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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 142

“Okay! Come with me!” Without a moment’s delay, Qianli brought Luo Yi and the others to an open-air battle field.

This is the backyard of Chenghua Taoist Hall. A battle field has been opened up by thousands of miles in the backyard. The environment is very good. Obviously, a lot of thought has been spent.

On both sides of the battlefield, stood Luo Yi and Qianli, Xiaoyao, Shirona, Xiaozheng, and Xiaoyao’s mother, all standing on one side, full of anticipation.

“I know that you are very powerful. There are many strange elves. It is getting late, so I will use the strongest elves to fight against you!” Qianli said.

From the usual conversations with Xiaoyao, Qianli already knew that Luo Yi in front of him was by no means an ordinary trainer. He even had a super ancient Boss Cordola in his hand. Even he had no certainty of victory.

But he is also a candidate for the King of Heaven, and facing a powerful enemy, the fighting spirit in his heart has been aroused!

While speaking, Qianfeng threw out a Poké Ball, and a tall and sturdy leave king appeared on the field.

Please leave the king!

Luo Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at the king who asked for leave from Qianli with a strong interest in his eyes.

An elves like the fake king are very magical!

It can be said that the king of leave is the laziest elf in the world among the entire Pokémon. As long as he does not starve to death on the spot, he is too lazy to find food.

… … … … … …

However, in this kind of elf, the word balance is fully reflected. Although it is very lazy, it has an incomparably powerful power!

If you don’t move, it’s already, if you move, the landslides and the ground cracks!

Luo Yi looked at the king who asked for leave in front of him, and he had to be cautious in his heart. If Qianli General could train the king of leave to overcome his weakness, then the terrifying fighting power of the king of leave would be brought into full play!

At this moment, Luo Yi couldn’t help thinking about which elf would be better to use against the King of Leave.

This is the perfect exercise opportunity!

After thinking about it for two seconds, Luo Yi decided to use the flame chicken he just got. The flame chicken’s fighting consciousness and talent made Luo Yi very satisfied, and the speed of progress was very fast. I believe that after a few battles, the burning fruit will be able to ability to develop to a new level.

“Okay, come out, Flaming Chicken!”

The red light flashed, and the flaming chicken appeared on the field, and instantly locked the opposite king of leave.

Seeing the flame chicken, Qianli was stunned. At this time, Xiaoyao hadn’t mentioned the flame chicken to Qianli. In Qianli’s heart, among the powerful elves of Luo Yi, there was no flame chicken.

“You want to use the flaming chicken against my leave king? This is not a good idea. You should change to a more powerful elf. My leave king is not so easy to deal with. If you lose, you can I can’t get the badge.” Qianli hesitated and said.

Luo Yi smiled lightly and said:

“The stronger your leave king, the better. If you can survive that trick ‘Emperor Yan’, even if I lose!”

Chapter 120 Flaming Chicken vs. the King of Leave!Fire Fist is back!

(The picture shows the king of leave, I always feel that the smile of the king of leave is very wretched)

Luo Yi looked at the king who asked for leave from Qianli and said with a smile:

“Your leave king, the stronger the better. If he can survive that trick ‘Emperor Yan’, even if I lose.”

Luo Yi’s words came out, Qianli didn’t have time to respond, but the king who asked for leave moved.

After hearing Luo Yi’s words, the king who asked for leave raised his hand and licked his ears. He raised his drooping eyelids slightly, glanced at Luo Yi and Huo Yanji, and then returned to the way he didn’t wake up.

Completely indifferent.

The way of picking out his ears seems to be still laughing at Luo Yi’s ignorance.

Seeing the appearance of the king asking for leave, Xiaoyao and Shirona on the side all covered their mouths and snickered, and the expectations in their eyes were even more fulfilling.

Luo Yi’s heart was also a little sweaty, but he didn’t expect to be despised by the king of asking for leave before the battle started.

However, Luo Yi also felt strange. The king who asked for leave in front of him seemed to be a bit… wretched.

However, this wretchedness is obviously based on super self-confidence!

As an elves with a race value as high as 670, with the addition of thousands of miles of training, Luo Yi can no longer guess what the strength of these 10 leave kings are.

At this time, thousands of miles of hearty laughter came:

“Haha, my leave king is naughty, so let’s start the battle!”

Immediately, Qianli shouted: “King of leave! Earthquake!!”

As soon as Qianli’s voice fell, the king who asked for leave lifted his eyelids, made a muffled sound, and jumped up from the ground.

The next second, the huge and heavy body of the king of leave fell to the ground.


Just when the leave king landed, there was a strong shock on the ground, and a wave of air fluctuations visible to the naked eye, with the leave king as the center, rippling towards the surroundings.

A jump, a squat, the entire battlefield is shaking!

“Flaming chicken, jump!”

Luo Yi commanded, asking the leave king to perform such a large-scale attack skill, the purpose is to consume the flaming chicken’s physical strength, Luo Yi will not be fooled, the flaming chicken jumped into the air, and easily escaped the shock and impact of the ground.

“fire punch!”

Luo shouted loudly and let the Flaming Chicken attack first.

The flaming chicken in the air is already very familiar with the skill of fire fist, and now the fist is held high, the flames are lingering, and it is slamming towards the king of leave!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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