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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 206


After leaving the Luling City Gym, Luo Yi decided to rest in Greenling City for one night.

After coming out of the isolated island, until the challenge was completed, Luo Yi and the others had not had a good rest. At this time, there was still more than half a month before the start of the league championship, and only the Liuli Gym was left for the badge, so there was still plenty of time. , so Luo Yi is not in a hurry for the time being.

On this day, the three of them made a good purchase in Luling City. The two girls were very happy shopping, and Luo Yi also enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere.

Soon, as night fell, Luo Yi and the others came to the most luxurious hotel in Luling City and stayed there. Xiaoyao and Xirona were still in the same room, and Luo Yi was alone.

… … … … … …

Back in his room, Luo Yi lay directly on the luxurious big bed, and relaxed his whole body.

Beside Luo Yi, Pikachu jumped up and down on the bed, very happy.

But soon, Pikachu quieted down, because it found that Luo Yi had fallen asleep.

Luo Yi, who had been tense all the time, even forgot to take a shower, and fell asleep after lying on the bed for a few seconds.

Pikachu blinked, pulled the quilt to cover Luo Yi, and fell asleep.


The next day, Luo Yi slept until noon before getting up. After washing up, Luo Yi came to the restaurant of the hotel. At this time, Xiaoyao and Shirona had been waiting for a long time.

However, Luo Yi found that two girls were whispering around a newspaper.

“Anything fun?”

Luo Yi asked with a smile, after Xiaoyao saw Luo Yi, he immediately handed the newspaper in his hand to Luo Yi.

“Luo Yi, look at this!”

Luo Yi picked up the newspaper and raised his eyebrows.

“Prediction of the most popular winners of the league championship! “.

Chapter 170 Looking for the Meteor People

A very prominent headline on the newspaper caught Luo Yi’s eyes.

“Prediction of the most popular candidates for the league championship! 》

Near the start of the league championship, all parties are paying attention to this, which is a major event in the Hoenn area.

Luo Yi sat next to Shirona and read this report from beginning to end. The above made a comprehensive evaluation of the recent several strong and powerful trainers, and made a prediction about the possibility of winning the championship.

However, there is no mention of Luo Yi in it!

Luo Yi smiled and threw the newspaper aside, ignoring the content on it.

After a little thought, he understood why he wasn’t there.

All along, Luo Yi’s main activity areas have been in various dangerous places, ancient ruins, caves of stone, and the trainers who know Luo Yi’s formidable, that is, several gym owners who have been crushed by Luo Yi.

Therefore, Luo Yi’s reputation in Fengyuan Continent is far less famous than those who like to show off.

However, Luo Yi didn’t take them seriously at all. He knew that in front of him, these so-called seed players would be beaten to pieces by him, doubting their lives.

The higher the Hoenn Daily held them up, the harder they would fall.

Next to Luo Yi, Xiaoyao and Shirona smiled. The 12 trainers mentioned in the newspaper who could win the championship seem not even qualified to give Luo Yi shoes.

“Interesting, Luo Yi, Liuli City is the last gym that needs to be challenged,” Xirona said.

Luo nodded, the master of the gymnasium in Liuli City specializes in the study of water-type elves. In Luo Yi’s opinion, it is relatively easy.

“Luo Yi, it’s almost time to sign up for the Alliance Championship.” Xiaoyao asked suddenly as if thinking of something.

Luo Yi took a sip of milk, nodded and said, “There is less than a week left, which is enough time to finish challenging the gym in Liuli City.”

“When the time comes, go to Caiyou City to sign up, and then find a small island nearby. I want special training.”

Luo Yi said with a smile, the future arrangements have been made.

Luo Yi said it was easy, but when he thought that Groudon was sleeping in the underground cave on the island where Caiyou City was located, he felt a burst of depression in his heart.

His strength is very strong, and there is no problem in hanging Fengyuan Continent, but Luo Yi’s heart is still a little empty, like Groudon, the super ancient divine beast that created the Fengyuan Continent.

From the clues Luo Yi found in various ancient ruins, Groudon and Kyogre both had the power to destroy the world.

This is simply not something that ordinary elves can compare to.

However, no matter how powerful Groudon is, Luo Yi has to go for it. Under Luo Yi’s hands, there are a large number of Pokémon who have eaten Devil Fruits, and they are also not comparable to ordinary elves.

However, Luo Yi still needs to give them special training to further allow them to develop the ability of Devil Fruit.

If it can reach the level of awakening, then even if he encounters Groudon, he can easily overcome it.

The awakening of the Devil Fruit’s ability refers to the ability to have the power to change the surrounding environment, which is an ability that is harder to comprehend than elemental energy.

Soon, Luo Yi and the others had lunch, and after they had packed up, they released the fast dragon and headed for the island where Liuli City was located.

Along the way, Luo Yi and the others were talking and laughing, and in the evening, they vaguely saw Liuli City in the air.

However, the attention of Luo Yi and the others were all attracted by the small island where Liuli City was located.

This small island is like a huge bowl with a hollow in the middle and mountains on all sides.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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