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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 125

Luo Yi’s purpose is very simple. Under such circumstances, it is to find the most potential and characteristic spirits.

“Okay, host, please bring as many elves into sight as possible, so as to detect elves!” The system quickly fed back the information to Luo Yi, and Luo Yi took Xiaoyao and Shirona to the exchange market. turned up.

During the rotation, as long as the elves that Luo Yi sees, they all get the detection results of the system within one second. For a time, Luo Yi’s eyes are full of virtual screens, recording the data and characteristics of each elves. .

Luo Yi swept over the detection results of each elf, and the results were all very ordinary elfs.

“It’s really not that easy to pick up leaks on Taobao in the market.”

After reading a part, Luo was a little disappointed for a while. Most of the elves here are in their initial form, and some have evolved once. Luo Yi has never seen elves that have evolved twice.

However, Xiaoyao and Shirona beside Luo Yi were 473 full of interest and kept looking around.

Suddenly, Xiaoyao didn’t know what he saw, and pulled Luo Yi and Shirona to a booth.

“Wow, sure enough!” Xiaoyao looked at the elf excitedly, very curious.

The owner of that booth had a small sure-footed in his arms.

This little one is really cute. The two big ears are almost the same height as the body, covering the sides of the body. The little black tail is hidden under the body, and there is a blue protrusion on the head, which looks very cute. .

Seeing Xiao Guen, Luo Yi couldn’t help sighing, Xiao Guen’s appearance is much higher than Guen Weng, I really don’t know how Guen Weng evolved.

At this moment, Xiaoyao saw Xiaozheng in the other’s arms, and his eyes were shining.

After seeing Charem with super power attributes, Xiaoyao became very interested in super power spirits. At this time, when he saw the cute little sure enough, he was instantly attracted.

Sure enough, the owner of Weng was also a young boy, and he looked relatively young. Seeing Xiaoyao’s appearance, his eyes lit up and he said, “Hello, do you want to exchange this one of mine?”

His eyes were full of anticipation. He didn’t really like an elves like Weng, who were very passive in battle.

Therefore, he will only be here today, and he wants to try it out to see if he can exchange Guaren Weng for a satisfactory elf.

Hearing his words, Xiaoyao nodded subconsciously, but suddenly remembered that he has only one hunting swallowtail so far, and there is no elf that can be exchanged.

Suddenly, a hesitant look appeared on Xiaoyao’s face, she must be reluctant to give it to others to hunt swallowtail butterflies.

Seeing Xiaoyao’s expression, Luo Yi instantly understood the entanglement in Xiaoyao’s heart and couldn’t help but smile.

If Xiaoyao really likes this little girl, Luo Yi doesn’t mind helping her.

Luo Yi has already seen the detection result of this little surety, the capture rate is very low, and the aptitude is very good among the small surety.

“If you want this little surety, you can exchange it with some spirits that can actively attack.”

Xiao Guen’s owner also noticed Xiao Yao’s expression, and added: “Any elf who can take the initiative to attack can do it!”

Hearing this, Xiaoyao was still struggling, but Luo Yi spoke up.

“Aggressive… Is the small fist stone okay?”

In Luo Yi’s backpack at this time, there happened to be a small fist stone, which was conquered in the forest before entering Zijin City.

Considering the comprehensiveness of the matter, Yi Luo had already conquered some ordinary elves, ready to use them in exchange for something in the trading market.

Although the money in Luo Yi’s hands is not clear at all, some stall owners only want some elves, and now Luo Yi’s preparations really come in handy.

“Yes, yes!” After hearing that Luo Yi had a small fist stone, Xiao Guen’s owner immediately lit up his eyes and nodded sharply.

In his opinion, Xiaoquan Stone, an elves with rock and ground attributes, can attack in a variety of ways, which is really good.

Soon, Luo Yi completed the exchange with him, and the small fist stone that he randomly collected was exchanged for Xiaoyao’s favorite Xiaozheng. Luo Yi helped Xiaoyao get Xiaozheng without any expense.

“Thank you! Luo Yi!” After Xiaoyao got Xiaozheng, she jumped up happily and couldn’t help kissing Luo Yi’s face.

But after the kiss, Xiaoyao seemed to have reacted to something, her face turned red all of a sudden, and she ran to another place embarrassedly holding Xiaozheng.

Being suddenly attacked by Xiaoyao, Luo Yi was stunned and couldn’t help touching the place where he was kissed just now.

Xiaoyao’s lips are soft and cool, a little moist, and when Xiaoyao is close to him, the unique aroma on his body is intoxicating.

For a time, Luo Yi fell into a reverie.

But soon, Luo Yi remembered that Shirona was still standing beside him.

Luo Yi turned his head, but saw Shirona looking at him strangely, with a smile in her eyes and a hint of inexplicable emotion.

“Do you like it?” Shirona asked with a smile, her face flushed slightly.

“Uh…” Luo Yi was embarrassed, and suddenly didn’t know how to answer.

But the next second, Luo Yi opened his eyes wide and stood there.

Because, Shirona leaned down and gently tapped Luo Yi’s mouth with her own lips.

Luo Yi’s heart beat twice.

But before Luo could react, the good feeling left his mouth, but after Shirona kissed lightly, she blushed and turned and ran away.

Only Luo Yi was left standing there, recalling the two kisses just now.

Not far from Luo Yi, the boy who exchanged the Poke Ball with him just now stared at Luo Yi in a stunned manner, his chin was about to drop to the ground.

He witnessed the whole process of Luo Yi being kissed by two girls, and there was only one thought in his mind at this time.

Winner in life! !

Chapter 107 Shake the Fruit!Luo Yi’s bold plan!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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