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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 15

At this moment, Luo Yi suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if he was being watched closely.

Turning his head, he saw a tall man standing not far away, staring at Luo Yi with bad eyes.

Luo Yi was taken aback, he had a feeling that this man with a hostile look in his eyes was not a graduate of this year’s school!

This morning, my dad took me to see a big boss in the province. I was so sleepy that my brain hurt, but I ate some fish tail for lunch. It was sweet and delicious.

In addition, readers, please give some flowers and rewards to this book, it seems so few.

thanks for your support.

Point up in Chapter 15!

Luo Yi turned his head and saw a tall man standing not far away, staring at Luo Yi with bad eyes.

Seeing that Luo Yi noticed him, the tall man grinned without shyness, and walked directly in front of Luo Yi.

“You are Luo Yi, I am your senior Oda, and one of the testers who promised to enter the school today.”

“But I still have an identity, I’m Mie’s brother.” Oda said indifferently, “You know what you did, although you are just a child, you should also pay for what you did. “

Seeing that Luo Yi was not afraid of himself in the slightest, Oda flashed a gloomy look. Although it was fleeting, Luo Yi, who was keenly observant, still noticed it.

Luo Yi raised his brows, so it turned out that this so-called senior Oda was actually taking revenge for that slap in the elf forest!


Luo Yi sneered lightly, not paying any attention to the so-called “Senior Oda” in front of him.

Seeing Luo Yi’s reaction, Oda finally couldn’t hold his breath, and his face suddenly sank.

“Although you are young, once you stand on the battlefield, you are an elf trainer. Don’t expect me to be merciful!”

Oda said fiercely: “You can get the self-identification of a Pokémon at such a young age. You are indeed a rare genius in Kanaz City, but a rookie trainer must have the consciousness of a rookie trainer.”

“No matter what kind of elf you have, you will lose!”

Luo Yi looked at Oda who was angry and embarrassed in front of him, and a mocking smile appeared on his face.

“Maybe you don’t know, I can arbitrarily designate the person who will play against me for the first time, and the result judgment is also decided by me.”

Oda finally couldn’t hold back the anger in his heart, and there was already a hint of threat in his words.

“You? Hahaha.”

Luo Yi laughed mockingly in the eyes of Senior Oda’s astonishment.

“why are you laughing?”

Seemingly feeling Luo Yi’s strong disdain, Senior Oda said angrily.

However, Luo Yi seemed to have lost interest in having a conversation with him at this moment. Under his astonished gaze, Luo Yi no longer paid any attention to him, and turned around and left!

Just your garbage?

A dangerous light flashed in Luo Yi’s eyes as he turned and left.

“Dare to threaten me? I will show you what despair is!”

As for this so-called threat from Senior Oda, Luo Yi didn’t take it to heart at all, he just thought he was telling a joke.

The first step in the graduation battle is to play against testers like Oda. From the performance of the battle, it can be seen whether there is the potential to become an elite trainer, and the testers will score according to the performance of the battle.

Only after proving their potential, students who get high scores will be recognized by the school and provide them with precious elves.

The elf picture book is an important certificate to register for the elf league, and it is also very important to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi knew that according to the fact that his father didn’t want him to become an elf trainer, he would not provide it for himself, so if he wanted to obtain the elf illustrated book, he could only start from the elf school.

Judging from Oda’s previous performance, as one of the judges, he probably used the test to embarrass himself, but Luo Yi dismissed him.

This year, the graduate students who have just got the initial elves, got the initial elves in the morning, and started their first battle in the afternoon. The purpose is to test the students’ ability to control the elves. According to common sense, Luo Yi is indeed impossible for Xiaotian. The opponent of the trainer who has been in contact with the elves very early.

In particular, the corresponding knowledge and the ability to control Pokémon are obviously very insufficient. Some teachers even feel that even if Luo Yi gets Pokémon, he will still not be able to graduate.

However, is Luo Yi a general elf trainer?Obviously not!

Oda wants to judge his own strength?Does he have that qualification?The corners of Luo Yi’s mouth rose slightly, showing a disdainful smile.

A weak man wants to point fingers at a strong man whose strength crushes him?Still pretentious assessment scores?Simply ridiculous!

“Students, this is Oda, who is in charge of the strength test for our class. He is your senior. You should study hard from Oda. He is your senior.”

Just after Luo Yi returned to the team, Senior Oda and Teacher Mieko came over, and then Teacher Mieko introduced Oda to them.

In the face of Senior Oda, the senior who was about to test their strength, Luo Yi’s classmates flocked to the past, some were flattering, and there were also those who were imaginary and condescending. They all wanted to gain the favor of Senior Oda. , but it’s all on this senior Oda.

The result of this battle is the key to whether they can successfully graduate and obtain the elf picture book provided by the school.

The elf illustrated book is quite precious, and the Elf School in Kanaz City can only issue [-] pieces, which is one-third of the total number of students in one hundred.

Therefore, the proportion of them who can obtain the elf picture book is not high. Only one out of every three can obtain it, and the one who can improve their competitiveness is the senior Oda who judges their strength. To gain the favor of Oda-senpai.

Oda was surrounded by the crowd, and proudly glanced at Luo meaningfully.

Aware of Oda’s gaze, Luo Yi smiled contemptuously, raised his hand and made an international gesture directly at him.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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