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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 147

The most luxurious hotel in Chenghua City.

Luo Yixirona and Xiaoyao’s family all moved here.

As for the Chenghua Taoist Hall, Luo Yi has already negotiated with the mayor of Chenghua City, and all the reconstruction costs will be funded by the Dewen Group.

After learning that Luo Yi was the young master of the Dewen Group, the mayor’s attitude was finally better. It was not because of Luo Yi’s identity that he flattered Luo Yi, but he confirmed that Luo Yi could pay for the reconstruction.

Today’s incident, whether it is big or small, and what impact it will have, depends entirely on the orientation of city managers.

After thinking for a while, the mayor decided to suppress this matter as much as possible, not wanting to cause unnecessary panic.

Of course, the mayor issued an order on the spot, and an important notice was published in the newspaper, prohibiting the private fight of elves whose strength exceeds the level of the king, and must report to fight in a specially constructed battle field.

Luo Yi, who was in the hotel at this time, did not know that he had unintentionally changed the history of Chenghua City.

But this is not something Luo Yi needs to consider. Now Luo Yi is discussing everything about elves with Qianli.

Qianli, who lost his gym, did not feel any frustration or resentment. Instead, he looked at Luo Yi with a frenzy on his face, and did not have the slightest grudge against Luo Yi because of this incident.

Because in Qianli’s heart, being able to see the true strength of the King of Leave is more important than his gym.

It was because of Luo Yi’s flaming chicken that he truly understood the strength of the king of leave, which played a crucial role in his impact on the four kings of the alliance.

At this time, the king who asked for leave was still recovering from the elf center, and it was estimated that he would have to undergo a very complicated recuperation.

This king of asking for leave is also really good. The Emperor Yan who was hard on the flame chicken face to face is not dead. It can be said that he is very strong.

In the hotel, Qianfeng was following Luo Yi’s buttocks with a frenzy on his face.

“Luo Yi, how did you let the flame chicken learn such a skill!”

“Luo Yi, I heard that you have other elves. They are all powerful. Why don’t we wait for my leave king to recover, and let’s fight again!”

Thousands of miles chattered in Luo Yi’s ear, as if Luo Yi had opened the door to a new world, and admired Luo Yi immensely.

Now in Qianli’s heart, he has a new understanding of the battle and training of elves. He is confident that as long as he is given a period of time, her strength will be greatly improved.

On the other hand, Luo Yi’s expression was helpless. At this time, Qianfeng was like a curious baby, very curious about everything on the Flaming Chicken.

Of course he wouldn’t tell Qianli that he gave the Flaming Chicken a Devil Fruit.

In this world, Luo Yi’s Flaming Chicken is unique, and only Luo Yi’s Roasted Flaming Chicken can use the skill “Emperor Yan”!

Xiaoyao and her mother were relieved when they saw that Qianli was not sad because of the gym, but after they were even more excited.

“That’s how he is. He takes the elves’ affairs more than anything else.” Xiaoyao’s mother said.

“Yeah, that’s why Dad is the candidate for the Heavenly King.” Xiaoyao nodded, completely agreeing with his mother’s point of view.

However, Xiaozheng has always been a little unhappy. In his mind, Qianli is the most powerful trainer, how could he lose!

But Luo Yicai wouldn’t pay attention to the child’s mood. When he watched cartoons in the last life, he didn’t have a good impression of this self-righteous little boy.

During the training in the hotel, Luo Yi arranged the reconstruction of the Chenghua Taoist Hall, and exchanged a lot of things about Pokémon training with Qianli. Among them, a magical place mentioned by Qianli caught Luo Yi’s attention.

According to Qianfeng, there is a mysterious bow-shaped island near Caiyou City, which retains the ancient ecology, and there are many fossil Pokémon that cannot be seen in other places.

Luo Yi silently wrote down this location in his heart. Fossil Pokémon, and the ancient ecological environment might give him something to gain.

A day later, Luo Yixiang said goodbye to Qianli, and took Xiaoyao and Shirona to set foot on the journey again.

There was not much time left for Luo Yi, and in less than a month, when the league tournament started, Luo Yi didn’t want to stay here for too long.

Luo Yi’s next target is Yinyu City!

The location of Yinyu City is in the northeast direction of Fengyuan Continent, which corresponds exactly to Chenghua City, where Luo Yi is now. All Luo Yi needs to do is to cross most of the Fengyuan area to reach Yinyu City.

Luo Yi looked at the map, and if he went straight all the way, he would surely pass through a large desert in the middle of the continent. The sign of this desert on Luo Yi’s map was very dangerous.

Luo had a certain understanding of this desert, and after reading the top-secret documents sent by the Dewen Group, he knew that beneath the desert was a lost dynasty that buried a civilization completely different from the present.

There are often all kinds of explorers who are eager to get the treasures of lost civilizations to explore in the desert, but there are too few things that can be harvested.

Thousands of years have passed, ancient civilizations have long been lost in the long river of history, and the treasures and buildings of the past have basically been weathered.

Of course, there are not only the lost civilization in this desert, but also various elves suitable for surviving in the desert, which are very dangerous.

Therefore, when ordinary trainers are on their way, if they do not have a special purpose, they generally do not choose to cross the desert, but take a detour.

But for Luo Yi, it’s not a problem at all, Sandstorm Bangira is simply Luo Yi’s cheating tool for crossing the desert!

As long as Bangira enters the desert, it is the king of the whole desert!

Therefore, Luo Yi was not worried at all about the danger in the desert.

After confirming the route, Luo Yi took Xiaoyao and Shirona into the tank-like off-road vehicle and galloped towards Yinyu City.

However, just after Luo Yi left Chenghua City for half a day, Luo Yi’s communicator rang.

It was Yun Dun, a researcher of the Devon Group, who was responsible for tracking down the lava team and the water fleet for Luo Yi.

“Little Master, we found news of half an ancient stone carving in the Desert of Death!”

What Yun Dun said was amazing news, and it was about the last half of the ancient stone carving.

This ancient stone carving is exactly what Luo Yi said was found in the cave of stone. It depicts the stone carvings of Groudon and Kyogre. Luo Yi guessed that it recorded news related to the two divine beasts.

It’s just that Luo Yi only had three pieces in his hand, and the last piece was missing, so he couldn’t decipher the information contained in the stone carvings.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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