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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 254

“Xing Can, after discussions with the organizers of the league tournament, when facing Luo Yi, you will have a privilege!”

“You can choose, the six elves will play together and fight against Luo Yi!”

“And Luo Yi, there is only one elf!”

With the host’s words, there was silence on the field! !

Luo Yi… Want to play six?

Chapter 208 That Encouraging Smile

After hearing the host’s words, the arena fell silent.

Luo Yi… I want to play six! ?

This has never happened in so many league tournaments!

At this time, both the audience and the contestants were shocked.

Of course they knew that the reason why the league made this rule change was precisely because Luo Yi was too perverted.

In Luo Yi’s two previous matches, all of Luo Yi’s opponents withdrew halfway, either abstaining or being beaten and losing their sense of fighting.

Luo Yi has become so powerful that the game cannot go on normally, and the rules must be changed!

“It’s scary, Luo Yi’s name will definitely be written into the history of the Hoenn area!” An old man in the audience said with emotion.

Everyone around them nodded their heads with expressions like this.

But they still have a doubt in their hearts, that is, the alliance changed the rules like this, forcing Luo Yi to fight six, does Luo Yi know!

Although they would also like to see Luo Yi perform a wonderful one-on-six match, if Luo Yi was treated unfairly and forced to play one-on-six, they would not be happy!

But immediately, the host’s voice came again.

“Of course, this rule change has also been approved by Luo Yi. Player Xing Can does not need to have any psychological burden, you just need to make the choice you want the most!”

The host said it very implicitly. In order not to make his opponent feel humiliated, it can be said that Luo Yi’s consent was obtained, but it was not said that Luo Yi personally made this request.

And Luo Yi also nodded in cooperation, showing an incomparably bright smile to the audience.

Seeing Luo Yi’s appearance, the audience all breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately, they became excited.

Since there are no unfair rules, then…

Today, I can really see Luo Yi fight six! !

There was a fanatic girl who screamed in happiness frantically, and then passed out without taking a breath, with a happy smile on her face.

“I’m dizzy, I’m pinching someone, do you want to take it out?” The person next to him was startled and quickly began to rescue him.

“I don’t want it anymore. Look at her appearance. You took her out. She wakes up and will fight with you!

The man was thoughtful, nodded, and threw the girl on the seat again, letting the girl dizzy and slump there with a smile.

Maybe it’s a brain-damaged fan…

“Now, Xing Can, tell me your choice!” The host looked at Luo Yi’s opponent Xing Can and shouted.

At this time, Xing Can had a hint of hesitation on his face. Facing Luo Yi, he wanted to choose six elves to go with him, but the elves education he had received all along made him feel hot.

“How can I play more with less? This is a game!” Xing Can’s heart was very tangled. According to the previous rules, he would definitely lose, and with the six playing together, there was still some hope of winning, but he let the He felt very sorry.

Yes, this time Luo Yi’s opponent, Xing Can, is a naive little cutie, a polite and well-behaved boy.

And because of timidity, some do not know how to work around.

In the tangle, Xing Can secretly glanced at Luo Yi, but this glance made him stunned.

He saw the encouraging smile on Luo Yi’s face!

Yes, Luo Yi was working hard to show an encouraging smile. He was as smart as Luo Yi, and he could already see what Xing Can was thinking.

Luo Yi felt very tired. What else could he do? He could only show an encouraging smile and try to stand where Xing Can could see.

Beside the two, the host looked at Luo Yi and almost laughed. He never imagined that Luo Yi’s opponent, Xing Can, was actually tangled up.

But he still opened his mouth. After all, Luo Yi fought six is ​​what everyone expected. It was an opportunity that the alliance got after a night of quarrelling. If Xing Can disagreed, it would be a waste of effort.


“Player Xing Can, this is the rule change made by the league after a detailed assessment of Luo Yi’s strength. The main purpose is to make the game fairer.” The host pointed to Xing Can’s inner tangled point.

“Fairer?” Xing Can wondered.

“Yes, it’s more fair, because with Luo Yi’s strength, a one-on-one match would be too unfair for you!” The host looked serious and said righteously.

“That’s why there is such a change in the rules. Your six elves will fight against one of Luo Yi, and a match will determine the outcome. This is a fair duel!”

Xing Can nodded in confusion, thinking of the previous competition where Luo Yi abused the training set elves of all parties, and suddenly felt that the host was right.

The one-on-one match was unfair to them. None of the elves who had played against Luo Yi’s elves were not sent to the elves for rescue!

“Okay! I’m going to use new rules!” Xing Can made a decision.

Luo Yi and the host all breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time the audience cheered, as if it was a very festive festival.

People’s hearts are extremely eager, Luo Yi fights six, and finally it’s about to start!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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