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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 190

The flame successfully touched Hu Di’s body, and under the control of the flame chicken, it burned violently in an instant.

Hu Di’s huge body is generally enveloped in flames!

Seeing this scene, Luo’s eyes lit up and said coldly:

“Bangira, sand sinking!”

Bangira immediately roared, and put both hands on the ground, the ground instantly deserted, and rushed to the feet of the huge Hudi.

Soon, the huge Hu Di’s feet were all deserted by Bangira, and Hu Di’s feet were completely sunk into the ground.

From the eruption of Yandi’s fireball, the flames burned to Hu Di’s body, and Bangira trapped Hu Di’s feet.

At this moment, Hu Di’s body suddenly protruded, and the fiercely burning flame suddenly protruded, forming the shape of a person.

It was the flaming chicken. The upper body of the flaming chicken at this time changed to its original shape, and the lower body was rooted in the flames on Hu Di’s body, entering a semi-elemental state. In his hand, a red flame spear pointed towards Hu Di’s head, ruthlessly. Get down!

Chapter 156 Pikachu, it’s time for us to play!

At the beginning of the fight with Hu Di, Luo Yi had already dispatched three elves, namely the ancient tyrannical carp dragon, the flaming chicken and Bangira.

At this time, a fierce flame was burning on Hu Di’s body, which was the masterpiece of the Flaming Chicken.

Moreover, the flaming chicken was holding a flaming spear in his hand, and was stabbing it fiercely at the back of Hu Di’s head.

Seeing that the spear was approaching, it was about to fall on Hu Di’s head, but Hu Di seemed to have known the attack behind him for a long time. Before moving his feet, he avoided the flame chicken’s spear attack on his side.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi’s pupils shrank slightly.

It is a skill that predicts the future!

From the time the Flaming Chicken exited the elementalization to the arrival of the spear attack, it took only one second for Hu Di to detect the Flaming Chicken’s attack and avoid it in such a short period of time. The ground, the attack of the flaming chicken has long been predicted.

Seeing that Hu Di had used foreseeing the future at the beginning of the battle, Luo Yi’s eyes showed excitement.

Hu Di has underestimated the enemy!

You must know that the skill of predicting the future can play a crucial role in the battle, and it is possible to achieve a turnaround at a critical moment.

He even used Predicting the Future at the very beginning of the battle against 223, apparently because he felt that Luo Yi and the others did not pose any threat to it.

Then what awaits Hu Di next will be endless shock… and terror!

According to Hu Di’s performance from his appearance to the present, Luo Yi is frantically calculating the time that Hu Di can use to predict the future next time.

No elves can use such a sky-defying skill continuously.

Now, Hu Di has used the skill of predicting the future. If he wants to use it again, even with the huge Hu Di’s ability, it will take two or three minutes at the earliest.

This is Luo Yi’s most conservative estimate. It is terrifying to know that an ordinary super-power elves can use the sky-defying skills like predicting the future once a day, and they can maintain the frequency of using them once every two or three minutes during the battle. , it can be said that the whole process is closed.

Luo Yi carefully stared at every movement of Hu Di, and a battle plan was slowly taking shape in his heart.

At this time, behind the huge Hu Di, he shot down the empty Flaming Chicken without any hesitation. The spear in his hand instantly turned into flames and returned to the body of the Flaming Chicken, and its fists instantly became elemental!

fire punch!

The flaming chicken slammed a punch at the huge Hu Di, and the overwhelming flames rushed towards Hu Di, covering the huge body of Hu Di!

The ability to burn fruit is fully used by the flame chicken!


The flames from the sky fell on Hu Di, who was like a burning mountain, seemingly powerless to resist!

“Did you make it!?”

Xiaoyao and Shirona, who had stepped back some distance, were pleasantly surprised when they saw this spectacular scene.

But soon, a scene that surprised them appeared. The flames on Hu Di’s body were extinguished quickly.

In less than a few seconds, the flames on Hu Di’s body were all extinguished.

At this time, Hu Di’s figure was exposed to everyone again, but what was different from just now was that the color of Hu Di’s body turned out to be like a rock, showing cyan.

It’s a skill, petrification!

Luo instantly recognized the skill Hu Di used, the petrification technique, which could make the surface of his body as hard as a stone, and could withstand violent attacks.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for ordinary petrochemical work to block a fire fist of the flame chicken, but under the action of Hu Di’s super-powerful mind power, the petrochemical work at this time is as solid as a rock, like a solid stone.

But seeing this scene, Luo Yi smiled slightly, revealing a strange smile.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, Bangira… desertification!”

In front of Bangira who ate the salsa fruit, any stone, like paper paste, could be instantly shattered by Bangira.

Using this ability, Bangira not only found a lot of treasures for Luo Yi in the cave of stone, but also was able to open an unlimited path underground. At this time, Hu Di used the petrification power to turn his body into a stone-like surface. , which was exactly what Luo Yi wanted.

Bangira roared, and the fruit power was activated immediately. Originally, Hu Di’s feet fell into the sand made by Bangira. At this time, it was only a matter of an instant to launch an attack.

Roar! !

This time, Hu Di was not able to resist Bangira’s attack. Under the pain, the rock-like color on the surface of his body quickly faded.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi immediately shouted:

“The tyrannical carp dragon, the dragon god swoops!”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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