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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 124

Standing at the door of the Dewen Group branch building, Xiaoyao looked up at the Yunyun floor and said enviously.

Luo Yi smiled and said, “Yeah, the power system in Zijin City is very developed, so this is a relatively important branch, so it looks more imposing than the branch in Wudou Town.”

Unlike Xiaoyao’s exclamation, Shirona was already mentally prepared. When she first came to the Hoenn area, she knew that there was a giant in this area, and there were branches in various towns, so now 11 is in the slightest. Not surprised.

“Okay, Xiaoyao, there’s nothing outside, what’s really amazing is still inside.” As soon as Luo said, he led two girls into the Dewen Group building.

When they first entered the building, the three of them entered a spacious and stylish hall. The design was not known by which master. The simplicity is heavy, and the occasional touches reveal a little extravagance, which makes many people stunned.

As soon as the three of them entered the hall, a sweet-looking young lady greeted them with great enthusiasm: “Hello, may I help you?”

Luo Yi looked at the good-looking young lady in front of him, dressed in the clothes of the Dewen Group, decent and well-behaved, with a touch of grace in her gestures and grace.

Only Dewen Group has the money to hire such a temperamental receptionist. Luo Yi muttered in his heart, with a smile on his face, and said:

“Miss, we want to use the elf egg catalytic device here. I don’t know what kind of process we need to go through?”

Luo Yi stated his purpose, but did not reveal his identity for the time being. If this matter can be done with just a little money, then Luo Yi doesn’t need to make a big move.

Moreover, spending money here is not called spending money at all. Everything here is the property of the Luo family.

The most important thing is that every appearance of a black card will be recorded and reported to Zivqi Hibiscus. Luo Yi didn’t want to reveal his whereabouts as soon as he arrived in Zijin City.

Hearing Luo Yi’s request, Miss Sister was a little surprised. The Dewen Group’s elf egg incubator has just been put into operation. All I can know are some people with identities. .

“No problem, please come with me, the elf egg incubator is on the top floor.” The young lady said enthusiastically.

Soon, Luo Yi and the others were led by Miss Sister. The central elevator, through the elevator, they could quickly reach the top floor, and the elevator was transparent on all sides and had sightseeing functions. During the ascent, Luo Yi could see to other floors.

In just a few dozen seconds of the elevator ascending, Luo Yi read almost all the business matters on all floors of the building, including the elf item store, the free exchange market, the daily necessities store, and various publicity and business activities. The highlights and highlights can be seen from the elevator. Even Luo Yi was a little excited when he saw it.

Smart Marketing!

Luo Yi sighed in his heart, and became more and more convinced of his cheap dad. As a rich second generation on earth in his previous life, Luo Yi certainly had a certain understanding of some marketing things. Now it seems that Zvqi definitely said that A talented businessman.

Of course, when you are close to the top floor, you can’t see the surrounding situation in the elevator. This is already a floor dedicated to research, and it is impossible to observe it.

Soon, Luo Yi and the others were taken to the house where the elf egg incubator was located. As soon as they entered, Luo Yi saw a huge machine, which was the elf egg incubator.

Luo Yi had already completed the formalities, and after being approved by the staff, he took out Ibrahimovic’s elf egg.

“En?” The staff members were stunned when they saw the elf egg that Luo Yi took out.

Although some elf eggs have never been seen before, the colors of some elf eggs are very similar, but as researchers, of course, they can tell the difference. The color of this elf egg is not the same as the few elves they are familiar with.

“What a strange elf egg, kid, do you know what kind of elf it belongs to?” a staff member asked curiously.

“Haha, it should be an elf called Ibrahimovic.” Luo Yi replied with a smile, not hiding anything from them.

Luo Yi was not surprised that these few staff could not recognize Ibrahimovic elf eggs. Ibrahimovic had never appeared in the Hoenn area, and in other areas, Ibrahimovic was also a very rare elves.

“Ibrahimovic?” Several staff members looked at each other, feeling very unfamiliar.

At the same time, strong interest erupted in their eyes, and they all surrounded Luo Yi, all eyes on the elf egg in Luo Yi’s hands, and they couldn’t wait to see what the elf egg would look like after it hatched.

As researchers, their love for elves is beyond the imagination of many people.

Without waiting for Luo Yi’s urging, they quickly made some registrations and put the elf egg into the instrument.

“Fortunately, this elf egg is mature enough, and it is very likely that it will hatch this time.” A staff member said excitedly.

Luo Yi blinked and asked, “I wonder how long it will take to hatch?”

“One or two hours fast, ten hours if it’s slow, and even some elf eggs will not hatch before they are mature.”

Luo nodded. A few hours was not too long. It just so happened that he wanted to take Xiaoyao and Shirona around the building. After seeing the excitement on other floors, they were all tempted.

As for the elf egg, Luo Yi knew when he saw the enthusiastic gazes of several researchers, there would never be a problem, and these few staff members would definitely treat this never-before-seen elf egg as a treasure.

I am afraid that he will treat this elf egg more carefully than Luo Yi.

“This is my contact information. When there is a crack in the elf eggshell, be sure to call me.”

Several researchers agreed repeatedly, showing great respect for Luo Yi who brought the brand new elf egg, and promised to notify Luo Yi as soon as possible.

After that, Luo Yi took Xiaoyao and Shirona into the elevator, and the target was the floor for the free exchange market.

In this world, the free exchange market is mainly based on the exchange of elves or the props needed by elves. In this exchange market, not only can you see all kinds of elves, but you can also get a lot of news, which is definitely worth visiting.

Xiaoyao and Shirona are very excited. Shopping is something girls like, not to mention it is related to elves, which makes them very interested.

Soon, the three of them came to the free exchange market. There was a lively market in front of them. There was a lot of people. Luo Yi saw a lot of Pokémon in just a glance.


However, this lively scene made Luo Xiaoyao and Shirona even more excited.

“The scale is really not small, I hope this time I can get something good.”

Then, Luo Yi said to the system in his mind:

“System, let me explore all the elves on this floor!”

Chapter 106 Shirona’s Kiss

When he came to the free market floor in the Devon Building, Luo Yi looked at the various elves in front of him and said to the system:

“System, let me explore all the elves that can be seen!”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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