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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 157

As soon as Luo saw Bangira’s appearance, he instantly understood Bangira’s psychology and couldn’t help but smile, but Bangira needed a major breakthrough, but he didn’t know if he could comprehend elementalization here.

However, Luo Yi didn’t put too much thought on Bangira. As he went deeper, he got more and more information, and his heart had already become a line, the lost relic, the three guardian pillars, The stone carvings of Groudon and Kyogre…

Just as Luo Yi was thinking, at the end of the passage, a stone room appeared again.

Seeing the stone room, Bangira rushed in as if she had taken medicine.

Today’s second update, there are two more.

Chapter 131 Bangira vs. Steel God Pillar!

(The picture shows the steel pillar)

Seeing the new stone room at the end of the passage, Bangira rushed in as if he had been dipped in medicine.

The flame chicken has realized the elementalization, and its strength has risen sharply. Bangira needs a strong battle to prove his strength, and he also needs to use this to break through the bottleneck of his elementalization.

Luo Yi looked at the rushing Bangira, shook his head, and then quickened his pace and walked towards the stone room.

At the entrance of the stone room, a strong light shone in, and sure enough, a tall figure was seen.

Steel pillar!

The last of the three gods!

As if feeling the arrival of Luo Yi and the others, the sleeping steel god pillar vibrated slightly, a layer of dust fell on his body, and at the same time, the corresponding parts of his face, several eyes glowed red.

The Steel God Pillar, who had been sleeping for so many years, woke up!

Just when the Steel God Pillar woke up, Bangira couldn’t control her desire to fight, and launched an attack on the Steel God Pillar!

Ka Ka Ka!

Not far in front of the Steel God Pillar, a huge spike of sand suddenly appeared on the ground, stabbing straight towards the Steel God Pillar!

when! !

The desert spike accurately hit the body of the Steel God Pillar, making a deafening sound.

This sound is like steel colliding, very special.


Luo Yi didn’t feel anything, the body of the Three Gods Pillars was originally made of things with their own properties, and the steel God Pillar’s body was of course made of steel.

This is also the reason for the metamorphosis of the three pillars of defense, especially the steel pillars, the degree of interpretation of rocks and ice, can not be compared with the steel pillars.

However, in the face of the Steel God Pillar, Luo Yi has some restraint methods, not to mention the attribute restraint table, just attacking with water and fire in turn, can make the Steel God Pillar overwhelmed.

But seeing Bangira’s enthusiasm, Luo Yi couldn’t bear to be disturbed. It happened that the class also needed a breakthrough opportunity. Regardless of why Chengcheng could break through the elementalization, Luo Yi planned to give it a try.

After making the decision, Luo Yi took Xiaoyao, Shirona, and a group of Pokémon, and retreated to the door of the stone room, leaving all the venues to Bandera and the Steel God Pillar.

At this time, Luo Yi’s group of elves, sitting or standing, protected Luo Yi in the middle, looking at the Steel God Pillar and Bangira on the field with strong interest in their eyes.

The Steel God Pillar is a mythical beast, and Bangira, who has not succeeded in elementalization, can he win in the end?

Among these elves, the ancient tyrannical carp dragon looked at Bangira with a dazzling grin. It also mutated and grew from an ordinary elf, and finally had the strength of a beast. Therefore, the ancient tyrannical carp dragon liked to watch the most. Slaughter God!

Luo Yi’s elves seemed to have formed a small circle, Slaughtering Gods, which is what they called for defeating divine beasts.

Not long ago, the flaming chicken had successfully slaughtered the god with its own strength!

Among them, Xiao Shuijun was equally excited, and looked at Bangira with joy, completely unaware that he was also a mythical beast!

Xiao Shuijun, who grew up beside Luo Yi since he was a child, did not regard himself as a divine beast at all. In his eyes, only Luo Yi and this group of lovely companions.

Therefore, it has no distaste for the name Tushen.

These elves looked at Bangira and the Steel God Pillar, and their excitement was not worse than Bangira at all. They looked like a crowd eating melons, and they only needed one person to give them a piece of melon.

As soon as Luo saw this scene, his heart suddenly sweated a little, feeling that this adventure has already made them have fun.

The mysterious ruins guarded by the Three God Pillars have become a playground in front of them.

Luo Yi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but there was nothing he could do. In front of his elf convoy, the Three Gods Pillars were really not enough to look at.

At this time, Luo Yi looked at the powerful elves around him and deeply felt his power.

“With so many elves going together, even the first-line big-name beasts like Groudon and Crackling Seat can’t bear it.” Luo Yi’s face unconsciously showed a smile, and he couldn’t wait to get the stone carvings and grab Groudon. .

Luo Yi has already made a decision, and it must be Grado!

Beside Luo Yi, Shirona raised her eyebrows when she saw the mysterious smile on Luo Yi’s face.

The last time I saw this mysterious smile… The Orange Flower Gym is gone!

This time, I don’t know who will be unlucky.

But soon, Shirona was attracted by the battle in the stone room, and Bangira and the Steel God Pillar were already fighting together!

I saw that in the stone room, Bangira controlled various thorns to pierce from the walls in all directions, attacking the steel god pillar. The steel god pillar’s pair of iron palms glowed, spraying out rays of destruction and death, destroying the desert that came from all sides. All stabs smashed.

A wave of tentative attacks, neither side took advantage of it!

However, at this time, the layout of Bangira has been completed, and the stone room is scattered with sand. Under the control of Bangira, it quickly gathered at the foot of the steel god pillar and bound it tightly!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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