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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 256

The two attacks failed again.

The next moment, Pikachu appeared behind the super armored rhinoceros.

What a great speed!Is this still a flash of lightning? ?Xing Can was taken aback. Lightning flash is a skill used by many elves, but the lightning flash used by Pikachu now is so fast that it cannot be captured at all, it is comparable to teleportation!

“Pikachu, Steel Tail!” Before Xing Can could react, Luo Yi’s command arrived again.

Although the super armored rhino can be immune to the skills of electric attributes, but it can’t stop the steel tail! !

Pikachu’s tail glowed, his body bent up, his tail was raised high, and then slammed down towards the super armored rhinoceros.

At this moment, Pikachu’s tail was like a whip, slamming the back of the super armored rhino fiercely.


A powerful force acted on the super-armored mad rhino, and the super-armored mad rhino was beaten to the ground, and the field under it cracked, showing the powerful force of the blow.

Looking closely, the super armored rhino was dizzy and lost consciousness.

The whole place was silent.

This cute little Pikachu, surrounded by six elves, killed the super armored rhino in seconds.

Chapter 210 Pikachu’s new skills!

Pikachu killed the super armored rhino immune to electricity skills! ?

That move just now was a steel tail?The steel tail is so powerful! ?

Everyone has an unreal feeling. Pikachu’s electric light flashes as fast as teleportation, making people unable to capture the movement process at all. The steel tail is a powerful explosion, and even the super armored rhino was stunned by a tail. past.

Even the ground is cracked, the power of this tail is evident!

At this time, people finally realized that this Pikachu is not simple!

“Even Pikachu can train to this level, how on earth did Luo Yi do it!” Someone exclaimed.

“Who knows, maybe this is genius!”

At this time, outside the battlefield, Xing Can stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes, and his heart was shocked.

That Pikachu, surrounded by his six elves, killed his own super-armored rhinoceros! !

This is still the electric mouse that can be seen everywhere! !

How can it be so strong!

No matter how naive Xing Can was, he could see that this Pikachu’s strength far surpassed that of ordinary Pikachus. He was afraid that it would be unimaginably powerful like Luo Yi’s other elves.

But fortunately, I still have five elves still on the field, and there is still a chance for World War I!

Luo Yi’s elf is really not ordinary, even a Pikachu can be so powerful.

Xing Can was fortunate in his heart, fortunately, he chose six elves to go up together. If they went up one by one, how desperate it would be!

On the field at this time, after Pikachu knocked the super armored rhino stunned with one tail, he stood there and showed a cute smile to the five elves in front of him.

“So cute~~” Many female viewers were immediately attracted, and they could see it clearly through the big screen at the scene!

But on the opposite side of Pikachu, the five elves gathered around again, with very serious expressions on their faces.

Such a fast speed, such a powerful strength, facing such a terrifying opponent, if you are distracted, you will be killed in seconds!

“Qixi Blue Bird! Attack with the divine bird!”

“Cunning Tengu! Use a surprise blow!”

Xing Can changed his strategy and ordered two elves to launch a melee attack on Luo Yi!

After hearing Xing Can’s order, the Qixi Blue Bird made a loud cry, its head glowed, and rushed towards Pikachu.

And the figure of the sly tengu suddenly became blurred, making people subconsciously ignore it.

This is the skill of the cunning tengu, sneaking up to the opponent’s vicinity and attacking them.

This skill can play a better role in group battles, and has successfully defeated opponents many times.

To put it bluntly, it is a sneak attack!

After seeing the movements of the two elves, Pikachu was still unhurried. It was very familiar with the Qixi Blue Bird. He had seen the battle between the fast dragon and the Super Qixi Blue Bird, and the sneak attack of the cunning Tengu was fundamental in front of Pikachu’s strength. impossible to succeed.

“Pikachu, use [-] volts!” Luo Yi shouted.

Pikachu nodded, and his two small hands reached out to the Tanabata Blue Bird and the vaguely sly Tengu.

“Pickup! Pickup!!”

In an instant, a flash of lightning erupted from Pikachu’s two hands, instantly slashing at the Tanabata Blue Bird and the Cunning Tengu!

The instant the thunder and lightning appeared, all the elves on the field were blown away!

What a hundred thousand volts! ?

This powerful lightning energy is more than one million volts!

As the elves closest to Pikachu, they felt the thunder and lightning energy that erupted from Pikachu’s body very clearly!

Kaka! !


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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