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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 246

The Flying Dragon fell weakly to the ground, and the elves in the giant golden monster’s body had long been prepared, and a bunch of colorful skills appeared in front of the giant golden monster in an instant, heading towards the flying dragon.

Looking at the pile of skills, the Flying Dragon wailed, but found that the terrifying thought power that imprisoned his actions had disappeared.

I can move again!

Any functions!It’s too late! !

The Flying Dragon flew into the sky with great effort, but was still drowned in a brilliant light of skill…

As for the owner of the Flying Dragon, his face was bewildered and painful, and his figure seemed a little lonely.

This is not a battle of elves, this is bullying.

I am so tired, I want to go home and find my mother.

Chapter 201 Groudon’s Change

After a piece of skill light bloomed, more than a dozen skills exploded beside Storm Flying Dragon, blasting Storm Flying Dragon into the sky again.


The charred Flying Dragon fell to the ground again, smashed a few cracks on the ground, and after twitching twice, it didn’t move.

Flying dragon, hit the street!

At this time, seeing the Bombyron being bombed on the spot, the audience showed a satisfied expression on their faces, and it was very refreshing to see the giant gold monster’s ability to change out of thin air and blow up the opponent!

However, unlike everyone’s mood, the owner of the Flying Dragon looked at the giant golden monster with a pained expression.

How to fight this! ?

Could this be a giant machine monster? I really want to take it apart to see what is in it. It really hurts. I want to let the other five elves come up and be bombed one by one. Why don’t I abstain? This is also the embodiment of loving the elves…

Crazy thoughts have already started in his head, if you can’t resist, then enjoy it.

But after thinking about it for a long time, he still took out the second Poké Ball.

Two minutes later, his second elf threw himself on the street and couldn’t stand up after being bombed.

The third…the fourth…all were bombed into the street!

At this time, even the audience felt a little distressed.

But when his fourth elf was blown up and cried, he resolutely chose to admit defeat.

It’s pointless to fight again.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi smiled. In fact, in the subsequent bombing, the giant gold monsters had already reduced the power of their attacks, but their opponents had already been frightened and dared not confront the giant gold monsters head-on.

The giant golden monster at this time has once again become the most dazzling star spirit in the audience!


Back at the hotel, as usual, when I was about to rest, I found that the giant gold monster ran out of the pokeball.

Luo suddenly realized that his elves wanted to communicate with him, so he let go of resistance and was directly taken into the castle by the giant gold monster.

In the castle, Luo Yi saw that all his elves had not rested.

“Is something wrong?” Luo Yi asked with a smile. At this time, he already had a little guess in his heart, but he still wanted to hear what they said.

Lucario immediately used the power of the waveguide to communicate with Luo Yi, and it was the same as Luo Yi guessed.

They are tired of dropping bombs.

In tomorrow’s battle, the giant gold monster also expressed that he did not want to play.

However, Luo Yi smiled. He knew that they were not tired of playing this game. They just made sacrifices automatically considering how exciting Luo Yi’s game was.

If every next game is a giant monster, then Luo Yi’s game will become extremely boring, and Luo Yi’s popularity will also be affected to some extent.

Of course Luo Yi knew this, but he didn’t ask for anything, because the entire league tournament was just a game in his eyes.

Having fun with the elves is the most important thing.

However, since the elves had intentions, Luo Yi also felt very relieved and agreed to them.

A group of elves returned to their room contentedly. Although they might not have the chance to drop bombs, they were still very happy.


At this time, in the depths of the island where Caiyou City is located, in a dim cave, there is a huge elf sleeping.

Even though this elf was sleeping, it exhaled a huge amount of heat between its breaths, and it carried an extremely distant breath on its body.

It’s Groudon!

Suddenly, the curled up Groudon’s tail moved slightly.

However, this slight movement did not cause any changes, and Groudon’s eyes were still tightly closed.


In Liuli City, Shijana, the citizen of meteors, grew up in a mysterious valley.

This valley is very hidden and the terrain is very dangerous, but many of the caves in it have been transformed and are very suitable for human habitation.

At this time, more than thirty humans wearing animal skins entered a cave, and among them was Sijana.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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