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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 2

“Don’t be scared to cry for a while!”

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Chapter 02 Devil Fruit?

Luo Yi suddenly stood up, pointed at the fat fool’s nose and said, “In an hour, wait and call my grandpa!”

“Don’t be scared to cry for a while!”

After finishing speaking, Luo Yi pushed aside the people nearby and walked straight out of the classroom. In the classroom behind him, the little fat man was taking the lead in laughing at Luo Yi, waiting to see Luo Yi’s joke.

“Do you think he will dare to come to the classroom for a while?” the little fat man said loudly.

“Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Fat brother is mighty!” Someone responded.

“No matter how awesome he is, he can’t make a Pokémon! I’m sure to win!” The little fat man’s voice was full of confidence, and he didn’t want to be too proud.

Hearing the voice behind him, Luo Yi sneered and walked directly to the playground. At this time, there were already many graduates gathered in the playground, and they were all eagerly discussing.

“I don’t know what kind of elves I can meet. I hope to get a cute and cute one!” said a long-haired female student.

Luo glanced at the girl and almost spit it out, thinking in his heart, if you want a cute Pokémon, the cute elf will also be willing to be with you!

“It’s possible, this time we went to the woods behind the Baibo Research Institute. I remember that when I visited the Baibo Research Laboratory, there was a elf you liked. I wonder if you can meet it.” Someone responded to the long-haired man. The female voice is also very excited.

“Oops, I can’t wait!”


Listening to the excited chatter of the surrounding teenagers, Luo Yi was also quickly browsing the memory of this body.

Soon, Luo Yi learned that in this world, there are also many unexpected situations in the previous Huaxia Pokémon animation.

It’s a good thing like the original book that you can directly get a Pokémon when you reach the grade, and it won’t happen at all.After graduating, you have the qualification to receive elves, and you must make your own efforts to be recognized by the elves before you can succeed.

Moreover, this kind of elves that can be charged to graduates are all garbage. The real rare elves are all controlled by the super big family, or they are locked up in the research institute for research, and it is impossible to really give the students a chance. .

Luo Yi was the second generation of super rich in Huaxia in his previous life. He was used to this kind of PY transactions. In this life, he is the second son of the superpower Dewen Group. Of course, he knows all kinds of things here. The students are still looking forward to it.

Wake up, what you’re about to get is rubbish!

In fact, it was basically the same as what Luo Yi thought, the initial Pokémon that the teenagers in Kanaz City School could obtain were all provided by Dr. Bai Bo’s Bai Bo Research Institute.

It’s all road stuff.

Some of these elves were specially captured by the research institute, and some others were provided to doctors for research, or they were elves that were abandoned after the trainer deposited them.

All in all, they are all relatively docile, very ordinary elves.

“Then there’s nothing left to go, it’s better to go home and ride one out secretly.” Luo Yi shook his head, denying the idea of ​​following them to catch the elf.

It is not uncommon for Luo Yi to be a trash elves.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, you found a rare Pokemon with no owner nearby, grab it to get a Devil Fruit!”



White Glass Research Institute.

“Today is the time for the students of the Elf School to choose the initial Pokémon.” A young man in a white research uniform said as he sorted out the shelf full of Poké Balls.

“Yeah, every year at this time, we will be busy for a while.” Another young man looked at the list of elves in his hand and said helplessly.

“It’s going to be harder. It’s a little troublesome to take back the rare and precious Pokémon, and to release all the elves that meet the conditions for them to choose.”

“By the way, as long as the elves agree with them, they can go with them?”

“Yeah, so we have to be careful, don’t miss it, if we let the rare elves go out and they find them.”

“Well, I see, I’ll pay attention.”

While they were talking, a figure was hidden in the shadow of their blind spot in the room full of Poké Ball wooden racks.


The figure rides the two of them without paying attention, and swiftly dashes towards the door that was not closed, bringing a breeze at an extremely fast speed.

The young man who was looking at the list seemed to have a feeling, turned his head to look at the exit, but did not see any abnormality in his field of vision.

“What’s wrong?” Another young man noticed his abnormality and immediately asked at the exit.

“Uh, it’s alright, maybe it’s the wind outside, it just came in.” The young man was uncertain, then put aside his distracting thoughts and focused his attention on the list of elves in his hand.


Just when Luo Yi was about to go home and ride out an elf, the sound of a system that had no sense of existence suddenly sounded in his head.

“Ding! Unowned rare Pokémon detected nearby.”

“Rare Pokémon?” Luo Yi asked, taken aback.

“That’s right, it’s an unowned rare-level Pokémon, right in the woods behind Baibo’s laboratory,” the system said.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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