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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 222

However, when Luo Yi signed up, he still encountered some small entanglements, because only six elves were enough to participate in the competition.

Moreover, when registering, all six elves used in the competition must be registered in the register, which cannot be changed.

But Luo Yi’s powerful elves, more than six!

Luo Duan sat in front of the registration form for a long time, and finally wrote down six elves.

Seeing the elves written by Luo Yi, Shirona sighed.

You really don’t leave a way out for others.

Pikachu, Flaming Chicken, Fast Dragon, Minas… and the giant golden monster who just ate the fruit of the Fortress, and the super huge Hudi!

Every one of them is a top-notch existence!

Shirona can already imagine the shock when Luo Yi fought.

After reporting the six elves, Luo Yi smiled. Each of the six elves had their own characteristics, especially the giant gold monster. Luo Yi couldn’t wait to command the giant gold monster to fight.

After the registration was over, Luo Yi and the others found an ice cream shop and waited for the afternoon qualifiers.

“I’ve never seen Xiao Zhi, and as expected, Xiao Zhi is not here now.”

Luo Yi kept looking around at the people around him, trying to find Xiao Zhi’s figure, but he didn’t find anything.

For Xiaozhi, Luo Yi always had the idea of ​​wanting to get to know him, but helplessly, he never found any trace of Xiaozhi’s existence.

“It’s weird, maybe Ash is dashing in other areas now?”

Unable to find Xiao Zhi, Luo Yi could only give up, but to Luo Yi’s surprise, Luo Yi found a familiar figure in the crowd.


In the previous Pokémon animation, the trainer who won the championship in the same tournament as Xiaozhi 577 Plus!

Luo Yi still remembered that this person was very strong, and he killed Xiao Zhi in his previous life.

“Interesting and interesting, although the timeline feels a bit chaotic, but it has gathered some well-known trainers in previous lives.”

Luo Yi was very interested and continued to observe the crowd to see if there were any other familiar faces.

Sure enough, as Luo Yi expected, another acquaintance appeared in the crowd.

It’s just that this acquaintance is not someone Luo Yi knew from cartoons in his previous life, but someone who just forged a son not long ago.

It was Yamada who was driven out by Luo Yi from the Devon Group Building.

The trainer who is called the most likely to win the championship.

Just when Luo Yi saw Yamada, Yamada also saw Luo Yi.

The moment he saw Luo Yi, Yamada’s eyes immediately lit up with anger.

At the same time, Yamada also had surprise in his eyes, feeling that it was time for revenge!

As soon as Luo saw Yamada’s reaction, he instantly understood what he was thinking, sneered, and gestured towards Yamada with a finger.

Middle finger up!

Chapter 183 The future champion! ?

Looking at Yamada’s reaction, Luo Yi immediately understood the small thoughts in his heart, sneered, and gestured towards Yamada with a middle finger pointing upwards.

Seeing Luo Yi’s gesture, Yamada was taken aback for a moment, but his blood immediately surged up.

Although he didn’t know the meaning of this gesture, but looking at Luo Yi’s expression, he knew that this gesture was definitely not expressing any good meaning.

Yamada was furious in his heart and was about to walk towards Luo Yi, but at this moment, the staff of the Alliance Championship came from not far away.

“The preliminaries are about to start! Please use the serial number you got when you signed up and refer to the battle arrangement on the big screen to find the venue you should go to.”

With the voice of the staff, the electronic screen outside a building suddenly lit up, with the preliminaries of more than [-] contestants and the distribution of venues.

“Damn, at this time!”

Yamada hated, of course, the preliminaries could not be delayed, and his idea of ​​finding Luo Yi to settle accounts was to be placed after the preliminaries.

“Don’t let me meet you in the preliminaries, or I will definitely let you know what the championship is like!”

Yamada gritted his teeth, still following the official arrangement to find his own battleground.

And Luo Yi and three people also came to the corresponding place according to the instructions on the big screen.

However, after seeing his opponent, Luo Yi was slightly taken aback, and then a strange smile appeared on his face.

Luo Yi’s opponent is Yamada!

However, at this time, Yamada did not notice Luo Yi, because reporters were surrounded by him.

No matter what methods Yamada used, in short, he was called the man most likely to win the championship in Hoen Daily, and he still attracted the attention of many reporters.

Now, Yamada is enjoying the enthusiasm of the reporters with a proud face.

“Mr. Yamada, as the man who is called the most likely to win the championship, what are your thoughts on the qualifiers?” a pretty female reporter asked.

Yamada smiled slightly at the female reporter who asked the question, and said, “The preliminaries, of course, will end the battle within a minute.”

“Mr. Yamada, are you [-]% sure of winning the championship!”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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