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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 212

Adam’s voice was a little weird, as if he was holding his breath, pretending to be flat.

Hearing Adam’s words, Luo suddenly showed an embarrassed expression, realizing that Adam had seen through his intentions.

However, Luo Yi would not let go of such an opportunity. The gym owner is a sparring partner, so there are not many such opportunities.

“In that case, Tyrannosaurus, Pikachu, come back!”

Luo Yi threw the Poke Ball, and the ancient tyrannical carp dragon disappeared in place, and Pikachu also followed the podium and came to Luo Yi’s shoulder.

Upon seeing this, Adam no longer hesitated, and directly released his strongest elf!


Adam’s fist clenched tightly, Minas was his most powerful elf, and he didn’t believe that every elf of Luo Yi had such a powerful strength!

Adam’s eyes flickered, since the other party still needs to compete with his own elves to hone, then the elves’ strength will not be very strong, he will use Minas to win back a little scene for himself!

Thinking in my heart, Adam’s heart began to look forward to the next battle!

On the opposite side of Adam, Luo Yi was stunned when he saw Adam released Minas.

In the memory of his previous life, Luo Yi remembered that Minas should be Adam’s proudest elf, strong enough to crush the previous Difang Sea Lion in 2.1.

“This is going to be a big deal against me…” Luo Yi immediately understood Adam’s thoughts, but so what?

Luo Yi’s heart was not disturbed, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

Adam’s countermeasures are no problem for anyone else, and they will definitely catch the other party by surprise, but with Luo Yi, it is impossible to succeed.

“Come out, Minas!”

Luo Yi immediately threw a Poke Ball, and immediately, Luo Yi’s Minas also appeared on the field!

Minas to Minas!

No, it’s sweet Nass, Minas to Adam!

After releasing Minas, Luo Yi’s mouth showed a strange smile.

Chapter 175 I’m going to challenge your Pikachu!

Next is, Luo Yi’s sweet and sweet Nas, and Adam’s Minas!

After releasing Minas, Luo Yi’s mouth showed a strange smile.

I don’t know how long Adam’s Minas can last in front of Sweet and Sweet Nas!

But Adam was stunned when he saw Luo Yi release a Minas, and then he was overjoyed.

Is this the elf that Luo Yi hasn’t run in yet?It turned out to be a Minas!

At this time, in Adam’s heart, he is very comfortable. He is very confident in his Minas. He knows that his Minas is one of the best in the entire Minas ethnic group.

On the other hand, the Minas opposite Luo Yi, since the two still need a battle to break in, it means that Luo Yi just got Minas not long ago!

“Fight me with a Minas that hasn’t been run in yet, kid Luo Yi, you’re going to lose!” Adam thought in his heart, and he couldn’t wait to regain some face.

“Then let’s get started, Luo Yi, this time, you’ll take the shot first!” Adam returned to his graceful appearance and said to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi smiled slightly and did not refuse. He had already discovered that Adam, the owner of the museum opposite, was a character full of inner drama, and even a little thing could make a big show in his heart.

“Minas, use sweet and sweet wind!”

As soon as Luo opened his mouth, he came up to let Minas use the ability to use sweet fruits, because as an elves of the same ethnic group, Adam’s Minas was already fascinated by it.

Luo Yi’s Minas immediately flicked his tail, forming a small circle with his body, and a pink light radiated from the circle, rushing towards Adam’s Minas.

Seeing this scene, Adam was stunned. Is this a move of Minas?How have never seen it! ?

However, this did not affect Adam’s order, and he immediately ordered his Minas to use the waterspout!

The trick of the waterspout is to include water in it on the basis of the tornado, and it can be said to be an upgraded version of the tornado.

I saw that Adam’s elf returned to some normal after hearing Adam’s words, but his eyes were still fixed on Luo Yi’s sweet Nass.

Moreover, he does not seem willing to carry out Adam’s orders.

At this time, Adam’s Minas was completely addicted to Luo Yisweet Nas’ charm, and it was impossible to attack. It can be said that Sweet and Sweet Nas was invincible as soon as he appeared. .


Adam’s Minas raised his head and shouted at Adam, actually starting to resist Adam’s order for the first time.

Seeing this scene, Adam was stunned, and Minas actually resisted his orders! ?

But Adam had no time to think about it, because Luo Yisweet Nass’s sweet and sweet wind had already come to Adam Minas.

“Get out of the way!!” Adam yelled, but his Minas didn’t respond, and seemed to be looking forward to the arrival of this sweet breeze.


The sweet and sweet wind hit Adam’s Minas, and when Minas was full of energy, his color changed and he turned into a stone!

But Minas, who became a stone, still looked at the sweet and sweet Nas with his eyes fixed, and a smile remained at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi couldn’t help sighing that Minas, who had eaten the sweet fruit, had exceeded the normal value for the elves of the same ethnic group.

Even Minas, who had been training for so long and had such a tacit understanding, resisted the master’s orders because of the sweetness of Nass, which was really beyond Luo Yi’s expectations.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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