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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 166

I don’t know if it happened or was intentional, but the direction Kuailong fled was exactly the direction Luo Yi was in.

At the speed of this fast dragon, I’m afraid it won’t be long before they meet Luo Yi and the others head-on!

After detecting Kuailong, Luo Yi had a strange expression on his face, and the depths of his eyes were filled with uncontrollable joy.

“Fast dragon!? There are other fast dragons in the Fengyuan area! Is it really so lucky that I caught up again?”

Luo Yi muttered to himself in a low voice, but Shirona, who was closest to Luo Yi, still heard what he said clearly.

Shirona was stunned for a moment. Could it be that the accident ahead was actually a fast dragon?

Shirona’s eyes also became weird.

You must know that spirits like Kuailong are rarely seen in the Hoenn area and the Shenao area. Even if they exist, they are brought from other areas, just like the Pokémon Investigator, Du, who punishes improper use around the world. Pokémon people have a fast dragon spirit.

The trainers in the Hoenn Continent, most of the knowledge of the fast dragon comes from the Pokémon Inspector-Du!

Luo Yi still remembers that in the animation of the previous life, the lava team and the water fleet played an important role in the control of Groudon and Kyogre.

But for Luo Yi, this is not important, the important thing is the characteristics of the fast dragon quasi-divine beast!

If others don’t know, Luo Yi knows very well that an elves like Kuailong are very powerful when they grow up!

Even in the cartoons of the previous life, there was an incomparably huge fast dragon hidden in the sea in the Guandu area. Luo Yi didn’t have to think about it, that fast dragon must also have the power of a beast!

This kind of elf can fly, fight and be cute. Luo has long thought about conquering a fast dragon, but the fast dragon is not a native elves in the Fengyuan area. The only one is owned by Tianwangdu, so Luo Yi can’t Don’t give up on this idea.

But now, there is a fast dragon rushing towards him!

Just like a dream.

At this time, under the investigation of Luo Yi and the power of Lucario’s waveguide, every movement of the fast dragon could not escape Luo Yi’s observation.

I saw that this fast dragon was moving away from the place where it exploded at a very abnormal speed. The route was almost straight, and the trees on the way were all avoided. It did not affect the speed at all, and it was very flexible.

Luo Yi looked at this fast dragon, but the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He was still able to have such speed and reaction ability under serious injuries, which showed the strength of this fast dragon.

Suddenly, Luo Yi’s face changed, because under his investigation with the power of Lucario’s waveguide, he found that at the place where the explosion just happened, a cannonball was blazing, made a whistling sound, and went straight to the flying dragon. !

The speed of the cannonball is even faster than that of the fast dragon, and it is about to bombard the fast dragon!

However, Kuailong also obviously found the shell behind him, and his wings moved violently in flight, and his body was able to escape this attack.


The shell hit a large tree, causing a huge explosion.


Luo Yi’s face was a little gloomy. Only poachers could do things like using cannonballs to deal with Pokémon.

Sure enough, soon, within the detection range of Luo Yi and Lucario, a huge tank appeared, heading towards the direction where the dragon was fleeing.

That thing is not quite accurate to say that it is a tank. It is more like a chariot. It is covered with thick iron armor, and its defense is amazing. Wherever it passes, all trees are crushed to the ground, which looks extremely violent.

At the top of the chariot, a man with purple hair, carrying a bazooka on his shoulder, aimed again at the flying dragon.

When he discovered this scene, Luo suddenly turned cold.

Those who attack the fast dragon are undoubtedly poachers!

But soon, Luo Yi discovered the abnormality.

“The strength of these poachers is not quite right.”

Luo Yi’s eyes flickered, of course he had contact with poachers, but he had never seen such an arrogant and powerful poacher.

On the surface of the chariot, Luo Yi saw a lot of obvious battle marks, including scratches, scorched black from explosions, and indented places that were hit, but none of them could really cause substantial damage to the chariot.

No wonder the quasi-divine beast-level fast dragon escaped.

In this case, Kuailong has made the best choice by using his speed to avoid confrontation.

However, these poachers are obviously well prepared, even bazooka!

At this moment, the purple-haired man with the bazooka on the chariot spoke, his voice extremely frantic.

“Hahaha, Kuailong, you can’t escape today! We’ve been staring at you for a long time!!”

While speaking, the purple-haired man aimed at Kuailong again, and suddenly a burst of fire burst out, and the cannonballs flew out of the sky!

At the same time, three artillery shells were fired from the three barrels on the chariot, pointing directly at the fast dragon, covering all the directions of the fast dragon.

Four cannonballs were fired at the same time, and they came to the back of Kuailong in an instant. No matter which direction Kuailong flew from now, they could not avoid these four shells!


Kuailong also seemed to know that it was difficult for him to dodge this blow. He let out an angry roar in flight, his wings glowed, and he seemed to want to resist these four shells!

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi’s eyes narrowed, and it’s not a good idea to fight the cannonball head-on. This fast dragon obviously doesn’t have the terrifying defensive power of his ancient tyrannical carp dragon!

The current Kuailong was already injured in the first explosion, and now the four shells came together, and they really exploded.


At the critical moment, Luo Yi shouted, and Bangira immediately understood, and countless tiny grains of sand emanated from the surface of the body, and went away with the wind.

At this time, the fast-flying fast dragon felt the four shells that were about to chase him, and his eyes were red. He didn’t notice at all. The wind was blowing with countless small sand particles and fell on it. .


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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