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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 207

It was the meteorite that fell into the sea and formed a crater, which was later found to be very habitable, so it settled down here and gradually developed into a town.

Looking at the strange island in the distance, Luo Yi couldn’t help but sighed at the magic of nature. The meteorite fell into the sea and formed such a small island, which surprised Luo Yi.

But Luo Yi was thinking of something else.There is a guess in his heart that the first people to settle here are likely to be the residents of the island that conquered the huge Hudi before.

But thousands of years have passed, what is the truth, I am afraid that it has been buried in the dust of history, and I am afraid that it is not so simple to discover the truth.


Two hours later, Luo Yi and three people checked into the most luxurious hotel in Liuli City. It was already late, and Luo Yi decided to challenge the Liuli City Gym the next day.

This time, the room Luo Yi chose was a duplex, three rooms, a wide hall, and floor-to-ceiling windows that could see almost half of Liuli City.

At this time, Luo Yi and the others were studying the information from Yun Dun about the history and customs of Liuli City.

If you really want to guess what Luo Yi guessed, the group of people who first came to Liuli City were the people who left their hometown in order to quell the war between Groudon and Kyogre and summoned the Firing Seat, and finally found it difficult to return to their hometown. Someone in the city must have mastered the method of summoning Risakuza.

Luo Yi couldn’t be indifferent to an elf like Crackling Seat. If there was a chance to see Kakureza and be able to subdue it, Luo Yi would definitely try it.

The thought of Kizukuza being able to take him freely across the region made Luo Yi’s heart eager.

However, the premise of all of this must be that Luo Yi finds a way to summon Risakuza.

Therefore, before Luo Yi entered Liuli City, he asked Yun Dun to collect information about Liuli City.

However, Luo Yi and Xiaoyao Xirona studied until late at night, and did not find anything worth noting from these materials.

Luo Yi pondered, these people have the method of summoning the empty seat, and they will not show it in normal times. I am afraid that they will only show up when there will be a disaster in the Hoenn area.

Luo Da felt a headache. For thousands of years, if these people deliberately hide it, it is difficult to find relevant clues.

“For so many years, no news has come out, and it’s really not that easy to find.”

Luo Yi sighed and put down the information in his hand, knowing what these people were worried about.

Crackling Seat is a super mythical beast that can fight Groudon and Kyogre alone. No one can resist the temptation of 003, so these people hide it to protect themselves.

If Luo Yi hadn’t had the experience of his previous life, he wouldn’t have known that such a group of people existed.

It can be said that this family is responsible for the important mission of guarding the Hoenn area. When Groudon and Kyogre fought, only Rikuza could stop the battle between the two mythical beasts, so there should be no accident.

Of course Luo Yi knew this, but if Luo Yi succeeded in subduing Groudon and Kyogre, then the Hoenn Continent would no longer be threatened by the battle between the two super ancient mythical beasts, and the mission of this clan would disappear completely.

“It’s very late, and these materials have nothing of value, so go to sleep.”

Luo Yi pinched his eyebrows and said to Xiaoyao and Shirona. The three of them stretched tiredly, and after saying goodnight to each other, they all returned to their rooms.

But Luo Yi, who returned to the room, did not rest immediately, but took out a piece of paper, and appeared to be alone if he worked hard.


The people of Meteor in the animation of the previous life, mastered the method of summoning Risakuza.

Luo Yi didn’t know if Sigana existed in this world, but now all the clues were interrupted, so he could only try it.

Soon, Luo Yi took a picture of this painting and passed it to Yun Dun, asking him to find the girl in the painting as much as possible.

However, Luo repeatedly stressed that he must keep a low profile.

After doing all this, Luo Yi finally lay on the bed.

“Tomorrow…you can collect all 8 badges.”

Chapter 171 The Ancient Tyrannosaurus Dragon vs. Ordinary Tyrannosaurus

In the early morning, Luo Yi woke up from his deep sleep, and after a brief period of relaxation, he finally became awake.

Luo Yi didn’t go back to sleep. Today, he was going to challenge the Liuli Gymnasium. He woke up Pikachu who was sleeping beside him. After getting dressed, Luo Yi walked out of the room first.

After walking out of the room, Luo Yi realized that he was the first to get up today.

On Luo Yi’s side is the door of Xiaoyao and Shirona, because this time they live in a duplex room, and the three-person bedroom is very close.

Luo Yi raised his hand to knock on the door, but was stunned again. After thinking about it, he still didn’t wake them up.

Usually I wake up the latest by myself, today I – just wait for them.

Thinking in his heart, Luo Yi came to the huge floor-to-ceiling window and opened the curtains. Immediately, the dimness of the room changed. The early morning sunlight spilled into the living room through the huge floor-to-ceiling window, filling the room with golden light.

The sun was shining on his face, and Luo was instantly shocked.

Soon, Luo must have prepared his morning food and sat there, thinking about the past life of the master of the Liuli City Gym, while waiting for the two girls to wake up.

At this moment, Shirona’s door opened, and Luo was stunned there for a while.

I saw Shirona walking out wearing just a thin nightdress. Through the nightdress, Luo Yi could almost see Shirona’s white skin and two mountains and peaks.

Otherwise, the two big white legs dangling under the nightgown looked very dazzling in the early morning sun.

Luo Yi’s nosebleed was about to stop immediately.

Hirona, who opened the door of the room, just took two steps in a daze, and saw Luo Yi sitting on the sofa looking at her. After two seconds of stunned, Hirona’s face flushed red.

“Why did you get up so early!”

Shirona never imagined that Luo Yi was so abnormal today that he woke up two or three hours earlier than usual.

Thinking of her current attire, Shirona felt like there was fire burning on her face, covered her face with her hands, turned around and ran back to her room after leaving a sentence.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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