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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 153

Luo Yi took the lead and walked into the darkness first.

Luo Yi, who entered the mysterious place, immediately felt that the temperature had dropped a little, and a gloomy aura rushed towards him, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

Behind him, Xiaoyao, Shirona, and a few elves followed closely, all very vigilant.

At this time, under the illumination of the strong light in Luo Yi’s hand, this passage was almost completely exposed to the eyes of Luo Yi and several others.

Luo Yi walked forward while observing everything in the passage, but just after walking a few steps, Luo Yi stopped.

Because he found that some patterns began to appear on the wall!

Seeing these patterns, Luo Yi’s eyes showed a bit of joy, and he took out half a stone carving from his backpack.

On the stone carving, one side depicts Groudon, and the other side depicts a strange pattern.

The pattern on the wall is very similar to the pattern on this half-stone carving!

Luo Yi was pleasantly surprised, this place really has a lot to do with this stone carving. Luo Yi has been looking for this pattern for a long time, but he has not found it anywhere else. It can be said that it is unique, and now it has appeared.

“Let’s speed up! Lucario, lead the way!” Luo Yi was a little impatient. If he could find the last stone carving today and solve the mystery of Groudon and Kyogre, it would be a huge gain.

Lucario immediately walked to the front, the power of the waveguide spread forward, carefully feeling the situation in front of him, and then shook his head at Luo Yi.

There is no situation.

Luo Yi frowned, a suppressed emotion arose in his heart, the danger mentioned by the expedition team of the Dewen Group has not yet appeared!

Luo Yi was irritable, and threw out a few more Poké Balls. Suddenly, Pikachu, Suicune, Flame Chicken, Ancient Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, and Super Ancient Boss Cordora all appeared in the passage.

These elves are all extremely powerful, and almost every one of them has the combat power of a beast.

In addition to Lucario and Bangira who were released just now, these elves have such a strong lineup that it is impossible to find a second team in the Hoenn area!

Looking at these elves, Luo Yi felt a little more at ease, no matter what danger you are, if it’s a big deal, come together and crush directly!

The current Luo Yi, even if he meets Groudon, dares to go up and fight!

“Let’s go! Bangira, Lucario, Super Ancient Boss Cordola, the three of you are in the front, the flaming chicken, the tyrannical carp dragon, the scorpion shark, the three of you are in the back, Pikachu, you Come over to my shoulders, Suicune, you are with Xiaoyao and Shirona!”

Luo Yi quickly arranged the formation, nodded with satisfaction, and did not forget to add:

“After seeing an elves, knock me out first!”

The wealthy Luo Yi has the capital to use this same way of tweeting!

After that, Luo Yi moved forward while comparing the patterns on the wall, and came to an open hall after a while.

Luo Yi quickly glanced around the hall with the strong light, and quickly locked one of the tall figures!

Seeing this figure, Luo Yi raised his eyebrows and instantly recognized the identity of this elf!

Reggie Lock!

Luo Yi looked at the elf in front of him, his body was khaki, like a human-shaped elf made of stones. There was no face on his head, and the few red eyes after that looked a little scary.

It is the spirit of the rock attribute in the Three Holy Pillars!

After recognizing this elf, Luo Yi was shocked. The three sacred pillars appeared. What a glorious past this ruins once had, and even the three sacred pillars became guardian elves.

Although the Three Sacred Pillars are not unique, they are rarely seen. Generally, only some very important places can see the figure of the Three Pillars King.

Catching the Three Sacred Pillars to protect the treasures is not something ordinary people can do!

Luo Yi thought of a lot in an instant. Seeing Regilock here, it is very likely that two other pillars will appear next.

You must know that Sanzhuzi is a veritable divine beast. Although it is not comparable to the first-level divine beasts like Groudon and Kyogre, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can beat.

If there are really two pillars behind it, I am afraid that the general expedition team will find it here, and it will not be possible to pass.

Luo Yi was thinking about everything in his heart, but he didn’t really put this rock attribute pillar in his eyes, because in front of Luo Yi’s background, this is three pillars together, and it’s not enough to see!

Even Xiaoyao and Shirona, who saw the legendary Three Sacred Pillars for the first time, looked at Regilock with only curiosity and no fear.

At this time, Regilock, who should have caused people to panic, was standing there alone in the face of a group of powerful elves who were eyeing them, and he seemed a little pitiful.

At this moment, Reggie Locke’s tall figure suddenly moved, his head twisted, and he faced Luo Yi’s direction.

At the same time, several eyes on the face glowed red, which looked a bit attractive.

Then, the Reggie Lock turned around and faced Luo Yi and the others, with stiff and mechanical movements, like a set robot.

The next second, Regulus raised his arm in the direction of Luo Yi, pointing at Luo Yi.

However, seeing Reggie Locke’s actions, Luo Yi’s face showed a mocking expression.

“A Pokémon of your level can no longer pose a threat to me.” Luo Yi said lightly.

Just as Luo Yi spoke, Bangira, Boscodora, and Lucario, who were standing at the front, rushed out at the same time!

In Lucario’s hands, a blue wave missile has been formed, and Bangira also controlled the sand to bind Regilock’s feet. Boscordora’s mouth is already brewing destruction and death!

boom! !

With a loud bang, the attacks of the three elves fell on Regilock at the same time, but surprisingly, Regilock was not knocked down!

Still standing there!

Reggie Locke did not dodge or dodge, and directly resisted the random blows of the three elves. Except for some black marks on the surface, it did not cause any substantial damage!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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