaoyao was surprised.

However, Shirona frowned, looking at the elf egg with a familiar feeling.

Brown… In Shirona’s heart, the shadow of an elf suddenly flashed.

In Xiaoyao’s arms, Xiao Shuijun seemed to have known that it was an elf egg for a long time, and there was no surprise on his face, but Luo Yi put Pikachu on his shoulder, jumped to the ground, and put his face on the elf egg.


Soon, Pikachu raised his head and let out a cheer, as if he felt the elf in the elf egg.

Luo Yi held the egg in his hand, guessing the possibility of this elf egg, and thinking about how to hatch it. Sirona, who was beside him, lost the thoughtful expression on her face and turned into a sudden realization.

Shirona said: “Luo Yi, if you guessed correctly…”

Luo Yi and Xiaoyao were both stunned and turned to look at Shirona. Neither of them thought that Shirona, who came from the Shenao area, would know this elf egg.

“This may be Ibrahimovic’s elf egg.”

As the words came out, Luo suddenly raised his eyebrows.


The incomparably precious elves have eight possibilities for evolution!

Luo Yi instantly remembered the memory of Ibrahimovic in his mind. In the animation of the previous life, Ibrahimovic had appeared in many areas, but Hoenn had never seen Ibrahimovic appear.

And in the comics of the previous life, Shirona also had an ice Eevee.

To understand this, Luo Yi is no longer surprised that Shirona can recognize this elf egg. Shirona must know the most about Ibrahimovic among the three.

And looking at the color of the elf egg, it is indeed very similar to Ibrahimovic in the initial state.

The only thing that seems a little unusual is why this Ibrahimovic egg appeared in Hoenn.

However, Luo Yi couldn’t control so much anymore. The value of an elves like Ibrahimovic definitely surpassed that of ordinary elves.

It can be said that this time, the straight bear took Luo Yi to find Ibrahimovic’s elf egg, which has greatly exceeded Luo Yi’s expectations!

At this time, Luo Yi was already thinking about the evolution direction of Ibrahimovic and what kind of Devil Fruit it would be suitable for.

“Sister Shirona, what kind of elf is Ibrahimovic?” Xiaoyao asked in surprise.

She is very unfamiliar with elves like Ibrahimovic. After all, Xiaoyao has no experience with Luo Yi and Shirona, and there is no Ibrahimovic in the Hoenn area. She can’t know about elves like Ibrahimovic.

“Ibrahimovic…it’s cute!” Shirona thought for a while and came to a conclusion.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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