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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 270

Luo Yi’s words made the trainer who wanted to watch the fierce battle between Bangira and Long Longyan directly fall into a petrified state.

It would be too much to call a gifted rumble rock a toy ball.

And the most exaggerated thing is that Luo Yi’s statement doesn’t seem to be wrong…


Although Long Longyan couldn’t understand Luo Yi’s statement, he could still see the undisguised contempt in Luo Yi and Bangira’s eyes when they looked at it.

Usually this kind of look can only appear in your own eyes, why did you ever appear in the eyes of your opponent looking at you?

Immediately, the anger in Rumble Rock’s heart could almost burst out.


Long Longyan could no longer restrain himself, and completely lost his mind, regardless of whether he rammed into Bangira.  …

“Toy balls are so active, Bangira, go have a good time.”

Luo Yi said something nonchalantly, and Bangira suddenly understood, and jokingly looked at Longlongyan who was ramming towards him.

The next moment, Bangira burst out like a catapult was installed, and instantly arrived in front of Rumble Rock. With the sound of breaking through the air, her left leg was like a whip and kicked fiercely on the side of Rumble Rock!


With a loud bang, Long Longyan exploded like a cannonball in an instant!


The rumbling rock that was kicked away by Bangira was kicked heavily on the cliff again!

Only this time, because Bangira deliberately adjusted the angle, the rumbling rock did not directly hit the cliff as before, but collided back after leaving a pit in the cliff!

Bangira jumped up, hit the whip leg again, and slammed the body of Long Longyan fiercely!


Once again, Long Longyan flew out again…

Then, again…

Said to be a toy ball, do you really play Longlongyan as a toy ball?

Seeing this scene, the trainers outside the hotel were speechless and their eyes were dull.

Looking at Bangira’s effortless appearance, I don’t know, I would really think that Bangira is kicking a toy ball, not a rumbling rock that can rank among the top weights in the rock series.

“Tell me, am I dreaming?”

“Am I dazzled, is that Long 4.2 Longyan?”

“Can you really play Longlongyan as a toy ball? This Bangira is too perverted!”

The visual and auditory kicking game lasted for about half a minute, and Bangira seemed to finally get tired of playing, and finally kicked Rumble Rock into the cliff just like the first time.


Long Longyan’s eyes were blurred, and this series of blows, whether physical or mental, directly blinded it.

Looking at Bangira’s eyes again, it was as if she saw a demon crawling out of hell, she was terrified!


Bangira roared at it, declaring her victory.

And when Long Longyan heard Bangira’s roar, I don’t know if it was too frightened, or because of lack of energy, or both, he tilted his head and fainted very simply!

Chapter 220 Unqualified Rumble Rock

“Is this over?”

Until Long Longyan fainted, no one around came back to his senses.

Bangira’s strong gesture deeply stimulated their senses.

Is this still Bangira? ?Are sand-type moves a brand new variant?

Why are Luo Yi’s elves so special!

They were about to cry, why did they find this mutated and powerful elves, and they all ran into Luo Yi’s hands.

Feeling the hot eyes behind him, Luo Yi ignored it and just looked at the rumbling rock embedded in the cliff, a pity flashed in his eyes.

“Give up? It’s a pity. If you can still maintain your fighting spirit before you faint, I don’t mind subduing you and making you the strongest Ronglongyan in the world.”

Such a powerful wild rumbling rock is relatively rare, and the talent of this rumbling rock is actually quite good, so Luo Yi also had the intention to subdue it before.

It’s just that when Luo saw Long Longyan’s fearful look in Bangira’s eyes at the last moment, he suddenly lost the idea of ​​subduing the opponent.

If Long Longyan could keep his unwilling eyes when he finally fainted, Luo Yi might subdue him.

After all, whether it is strong or not depends on who is the reference object.

Just like this rumbling rock, compared with Bangira who ate the Devil Fruit, its strength is simply one heaven and one earth, and it cannot be compared at all.

But if compared with ordinary Pokémon, the aptitude of this Longlongyan is the top. If Luo gives it special training, gives full play to its potential, and gives it devil fruit, the future of Longlongyan is limitless.

Luo Yi still had a pretty good idea in his heart for a Devil Fruit that could use its rock properties.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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