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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 233

Chapter 191 The elf view that is about to shatter!

Luo had already thought about the elves to be used in the next battle in the luxury box early in the morning.

That is Hudi, and Minas!

Due to Hu Di’s size, Luo Yi has not had much chance to send him to battle since he got Hu Di.

Because in the city, it is really difficult to find a battleground that can accommodate the huge body of Hudi Hill.

A careless, super-giant Hudi will cause a huge panic in the city, causing ~ unnecessary chaos.

So for such a long time, Luo just trained Hu Di in the castle inside the giant gold monster.

During the training, Luo Yi discovered that Hu Di’s strength was exceptionally powerful. The accumulation of long years had made the huge Hu Di’s psychic power reach an incomparably terrifying level.

It’s just that because of the long-term domination of the island, no one dared to provoke, and the reaction ability and awareness of the super-giant Hudi seemed a bit slow.

However, Luo Yi soon discovered that after several training sessions with himself, Hu Di’s talent for battle was rapidly awakening, and various skills in battle were rapidly improving.

Coupled with its sea-like psychic power, the super-giant Hu Di can exert more than double the strength than when Luo Yi first saw Hu Di!

The current Luo Yi, if he is in a battle with the super giant Hudi, I am afraid it will not be so easy to win.

Now, with such a huge venue as the Alliance Championship, Luo Yi was finally able to release the super-giant Hudi to play.

Yes, in terms of Hu Di’s strength, this time he just came out to play…

At this moment, Luo Yi’s eyes narrowed and he saw Masamune who was not far away.


Luo Yi soon discovered that something was wrong. Zong Zheng’s age seemed to be much younger than what Luo Yi saw in the comics.

And on Zong Zheng’s face, Luo Yi saw full of tension, Zong Zheng’s face collapsed tightly, and his eyes didn’t know where to look.

At a loss!

Looking at Zong Zheng’s appearance, Luo Yi had a strange smile on his face.

It turned out to be a new driver!

At this time, Zongzheng looked around in a panic, suddenly met Luo Yi’s eyes, and suddenly became even more panicked.

Luo Da Demon King!

Zong Zhengyi grinned, seeing the evil smile on Luo Yi’s face, he was about to cry.

What a horrible smile, Mom, I want to go home!

Luo Yi: “…”

“Okay, the much-anticipated battle is about to begin. The two sides are our star player Luo Yi and a talented young player!”

“Everyone can’t wait! Then! The game! Start!!”

After hearing the password for the start of the game, Masamune hurriedly threw two Poké Balls, red light flashed, and two Pokémon appeared on the battlefield.

Qilin Qi!

And the big steel snake!

After seeing these two elves, everyone including Luo Yi was stunned, it turned out to be Qilin Qi!

Luo Yi looked at Qilin Qi with a look of interest. Although it was the first time he had really seen something like Qilin Qi, he still recognized the elf at a glance.

There are no spirits with superpowers and general attributes in evolutionary form!

Qilinqi is an elf whose shape is similar to that of a giraffe. The main color of the front half of the body is yellow with brown markings, while the color of the back half body is opposite to that of the front half.

Strangely, the rear tail also has a small head with a brain in it, which allows it to attack even with its back to the opponent.

Very weird sprite!

It was the first time Luo Yi saw an elf with two heads, so he couldn’t help but take a second look.

As for the big steel snake on the side, it seemed a bit ordinary, and Luo Yi didn’t pay too much attention to it.

“It’s a good elf, then it’s time for me to release the elf!”

Luo Yi retracted his gaze and said indifferently, and at the same time a Poke Ball appeared in his hand.


The red light flashed, then quickly disappeared, and a huge figure appeared on the field.

“What is that!? It’s so big!”

After the audience saw what Luo Yi released, they were all stunned.

A big ball! ?

And this sprite! ?

What appeared on the field was a sphere the size of a house, which made everyone feel inexplicable.

It was the Poké Ball with the super-giant Hu Di. A normal Poke Ball could not fit into Hu Di’s huge body.

Luo Yi wants to let go of the rubbish in front of everyone’s eyes, and he definitely can’t take it out from the body of the giant golden monster, it will frighten the children.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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