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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 297

The flesh pad in the palm of Kuailong’s palm bounced thousands of times into the air in an instant, and the air in front of the palm was instantly compressed by the high-speed bounce, and then formed a small air cannon!

This air cannon compresses a lot of air under the fast dragon’s bombardment. People can even see with the naked eye that a light blue air cannon appeared in front of the fast dragon’s palm, and then disappeared suddenly.

The speed of the air cannon was 1 shot longer than that of Bangira’s smoothie, which was several times faster!

Even Luo Yi couldn’t see the trajectory of the air cannon clearly, but the moment the air cannon disappeared in front of Kuailong’s palm, he heard a huge roar!

Groudon, disappeared in its original position!

Was blasted out.

This shot, no matter if Groudon wanted to dodge it or not, he couldn’t dodge it!

The speed of the air cannon has exceeded the limit that the elves can reach. I am afraid that only the elves with the strength of the cracking seat have the possibility to escape.

boom!Groudon was bombarded by the air cannon, the air cannon exploded, and Groudon’s figure was blown away from the rear, directly smashing a hill and a hill.

In the original position of Groudon, a huge deep pit was blown out by the power of the air cannon explosion.

The power of one shot, the super ancient beast Groudon!

At this time, people who saw this scene on the spot or through the live broadcast all opened their mouths and their tongues flew out.

Luo Yi’s Kuailong, as soon as he appeared, blew Groudo away! ?

Are the fast dragons in the league so awesome! ?

The people looked at each other in dismay, feeling extremely shocked. At this time, people finally realized that Luo Yi’s elf, no matter how dazzling his performance in the league competition, might be less than one-tenth of his strength.


Some of the trainers who were still thinking of surpassing Luo Yi suddenly felt ashes.


On the battlefield, Groudon, who had crushed a hill and a hill, came out of a pile of waste rocks. Looking at its movements, it seemed that he was not injured, but the wound on his face and the blood flowing from the wound, Make it look awkward.

Just now, Kuailong’s air cannon shot directly into Groudon’s face!

Groudon looked at Kuailong’s eyes, all filled with anger.

He didn’t expect that this time he was just born, and he was injured!

It was still hurt on the elf that he didn’t usually look at at all.

A smile appeared on Kuailong’s face.

After eating 1 ball of meat, it has long been dissatisfied with fighting against ordinary elves. Elves like Groudon are his best opponents!

And the first fight with the super ancient mythical beast Groudon did achieve the effect he wanted.

At this time, Kuailong’s heart was boiling with enthusiasm!

Luo Yi, who was standing on the side, had already seen through Kuailong’s mind.

“Let’s try it, the chance to fight the super ancient divine beast is not so easy to find.” Luo Yi said.

Kuailong nodded, his eyes excited, his wings spread behind his back, and he flew towards Groudon’s position.

What Kuailong likes most is melee combat!

When Groudon saw the fast dragon flying towards him, he immediately roared, and waved his hand fiercely at the fast dragon in the sky!

The magma on the ground instantly condensed a huge long sword and stabbed towards the fast dragon in the air!

This long sword is composed of magma, exudes high temperature for heating, and at the same time contains a lot of power of the earth.

Luo Yi in the distance also stared, and instantly recognized the origin of this move.

The sword of the cliff!

Groudon’s exclusive move!

It is a move that transforms the power of the earth into sharp blades to attack the opponent, and can only be used by Groudon.

Under the strong control of Groudon, the sword of the cliff was fast, and it came to the front of the fast dragon in an instant!

Xiaoyao and Xirona exclaimed at the same time, looking at the current situation, Kuailong seems to be unable to avoid this sword.

However, Luo Yi was very calm and had no worries in his heart. The flying talent of his fast dragon definitely surpassed that of most flying elves.

Luo Yi still remembered that the first time he saw the fast dragon, it showed its incomparably skilled flight skills, flying at extreme speeds in the lush forest, without even letting its body touch a leaf.

Therefore, Luo Yi is still confident that the fast dragon can avoid the sword of the cliff.

Sure enough, the fast dragon flying in the air, facing the sword of the cliff that rushed in front of him in an instant, fanned his wings violently, and at the same time activated his two-hand ability 0.4, using the reaction force of hitting the air to make his flight trajectory, There was an extremely strange deviation, and the sword of the cliff that stabbed straight at him passed by!

At this time, the fast dragon is very close to Groudon!

Seeing that his attack was in vain, Groudon no longer cared about the sword of the cliff, and looked at the fast dragon swooping towards him, and stretched out his powerful claws!

Strength is his most powerful means of attack!

And Kuailong’s eyes also revealed a hint of madness, and he also slapped Groudon with a palm!

The next second, the palms of the two elves bombarded together!

Flesh 1 ball fruit ability, directly against the sturdy power of Groudon!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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