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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 132

However, he was immediately stared at by Shirona and Xiaoyao.

“Girls are very lonely sleeping alone! Two people in a room just have a company!” Xiaoyao explained.

Luo Yigu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, hit the snake with the stick, and immediately said: “I can also accompany you, we three share a room!!”

Hearing Luo Yi’s words, Xiaoyao’s face flushed red, and he murmured that he didn’t know what to say.

On the other hand, Xirona, her face was slightly red, her eyes were full of smiles, but she hooked her fingers towards Luo, a full-fledged royal sister fan.

Luo Yi was surprised, such a good Shirona dared to tease herself.

However, Luo Yi smiled lightly and rubbed his fingers lightly on his lips, as if reminiscing about that kiss during the day.

Seeing Luo Yi’s actions, Shirona’s face turned red, and she dragged Xiaoyao to flee.

“Fight me, you two are far from each other.” Luo Yi smiled, and his mood suddenly became more comfortable.

After that, Luo Yi came to his room instead of teasing the two girls.

Tonight, Luo Yi has another very important task.

After everything was arranged, Luo turned over and a brand new Devil Fruit appeared in his hand.

Fifth Devil Fruit! !

Burn the fruit! !

With human-type elves – flame chicken! !

Chapter 112 Burn the fruit!Challenge Gym!

On Luo Yi’s hand, a brand new devil fruit appeared. The devil fruit was covered with flame-like spiral patterns, and the whole body was orange-yellow.

It is the burning fruit!

Luo Yi looked at the burning fruit in his hand and couldn’t help but fall into memory.

In the comics of the previous life, the burning fruit ability of the nature department corresponds to the flame. The person who takes the burning fruit can control it and turn it into a flame. Even in the devil fruit, it is a relatively powerful ability.

Moreover, this fruit in the previous life belonged to a person who made people feel embarrassed, Ace, who made a great name in the sea, and let Luo Yi see the powerful potential of this fruit.

After a while, Luo Yi jumped out of his memory, put the burnt fruit on the table, and summoned Suijun.

After Xiaoshuijun appeared, he called Luo Yi affectionately twice, and immediately noticed the burning fruit on the table.

Xiaoshuijun is already very familiar with the Devil Fruit. It has the ability to break the curse of Devil Fruit, and has helped Luo Yi solve this big problem more than once.

“Okay, Sui Jun, it’s still the same, this devil fruit is handed over to you.” Luo Yi patted Sui Jun on the head and said.

Without saying a word, Xiaoshuijun jumped on the table and ran to the vicinity of the Devil Fruit. The jewel-like decoration on his head radiated blue light, covering the burning fruit.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi smiled, turned to the bar on the other side of the room, and picked out a bottle of low-degree fruit wine.

The room Luo Yi was in was the most luxurious hotel in Zijin City with the best service. There was also a bar with a variety of alcoholic beverages in the room.

After taking the fruit wine, Xiao Suijun also completed the purification of the burning fruit, and the size of the burning fruit became smaller, and the flame-like spiral pattern on it became denser.

“Good job.” Luo Yi boasted with a smile, then poured two glasses of fruit wine.

One of the cups was prepared for Shui Jun, and Luo Yi accidentally discovered that Xiao Shui Jun was actually very interested in alcohol.

Xiao Shuijun, who completed the task, immediately drank happily after seeing the fruit wine, his eyes narrowed.

Luo Yi smiled and ignored Xiao Shuijun, and threw another Poke Ball.

The red light flashed, and the flaming chicken appeared in the room.

At this time, the flame chicken has been completely healed. Looking at Luo Yi, the flame chicken’s eyes are still a little complicated.

The man in front of him is already his master!

This person who threw an elf at random and didn’t recognize his parents, would actually recognize his own strength?

At this time, the flaming chicken has accepted the fact that Luo Yi has become his master, but he is still a little uneasy. When it was in Luo Yi’s backpack, it felt that the few Poke Balls around him were existences that he could not provoke.

In other words, it is simply the existence of the lowest strength here in Luo Yi.

Of course, the newly born Ibrahimovic cannot be counted among them. The magic of Ibrahimovic lies in his unstable genes and completely unpredictable evolutionary direction.

Soon, the flaming chicken noticed Xiao Suijun who was tasting the fruit wine, and his eyes suddenly froze.

The young elf in front of him gave it a feeling of wanting to stay away unconsciously!

The mythical beast Suijun naturally suppressed the fire-type flaming chicken.

When Luo Yi saw the eyes and appearance of the flaming chicken, he immediately understood the situation, and smiled and took Su Jun into the Poké Ball. Before Su Jun disappeared, he made a face at the flaming chicken, which made the flaming chicken slightly stunned.

“Okay, Flaming Chicken, don’t be so wronged, they are all good elves, don’t be afraid, you will get along very well in the future.” Luo Yi said with a smile.

Hearing Luo Yi’s words, the flaming chicken was silent. From the powerful elder brother of the Dewen Group to the weakest elf around Luo Yi, this transformation of status and environment made it a little difficult to adapt for a while.

“Let’s stop talking about that, let’s take a look at this!” Luo Yi stopped talking nonsense, he believed that the flaming chicken would get along well with the other elves, it just took a little time.

While speaking, Luo Yi picked up the purified burning fruit from the table and handed it to the flame chicken.

The flame chicken only noticed now that this strange little fruit, staring at the burning fruit, the flame chicken’s eyes are straight.

It feels an extreme attraction from above!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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