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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 258

They only felt a numbness, and the world in front of them was spinning.

Then came the incomparably severe pain, coming from every part of the body!

Boom boom boom!

The three elves quickly landed on the ground, but there were still lightning flashes on their bodies from time to time, and the powerful electricity remained on them, making them paralyzed and unable to move!

It’s not that they can’t move at all, at least, they can twitch!

And Pikachu, with a wave of his hand, the lightning whip dissipated in the air.

Outside the battlefield, Xing Can’s mind was blank. Six elves faced one. Not only did they not touch the opposite elves, but they also helped each other achieve “one per second in one breath” and “two per second in one breath”. The achievement of “three in one second”!

He will be the laughing stock of people!

“How could this be…” With a look of his eyes, Xing Can, fainted!

The host hurriedly shouted: “Quick, stretcher!”

The stretcher is ready!When Luo Yi appeared in the game, the host can be without a stretcher!

Soon, Xing Can was carried away, along with his six elves.

“He broke the record!” The audience sighed, and an uncle said.

“Yeah, he is the only one of Luo Yi’s opponents who has all been defeated!” Someone next to him echoed.

In Luo Yi’s other battles, no one has been able to persist until all six elves have lost. In a sense, Xing Can has indeed set a new record.  …

However, Xing Can may not want this kind of record.

“Okay, viewers, this battle has refreshed our understanding of Pikachu’s elves. We can only say that there are no waste elves, but only trainers who can’t tap the potential of elves!” the host said.

“Now, let’s congratulate Luo Yi, who has officially entered the top four of the league tournament!”

The host announced loudly, and the audience on the field cheered wildly.

After this battle, Pikachu, an elf that is usually common and inconspicuous, became popular and soared in popularity. Many people wanted to get a Pikachu, learn the skill of swinging the whip, and kill each other in seconds.

Unfortunately, Pikachu and Pikachu are also different.

Soon, Luo Yi returned to his luxurious box. There was the last game left today, and that was Tetsuya’s game.

Luo Yi didn’t need to look at it to know that Zhe also won this match.

As expected by Luo Yi, Tetsuya’s game went very smoothly. He only used five elves to defeat all the six opposite elves. Among them, Miaomiao, who was wearing boots, performed extremely well.

After all the games, Luo Yi did not leave the box at 2.2 for a while, but sat there calmly, as if waiting for someone to come.

Although Xiaoyao and Shirona were puzzled, they didn’t say anything.

Soon, they met someone like Luo Yi, who was the host of the league tournament!

“Luo Yi, I knew you haven’t left yet,” the host said.

“Looks like good news?” Luo Yi smiled and poured a cup of tea for the host, and the host took the tea with both hands, looking excited.

“That’s right, in tomorrow’s game, you can one-on-one all at once!”

“Alliance, I agree!”

hehe, hehe, love you~

Chapter 212 Pikachu reappears, one dozen eighteen

“Tomorrow’s game, you play them alone!” The host said excitedly!

“At that time, the other three in the top four will release all their elves. There are [-] elves in total, and you will choose one elves to play. If you win, you will be the champion!”

Hearing the host’s words, Luo Daxi was overjoyed, this is exactly what he wanted to see, quickly end the game and he can go to find Groudo!

However, Shirona and Xiaoyao, who were next to them, heard the conversation between the two, and they were dumbfounded.

It’s unfair no matter how you hear it, but the two of them still looked excited. If they hadn’t known the inside story, the two girls would have thought Luo Yi had gone crazy.

At the same time, the two girls have an absurd feeling, is this still an alliance championship, and it is incredible that such a rule change will occur!

For the excitement of the game, the organizers of the league also fought hard.

Soon, Luo Yi and the host chatted happily about some details, and confirmed that there was no problem with both parties, so they happily decided to use this format tomorrow.

“Would you like to talk to the other players now to see if they are willing to do it, and if not, do the work earlier?” Luo Yi said.

If someone does not like the change in this rule at the scene tomorrow, it will all be lost.

Hearing Luo Yi’s words, the host looked wretched and said with a smile: “I have communicated with them a long time ago, and I and they said that if we play together tomorrow, as long as we can defeat one of your elves, we can kick you out of the alliance. On the stage of the championship, they all agreed on the spot.”

Luo Yi: “…” You are really talented.

Soon, the host left and prepared for tomorrow’s “big event”. Luo Yi also took Xiaoyao and Shirona back to his hotel.

Along the way, Luo Yi was as excited as a child. Tomorrow’s game, just thinking about it would not be exciting.

One elf against eighteen, if he wins, not only will Luo Yi be recorded in the annals of Fengyuan, but even this elf will become an insurmountable mountain.



Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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