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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 261

The entire league tournament has come to an end.

However, Luo Yi’s mood did not relax, because he knew that his next opponent was even more terrifying.

“How about Yun Dun’s preparations? How many caves are on the island where Caiyou City is located, and where are the branches? Have you investigated them clearly?” Luo Yi said.

As early as when he first arrived in Caiyou City, Luo Yi asked Yun Dun to do this kind of work, just to prepare to find Takrut!

If he could find Groudon when he was asleep, Luo Yi would be able to do more things, and it would be easier to conquer Groudon.

However, when Shirona and Yun Dun were in contact, Luo Yi suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The pool seems to be shaking.

Luo Yi looked around and saw a thick cloud of smoke in the sky.

There is also the magma gushing out of the highest crater.

Volcano, erupted!

Luo Yi’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated!

Chapter 214 The Snooze Buddy!

Volcano, erupted!

Luo Yi’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated!

The origin of the volcano and Groudon made Luo Yi’s first reaction at this moment to suspect that the volcano erupted due to Groudon’s awakening.

“The volcano erupted? How?”

Shirona and Xiaoyao were stunned, and looked at the highest crater, the lava gushing out and the volcanic ash rising from the head.

The people in the hotel also walked out of the house in unison, looking up at the volcano in the distance.

The citizens of Caiyou City, no matter what work they were doing, all walked out of the house one after another because of such a big movement, looking around and asking questions with bewildered faces.

After seeing the abnormality of the volcano not too far from Caiyou City, I was shocked by this rare spectacle.

After a short period of silence, panic or surprise crept into people’s minds.

“Tsk, that’s how a volcanic eruption turned out to be.”

“The volcano erupted! Quickly take refuge!”

“Avoid your head! Your money hasn’t been paid yet… Come on, grab something.”

“Volcano eruption, big news! I don’t know if it will affect Caiyou City,”

“That volcano seems to be quite far away from Caiyou City, shouldn’t it be… ok?”

“Stay here if you think it’s all right, I’ll go buy a ticket first.”

Caiyou City, which has just held the Alliance Championship, can be said to be overcrowded. At this moment, due to the eruption of the volcano, all of them flooded the streets, and there was chaos everywhere, as if the end had come.

The reporter who originally came for the league championship smelled the smell of big news and immediately got on a helicopter and flew to the crater.

Some daring trainers also took their own flying Pokémon unwillingly and flew to the crater as well.

“You guys stay here first, I’ll go take a look.”

Luo in the hotel came back to his senses and immediately got on the fast dragon.

“You want to go? Volcanic eruptions are dangerous.”

Shirona asked worriedly, and Xiaoyao’s small brows also frowned nervously.

They knew the strength of Luo Yi’s elf, but a volcanic eruption was a terrible natural disaster, and Luo Yi might not be able to protect himself.

“It’s okay, I’ll take a look.”

After all, Luo Yi urged the fast dragon to fly up and flew to the sky under the worried eyes of Shirona and Xiaoyao.

The speed of the fast dragon is notoriously fast, so even if the hotel where Luo Yi stayed was far from the crater, in a short period of time, Luo Yi quickly became the vanguard of the curious flying army in the eyes of others. fly ahead.

“Crazy, volcanic eruption, I want to die so fast.”

Some people watched Luo Yi fly at a speed that they couldn’t reach, and suddenly spit out a sour sentence.

When it became clear that the opponent was not someone else, it was the latest new league champion who was so hot that he couldn’t get any more hot—Luo Yi, who almost choked to death by his own saliva.

Isn’t it courting death to speak ill of the league champion?

Luo Yi’s performance in the league championship has made him now have an eye-catching halo. At this time, Luo Yi, who was in front of the flying army, attracted the attention of many people, but no one thought about it elsewhere, only thinking that Luo Yi and them Again, just thinking about observing the eruption of the volcano from a closer distance.

Not long after, a large number of elf trainers and live broadcast helicopters with reporters all slowed down at the same time.

Because of the area in front, there are a lot of volcanic eruptions and hot flying rocks like meteors.

From the ear-piercing whistling sound due to the extremely fast speed, it is impossible to see what the scene would be like if the flying stone hit the fragile human body.

Although some people are confident that their elves can live up to flying stones, you must know that this is not a battle between elves. Flying stones attack indiscriminately. If a flying stone hits someone, they will basically say goodbye to this beautiful world. .

However, one person’s speed did not weaken, but still maintained an extremely fast speed, rushing straight into the area where the hot flying stones were flying.

This person was Luo Yi who was at the head of the flight team.

“Is he dying?”


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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