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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 285

Jing Xiu’s sarcasm fell in the ears of the two teenagers behind him, which immediately made them laugh.

If Luo Yi, the new champion of the league, was a rookie trainer, wouldn’t it be all rookie trainers that day?

“Hey, by the way, why didn’t Luo Yi let the nine tails escape?”

“You ask me how I know… I can’t be really scared, he is the league champion, my only idol!”

Jingxiu didn’t pay attention to the whispers of the two behind her, and her eyes stared at the vortex of flames that trapped the nine tails.

The flame vortex continued to shrink towards the center, and the figure of the nine tails was covered by the raging flames. Seeing that the time was ripe, Jing Xiu immediately issued an order to the platypus.

“The duck-billed flame beast, rush over and use a flame fist!”

“Flame beast!”

Hearing Jingxiu’s order, the platypus nodded, its body leaned forward instantly and burst into a very fast speed, rushing towards the nine tails trapped in the vortex of flames, and at the same time, hot flames emerged from its right hand and adhered to the hand. The upper part of the fire was burning, and he planned to swing out immediately after approaching the nine tails, and punch the nine tails fiercely.

However, its plan was ultimately to fail.

And just when the duck-billed flame beast launched the attack, Luo Yi smiled faintly, and finally gave instructions to Jiuwei.

“Nine tails, use the flower of rotation on the platypus!”

The scene of Luo giving an order to the nine tails fell into Jing Xiu’s eyes. Although he didn’t know what skill Luo Yi was talking about, he still smiled sarcastically.

“Nine-tailed is trapped in the vortex of flames, do you still want it to attack the platypus? It’s a dream!”

From Jing Xiu’s point of view, Jiuwei is in a dilemma even for self-protection at the moment, Luo Yi still wants Jiuwei to attack the duck-billed flame beast through the vortex of flames, which is a fool’s dream!

“Trapped in a vortex of flames?”

Facing Jing Xiu’s ridicule, Luo Yi didn’t take it seriously, but instead showed a mocking smile to Jing Xiu.

What is he laughing at?

Isn’t it an obvious fact that Nine Tails is trapped in a vortex of flames?Feeling that something was wrong, Jing Xiu frowned.

… … … … … …

Without waiting for Jing Xiu to think about the meaning of Solo’s words, what happened next made Jing Xiu feel unbelievable, and his eyes almost didn’t pop out.

I saw the flame vortex spinning at a high speed around the nine tails, and a figure faintly appeared in the hot flame.

That figure swayed its nine tails, like walking in a leisurely courtyard, walking out of the scorching flame vortex with graceful steps and unhurried steps!


There was too much discrepancy with the expectation that Jiuwei was trapped in the flame vortex and could not escape. The platypus stopped, scratched his head, and stared blankly at Jiuwei who was slowly walking out of the flame vortex. measures.

Although the flame-type skills are generally effective for the fire-type Nine Tails, it is not enough to deal no damage at all.

But at this moment, with the calm and elegant posture of the Nine Tails, where does it look like he was injured in a vortex of flames?

“How is this going!?”

Could it be that the flame vortex is fake?

Looking at this scene, Jing Xiu opened his mouth and stared blankly.

However, he is not a rookie trainer who just got the initial Pokémon, and he immediately found clues from the state of the nine tails.

Nine tails in the vortex of flames, the high-speed rotating flames, when they were about to hit the body of the nine tails, it was strange, like an obedient child, it went around along the soft fur of the nine tails, and there was no real harm. To the nine tails!


Chapter 230 One-sided crushing!


Igniting is the characteristic of the nine tails. The nine tails with the ignition characteristic can not be affected by the fire attribute moves, and when they are hit by the fire attribute moves, they can also enter the ignition state, which increases the power of the fire type moves.

Knowing the origin of the Nine-Tails’ ability to not be afraid of flames, Jing Xiu regained his senses and frowned, but he soon loosened up.

Aren’t you afraid of fire-type moves?

The platypus is not only able to release flame skills, as long as it releases non-fire attribute skills, it can cause damage to the nine tails!

Jing Xiu was thinking like this, and was about to speak out and let the duck-billed flame beast attack again, but at this time, something happened that made Jing Xiu look bewildered.

I saw the whole body of the platypus, and suddenly several off-white fox tails appeared, twisting, twisting and twisting the joints of the platypus!

The duck-billed flame beast was also panicked by this sudden mutation, roaring and struggling desperately, trying to get rid of the foxtail’s control.

“What kind of move is this? Does Nine-Tails have such a move?”

Jing Xiu opened his mouth wide in surprise, speechless.

The two teenagers behind him were full of excitement.

“Look at you, I said that Luo Yi’s Pokémon must be different!”

“It seems to be the tail of Nine-Tails, what exactly is this move? Nine-Tails… No, it’s Luo Yi, how did he do it?”

“Will he still tell you how he did it?”


The two of them couldn’t wait, and wanted to spread the news that Luo Yi had a strange nine-tailed.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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