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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 25

Seeing the change in Luo Yi’s face, Dr. Bai Bo’s eyelids jumped, the muscles on his face twitched obviously, and his scalp was about to explode.

Who is this little guy in front of him?The young master of the Devon Group!

What is Devon Group?The Big Mac in Kanaz City, the investor of the White Glass Research Institute!In other words, Luo Yi’s father, Zivqi Hibiscus, is his boss of Baibo.

Moreover, Dawu, the eldest son of Zivqi Hibiscus, has become the champion of the league, and it is impossible to take over the Dewen Group. Luo Yi, although he is still young, will become the real leader of the Dewen Group sooner or later.

If you offend Luo Yi, you will never want to be a member of the Wen Group for the rest of your life!

However, Dr. Bai Bo is worthy of being a self-made man who has his own research institute, and his response is very fast.

“You two wastes just let me out! Are you treating children like this? This is my Bai Bo’s research institute, when will the two of you have the final say!?”

Without saying a word, Dr. Bai Bo slapped his mouth on the faces of the two people who were mocking Luo Yi just now, and the applause resounded throughout the room, obviously not holding back.

Several researchers were stunned on the spot!

“Doctor…” The researcher who was slapped in disbelief wanted to say something more.


Dr. Bai Bo slapped him again, completely shutting him up.

Ask for flowers, ask for a reward!The first official Pokémon transformation of the Operation Fruit is about to begin!

thanks for your support.

Chapter 24 Luo Yi’s Sassy Ideas, Transform!

With three slaps, the two researchers were completely stunned. Isn’t Dr. Bai Bo the one who hates children the most? Why is it uncharacteristic today!

Several other researchers were also stunned. Today’s Dr. Bai Bo… is abnormal.

Could it be because he couldn’t save the hunting swallowtail?

How did they know that the kid they were mocking and mocking just now was the future boss of Dr. Bai Bo!

At this time, Xiaoyao was also frightened by these two slaps. She didn’t expect the usually kind Dr. Bai Bo to have such a side.

However, Luo Yi was very clear in his heart. Knowing the reason why Dr. Bai Bo did this, he was also amazed.

Soon, Dr. Bai Bo stopped talking about what happened just now, and changed the subject without understanding.

“Since Luo Yi wants to try it, let him try it. Pokémon are our good friends, and it is our common thing to help them recover. Don’t be so selfish!”

Dr. Bai Bo didn’t say anything, and scolded his researchers awe-inspiringly. At the same time, the calm observer Luo Yi’s face let go of the operating table.

Seeing that Dr. Bai Bo had disciplined his researchers, Luo Yi didn’t bother to talk nonsense with them, and walked directly to the operating table, ready to start using the power of the surgical fruit.

However, Luo Yi was also stunned when he saw the appearance of this bird hunting. It was so tragic, with a broken wing and wounds all over his body.

Moreover, the breath of this hunting swallowtail was dying, and even the body was almost cool and breathable.

Although the life nutrient liquid needed by Pokémon has been delivered, anyone who sees this hunting swallowtail knows that it will not live long.

At this moment, the two researchers who had been taught a lesson did not dare to show anything on their faces, but they still showed disdain for Luo Yi in the depths of their eyes.

“There is a limit to bragging, depending on how you end it,” they thought to themselves.

At this time, even Dr. Bai Bo had no hope at all. Although he asked Luo Yi to try, it was only because Luo Yi was the young master of Dewen Group and his future boss did not believe that Luo Yi could really cure him. Good for hunting swallowtails.

“He’s only seen a few elves, and he swells up with Lucario. It’s a nonsense.”

“Forget it, it’s impossible to live anyway, let him do it.”

At this time, Xiaoyao also came over, and immediately burst into tears when he saw the appearance of hunting swallowtails.

“Luo Yi, can you really save my hunting swallowtail? As long as you save it, I will promise you everything.” Xiaoyao resisted the urge to cry.

“I can save it, remember what you said!” Luo Yi said affirmatively.

But as soon as these words were said, the surrounding researchers were stunned.

At this time, in the entire operating room, except for Xiaoyao who had hope for Luo Yi, everyone else squinted at Luo Yi, waiting to see Luo Yi’s joke.

Luo Yi didn’t care about the rest, this was the first time he had officially used the ability of the fruit of surgery. For such an operation, all his energy was concentrated on the dying hunting swallowtail on the operating table.


Luo Yi shouted softly, a white cyclone appeared in his palm, and then instantly expanded into a hemispherical light blue barrier, including Luo Yi and the operating table.

It’s just that this light blue barrier seems to be only visible to Luo Yi, and no one else notices it.

Afterwards, Luo Yi placed his palm on the top of Hunting Papilio, and a faint blue light appeared, and immediately understood the poor physical condition of Papilio Hunting.

In the body of hunting swallowtails, various life factors are scattered, but it is difficult to play a role, lack of mobilization, and almost all of the self-healing ability is lost.

“It’s really bad…Activate!”

Luo Yi exerted his strength, and the blue light emanating from his palm became richer, and in Luo Yi’s perception, the remaining vitality scattered in the body of Hunting Papilio began to slowly gather, repairing its severely injured body.

“This bag of water, hang another bag!” Luo Yi raised his head and pointed at a bag of nutrient solution.

At this time, Luo Yi was sweating slightly on his head, and he was concentrating on it, but he didn’t notice that the hemispherical barrier created by the ability of his surgical fruit was slowly expanding.

“Quick, Elf Life Nutrient Solution, do as Luo Yi said!” Dr. Bai Bo immediately ordered the researchers to act.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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