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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 151

“You said that the Devon Group’s expedition escaped?”

“Yes, I ran away the night I caught them.” Chi Yansong’s head was sweating coldly. On the one hand, it was the huge pain in his arm, and on the other hand, he was afraid that Luo Yi would ask him to settle the matter of the expedition.

Luo Yi’s eyes flickered, and he was able to open up the new area in the ruins and escape from Chi Yansong’s hands, indicating that this expedition team was also smart, and Luo Yi was not worried about their safety now.

At this time, all the information was obtained, Luo Yi stopped talking nonsense with Chi Yansong, and gave Bangira a look, and Bangira suddenly slapped Chi Yansong on the head, knocking him unconscious.

Afterwards, Bangira grabbed Chi Yansong’s clothes and threw him into the bottomless pit that Emperor Yan blew up.

Luo Yi glanced coldly at the big pit, but didn’t say anything. Luo Yi won’t be soft-hearted anymore for someone who has provoked him over and over again.

Afterwards, Luo Yi rode in Bangira and went to the ruins they mentioned.

Now is a good time to explore that new area, a mysterious place that has yet to be explored!

Luo Yi guessed that such a tightly hidden area was probably also a very important location before it became a relic, and it was likely to hide a huge secret.

Along the way, the sand waves were rolling, and many wild Pokémon wanted to attack Luo Yi and the others ferociously, but they were dealt with by Bangira.

At the same time, while on the road, Luo Yi noticed that there were many ruins in the desert, but none of them were Luo Yi’s destination.

“It seems that the lost civilization under this desert was once glorious.” Luo Yi counted the ruins he saw along the way, and looked forward to the upcoming adventure even more.

Soon, Luo Yi came to the ruins they were talking about.

This ruin looks more extraordinary than other ruins, with a wider area. Some buildings have been weathered and buried for many years, and the original appearance can still be vaguely seen.

However, there are not many people here, just because it looks extraordinary, all kinds of explorers will focus on it for hundreds of years, and they have already explored it clearly.

It can be said that this relic is no longer attractive to people.

However, they would not have thought that there is a mysterious place hidden in this ruin.

If it weren’t for the fact that the expedition team of the Devon Group accidentally discovered the way to open it, the mysterious place in this ruins, I don’t know how long it will be sealed.

Luo Yi himself looked at the blueprint he got from Chi Yansong, which clearly recorded the location and some features of the ruins.

“This is it, let’s go!”

Luo Yi walked forward first, with Pikachu lying on his shoulders, followed by Xiaoyao and Shirona, and finally the desert tyrant Bangira.

Near the ruins, others saw Luo Yi’s lineup and sneered.

In the lineup of three people, there is only one elf that looks relatively powerful. After entering the ruins, I am afraid that it will suffer some hardships, and will soon run out in embarrassment.

Among the ruins, there are many mutated Pokémon!

However, Luo Yi didn’t notice other people’s reactions. In his opinion, in this desert, a single elf, Bangira, is enough.

Soon, Luo Yi walked down from the entrance on the surface of the ruins to the interior of the ruins.

Most of the ruins in this desert have a cave under the ground, and it seems that the ground is just decoration.

Luo Yi also noticed this, but he didn’t take it to heart. The glorious civilization of a long time ago naturally had its own unique living and architectural habits.

However, as soon as Luo Yi and others entered the ruins, they encountered an attack by an elves.

A… desert dragonfly!

A sprite with both dragon and flying attributes!

Chapter 127 Kill the Desert Dragonfly

(The picture shows the desert dragonfly, it still looks good)

Luo Yi looked at the desert dragonfly in front of him and raised his eyebrows. He didn’t expect to encounter such a elf just after entering the ruins.

You must know that the desert dragonfly is also an elves with a race value of more than [-], and its strength should not be underestimated.

Although the wild elves do not have the command of the trainer, this way they can better utilize the elves’ own fighting qualities, and unexpected situations are likely to occur.

When the desert dragonfly found Luo Yi and others, it immediately let out a roar, and the strange sound immediately filled the entire passage.

The next second, Luo Yi saw that from the depths of the passage, a few more desert dragonflies appeared, flying towards here like crazy.

It turned out to be calling a companion!

Seeing this scene, Xiaoyao and Xirona both frowned. Just entering the passage, they encountered an attack of this scale. Obviously, the danger of this ruins exceeded their previous expectations.

Only then did they understand the meaning in the eyes of nearby explorers looking at them before entering the ruins.

However, just like this, it is far from threatening Luo Yi and the others!

At this time, the first desert dragonfly to find Luo Yi and others, when rushing forward, began to faintly reveal an orange light.

“Is it destroying the dead light… Bangira, do it!”

Luo Yi let out a light drink, and Bangira, who was behind him, immediately ran to the front, with irritability and excitement in his eyes, and slammed a palm towards the rushing desert dragonfly.

Fighting, Bangira has never been afraid of anyone!

Either one or a group!

With Bangira’s palm blasting, countless sands poured out from its arms, forming a big sand hand, pressing straight towards the desert dragonfly!

The speed of this big sand hand was very fast, and it made a roaring sound, which almost blocked the passage, and came to the front of the desert dragonfly in an instant.



Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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