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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 27

But only Dr. Bai Bo looked at Luo Yi with suspicion and shock in his eyes.

Feeling Dr. Bai Bo’s gaze, Luo Yi shrugged, as if it had nothing to do with him.

“Don’t look at me, I don’t have such ability. This hunting swallowtail has mutated by itself.” Luo Yi said.

However, Dr. Bai Bo obviously didn’t believe Luo Yi’s words. Luo Yi’s suspicion was the biggest because he possessed such a magical means of rescuing and hunting swallowtail butterflies.

As for what kind of elves mutate themselves, Dr. Bai Bo doesn’t believe a word. He has studied Pokémon for many years, and it is almost impossible to hunt phoenix butterflies to mutate the patterns of colorful pink butterflies.

“Is it the latest scientific research achievement of the Dewen Group? It must be the case. With this alone, the Dewen Group will be able to lead the world science for a hundred or two hundred years!”

Just when people hadn’t recovered from hunting swallowtail butterflies, a loud noise came from next door, startling everyone.

Immediately, the wall of the operating room shattered, and a large mechanical claw grabbed it and directly grabbed the mutant hunting swallowtail flying in the air.

“Who is it!” Dr. Bai Bo was almost scared to pee. The next door was the Poké Ball storage room. If something went wrong, the loss would be huge.

Xiaoyao jumped in anger when she saw that the hunting swallowtail was caught. She had just lost it and found it again, and now she was caught again. Her mood can be described as twists and turns.

Only Luo Yi had a strange feeling in his heart.

Shouldn’t it be those three guys…

Sure enough, the next second, Luo Yi heard the familiar line.

“Since you asked in good faith…”

The three of Musashi Kojiro posed their own poss to their heart’s content, with bags of Poké Balls under their feet, all taken from the White Glass Research Institute.

However, Luo Yi’s attention was not on the three, but his eyes fell behind Miaomiao.

There are two round stones there, but the sound of the system indicates that these two stones are not that simple.

“Congratulations to the host for discovering two immemorial elf eggs with petrified eggshells. If you find a way to hatch an immemorial elf, you will get [-] points!” The voice of the system sounded, and Luo was stunned for a moment.

“An ancient elf egg with a petrified eggshell?”

“This can only be smashed open.”

Chapter 26

“The ancient elves who hatched petrified eggshells will get [-] points for the host!” The system’s voice sounded in Luo Yi’s head.

“Eggshell petrified?” Luo Yi was taken aback, “This can still be eaten…Bah, can this still hatch?”


Luo Yi looked at the two big round stones behind Miaomiao, thinking that ordinary people really don’t recognize these are ancient elf eggs.

But obviously, the three Rockets evacuated the entire Elf Ball storage room, even taking the two Primordial Elf Eggs, and even grabbed the newly recovered Hunting Papilio.

Sure enough, just like in the animation, as long as it is a good thing that you can see, you want to take it away.

“No matter who you are, put down the Poké Ball of the Institute!” Dr. Bai Bo saw the scene in front of him clearly and almost fainted.

So many elves, and two ancient elves eggs, if they are robbed, he will not live.

Those Poké Balls are not his white glass, but only with the strong financial and material support of the Devon Group can he collect so many Pokémon.

And those two ancient elf eggs, the secret weapon he wanted to use to become famous, have not been reported to the Dewen Group, they are still researching by themselves, and they must not be taken away by the Rockets.

Dr. Bai Bo hurriedly threw out three Poké Balls, a red light flashed, lava snails, facing north nose and Da Wang Yan appeared in front of him.

Those researchers were stunned and stood on the spot. When encountering such a thing, obviously no one other than Dr. Bai Bo could handle it.

“Miaomiao, we are going to order these Poké Balls!” Miaomiao shouted proudly, and directly got into the huge robot behind Musashi Kojiro.

At this moment, Xiaoyao burst into tears when he saw that the hunting swallowtail was caught in the big hands of the robot.

Looking at Team Rocket’s huge robot, Luo Yi’s eyes flashed, and he was thinking quickly in his heart.

Of course, he couldn’t let the Rockets succeed. The Poké Balls stolen were all purchased and captured by the Dewen Group. In other words, they belonged to the Luo family.

The most important thing is that the two primordial elf eggs can not only fill the gap of their own points, but also get two primal elves. This kind of good thing is not so easy to come across.

And there was Pikachu who ate the Thunder Fruit, Luo Yi believed that it would not be a problem to kill this huge robot in seconds.

What Luo Yi was thinking about was how to get these two ancient elf eggs into his hands without knowing it.

Dr. Bai Bo obviously knows that these two are Primordial Elf Eggs. Even if he is the young master of the Dewen Group, he can’t just take this kind of research value. It’s too involved.

Moreover, the two elf eggs were not sent to the Dewen Group, which made Luo Yi guess that the two elf eggs were probably found by Dr. Bai Bo himself.

It would not be very good if it was directly robbed. Bai Bo was Dr. Pokémon after all, and the Dewen Group still needed his research ability.

“Team Rocket… just in time!”

Soon, Luo Yi had a plan in mind, and the appearance of the Rockets was just right.

As long as a black pot is thrown on Team Rocket, Luo Yi can take away the two elf eggs without any worries.

At this time, Dr. Bai Bo’s elves had already fought with the giant robot, and several researchers also released their elves, but there was no doubt that they could not destroy the giant robot at all, and even the giant arms waving by the robot could Injured a few elves.

Obviously so far, the Rockets’ action can be said to be perfect.

“Meow, you idiots, it’s impossible to stop us.” Meow’s voice came from the huge robot, accompanied by the laughter of Musashi and Kojiro.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Team Rocket’s robot had the upper hand. Seeing this scene, Xiao Yao jumped anxiously.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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