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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 135

Just as these two words were uttered, the fist of the flaming chicken was bombarded strongly.

At the same time, the flames on the Flaming Chicken gathered violently on his arms, and slammed towards Raichu in front of him!

boom! !

The fist of the flaming chicken slammed into Raichu fiercely!

In this boxing, the flames erupted instantly. Yang Yan was originally a move to resist or attack with flames. At this time, after the brewing of the flame chicken, the power was even greater, and the flames drowned the place where the two elves were in an instant!


Tie Xuan shouted with anxiety in his voice. At the same time, he was blown back two steps by the blast of flames, his eyes were full of worry.

At this time, on the battlefield, the fiery air waves were surging towards the surroundings, and even Luo Yi couldn’t help but retreat to the edge of the ring.

But unlike Tie Xuan, Luo Yi’s eyes were not anxious, but calm.

Because, the outcome is already divided!

At this time, on the periphery of the battlefield, in the auditorium, Xiaoyao and Shirona also covered their mouths and looked at the scene in surprise.

Is this the result of Luo Yi and Flaming Chicken’s training overnight?


On the battlefield, the raging fire that enveloped Flaming Chicken and Raichu gradually diminished and returned to Flaming Chicken, revealing the situation on the field.

The flaming chicken, standing there intact.

In front of the flaming chicken was Raichu, whose body was charred and his eyes dizzy.

In this game, the flaming chicken wins! !

Seeing the flames subside, Tie Xuan hurried over and picked up Raichu on the ground.

After confirming that Raichu was in no serious condition and just fainted, Tie Xuan put Raichu into the Poké Ball, stood up and looked at the flaming chicken and Luo Yi with a complicated expression.

“I admit that I underestimated you, you flaming chicken, you are very strong.” Tie Xuan said.

Luo Yi smiled and said nothing.

Luo Yi knew that Tie Xuan, an older generation trainer, did not need his comfort.

Sure enough, after just a few seconds, Tie Xuan recovered from the failure just now and looked at the flaming chicken with radiant eyes.

Luo suddenly sweated profusely, obviously Tie Xuan’s interest had shifted from his Lucario to the Flaming Chicken.

“You flame chicken is also very unusual, my next elf is not so easy to deal with!”

Tie Xuan said nothing and returned to the opposite side of the station excitedly, like he couldn’t wait for the second game.

“This is my strongest elf. If your flaming chicken wins, I will give you the badge.” Tie Xuan said.

Luo Yi said with a smile: “Okay, Mr. Tie Xuan, my flaming chicken, there are still many brand-new skills that are useless, be careful.”

Hearing this, not only was Tie Xuan not afraid, but the blood all over his body was on fire!

Fighting against powerful elves has always been Tie Xuan’s passion!

“Okay! Come out, Thunder Beast!”

As Tie Xuan shouted, a red light flashed, and a blue figure appeared on the battlefield.

Thunder beast!

With a huge body, a wolf-like body, four feet on the ground, sharp teeth, and very violent eyes, it is obvious that this thunder and lightning beast is not so good-tempered.

Luo Yi looked at the thunder and lightning beast in front of him, his pupils shrank!

Because on the neck of the Thunder Beast, Luo Yi saw something like a collar, with a gem inlaid in the middle of the collar!

It is the mega stone!

The Mega Stone of the Thunder Beast! !

Luo Yi’s eyes suddenly became solemn, Tie Xuan smiled, took out a chain from his pocket, and hung it around his neck. The chain was hanging from a piece of Yueshi!

In the stands, Xirona’s face also became strange, and she obviously saw the scene where Tie Xuan took out the Yueshi.

… … … … … …

“It’s lively now.” Xi Luo muttered.

At this time, on the battlefield, Tie Xuan regained his high-spirited look.

“Children, you have to be careful! My Thunder Beast has a bad temper.” Tie Xuan said.

As Tie Xuan spoke, the Thunder Beast showed sharp teeth and glared at the Flaming Chicken, his eyes full of rage.

The flaming chicken didn’t respond. With the arrogance of the flaming chicken, it was too lazy to do such a boring provocation. It would only directly hit the opponent’s parents without recognizing it.

Luo Yi felt a little sweat in his heart, because he felt the Bangira Poké Ball shaking in his pocket. Obviously, the flaming chicken was not angry, and Bangira was a little angry.

Talking about fury, his desert tyrant, Bandera, threw the Thunder Beast Eight Streets across from him.

Who dares to run wild in front of the desert tyrant Bangira! ?

But Bangira didn’t come out in the end, it knew that it was time for the flaming chicken show.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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