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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 126

The branch building of Dewen Group in Zijin City.

On the floor of the free market, Luo Yi was walking alone, Xiaoyao and Shirona were holding hands with each other, and on the other side of the market, they were picking things they liked. The two girls seemed to be in a very good mood.

Luo Yi did not go with them, but used the detection skills of the system to find the elves that could be seen.

Luo Yi already has quite a few elves. Two of them have eaten Devil Fruits, Pikachu, which belongs to the electric attribute. The desert tyrant, Bangira, not only has its own rock and ground attributes, but also has the characteristics of the sand attribute.

In addition to these two, Luo Yi also has the divine beast Suijun, which is of the water attribute; Lucario, who can evolve mega, is of the fighting type and the steel type; , which are super powers and fairy attributes; there are also the ancient tyrannical carp dragons captured in ancient ruins, which have water attributes and flying attributes; the super ancient Boscordora captured in the Stone Caves, which have rigid and rock attributes.

In Luo Yi’s hand, there is also a shaking fruit. Luo Yi is still hesitating about the ownership of this fruit. If it is not a very powerful Pokémon, it is impossible to exert the power of shaking fruit.

Ask for leave king?Four-handed monster?

No, if you give them the Zhenzhen fruit, I am afraid that you will not be able to exert the powerful ability of this fruit and destroy this fruit.

Luo Yi has always had a crazy idea in his heart about Zhen Zhen Fruit, but even if he is as strong as him, he is not sure of success.

That is the mythical beast Groudon, the elf who created the Hoenn Continent.

With Groudon’s strength, even in the divine beast system, it would be at the forefront. Luo Yi did not dare to underestimate its combat power at all.

“I still have to expand my team. I don’t know if I can find a suitable elf here.”

Luo Yi has already visited more than half of this free market, and all he sees are some very ordinary elves. It is very rare to know that spiritual elves like Bangira and Pikachu are very rare.

Although the ability of the devil fruit is powerful, high-quality elves are required to develop the fruit’s ability to the extreme. The elves’ comprehension and fighting consciousness are indispensable.

Just when Luo Yi thought that he was going to return empty-handed again this time, the conversations of several people next to him reached Luo Yi’s ears.

“In the ring competition downstairs, there is an elf who has won more than [-] games in a row. It’s too strong!”

“Yeah, the Dewen Group has really cultivated an incredible elf this time, and they defeated my friend’s elf without any command!”

“It’s been a long time since a elf that has won more than [-] games in a row! I don’t know how much this elf will sell for.”

The conversation was intermittent, and the voice was not very loud. It was just a few people chatting, but Luo Yi sensitively captured the key information.

The wizard who has won more than [-] games in a row!

Luo Yi walked over directly, smiled and greeted a few people, and wanted to ask what they said just now. Those people were also very enthusiastic and wanted to share the exciting news with others, and had a good chat with Luo Yi. fiery.

A few minutes later, Luo Yi left the group with a strange smile on his face and excitement in his eyes.

According to what those people said, there is a ring competition on the next floor, which was set up by Dewen Group in order to sell the elves it cultivated at a high price.

The arena competition welcomes challenges from trainers from all walks of life. As long as you can defeat the elves of the Dewen Group, you will get a rich reward.

And for those who lose, there is no punishment, and the right should show the strength of the defending elves.

In this way, in ten consecutive days, an elf will play ten games, and the more victories in these hundred games, the stronger the elf is.

When a elf’s [-]-game arena is over, it’s time for all the trainers to bid for the elf.

A powerful elf will be robbed by people, but in the end only the highest bidder can get it.

Dewen Group has sold a lot of elves at sky-high prices by virtue of the ring competition. All of these elves are elves that have won more than [-] games and are very powerful.

And now the elf in the arena downstairs has won [-] games in a row in the past nine days. If it continues to win today, it will be big news for the entire Zijin City.

Ever since the Dewen Group set up the ring competition, no elves have been able to win [-] games in a row like it is now.

At this time, Luo Yi’s heart was full of heat, and he couldn’t wait to see the elf.

Luo Yi quickly found Xiaoyao and Shirona, and led them downstairs under the surprised eyes of the two…


In an office on the top floor of this building.

The person in charge of the Zijin City branch of the Dewen Group, Jia Yue, was furious.

“Who asked you guys to put that elf in the ring competition!?”

Jia Yue patted the table and angrily reprimanded several trainers standing in front of him, so shocked that the equipment on the desk jumped up.

In front of him, several trainers wearing Dewen Group clothes lowered their heads and dared not say a word.

They did make a huge mistake, placing the seed elves that should have been cultivated by the Dewen Group in the ring by mistake.

This elf deserves to be the chosen seed elf. It was a mess, and it has won more than [-] games in a row. No matter what the results are today, it has already broken the record of the Dewen Group.

Jia Yue, who got the news, was so heartbroken that she couldn’t breathe. It took them several years to find a near-perfect elf, but they were put into the ring by a few people in front of them!

Once today’s ring match is over, it’s time for people to bid for this elf, and that’s when Dewen Group loses this elf.

Now this elf has won more than [-] games in a row, and has attracted the attention of many powerful trainers. It is impossible to withdraw, and it is impossible to fool these people casually.

At this time, one of the several trainers who made mistakes in the office gathered up his courage and whispered:

“Minister…let’s just buy it ourselves 2.8…”

Hearing this, Jia Yue slammed the table and said loudly: “Nonsense, don’t I know! The oolong you made this time, the tax you paid alone is enough for your annual salary!!”

“Don’t go soon!”

A few trainers shuddered, and crawled out of Jia Yue’s office. They knew that Jia Yue was right. They wanted to pretend to be buyers and buy an elves who have won more than [-] games in a row. Astronomical numbers.



Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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