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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 298

Chapter 239 Groudon, the original return!

(The picture shows the original return form of Groudon)

The palms of Kuailong and Groudon slammed together directly!

Groudon was already furious at the fact that Kuailong had hurt him. Although he didn’t use his full strength in this shot, he still wanted to slap Kuaikuailong with a slap.

Groudon had great confidence in his own strength, and in this world, apart from Korakuza and Kyogre, there was no elf that could withstand his strength.

After all, strength is his most powerful means!

The two palms were connected, and the ability of the fast dragon fruit was activated. At the moment when it touched the palm of Groudon, the meat pad in his hand bounced thousands of times frantically!

Boom boom boom!

There was thunder on the ground, and the place where the two were standing instantly raised endless dust, and the ground under Groudon’s feet instantly appeared a huge crack, spreading to the surrounding.

The whole earth is shaking!

Groudon’s face changed wildly. From Kuailong’s palm, he felt an incomparably powerful impact. This impact was somewhat different from the power of the elf, but the power seemed to be even greater.

Groudon’s arm was under tremendous pressure, and it actually felt like it was fighting Kyogre.

On the opposite side of Groudon, Kuailong felt even more uncomfortable. Groudon’s power was beyond his imagination. He never thought that a elf would have such a powerful power.

Even with the power of fruit, Kuailong still felt that his entire body was about to be torn apart by the powerful force from Groudon’s palm.

Although Kuailong’s flesh 1 ball fruit is powerful, Kuailong’s body strength is somewhat unable to keep up.

At this time, everyone who saw this scene through the live broadcast widened their eyes, and Kuailong was able to confront Groudon head-on! ?

This kind of thing has never been thought of, even some biographical novels, they dare not write like this!

A fast dragon, even fighting a super ancient beast.

But soon, people were relieved when they thought that this was Luo Yi’s elf.

With Luo Yi, anything is possible!

However, Luo Yi, who was watching the battle at the scene, frowned.

He found that he ignored the issue of the physique of the fast dragon. Although the physical strength of the fast dragon is much stronger than that of the general elves, it is still a little difficult to fight against Groudon.

Although the fast dragon is now deadlocked with Groudon, it is clear that the fast dragon has reached its limit.

“Come back!” Luo Yi said sharply, it was obviously very dangerous if Kuailong continued to fight Groudon.

With the current level of development of the Fast Dragon Meat Ball Fruit, it is still unable to compete with Groudon if the physical strength cannot keep up.

Hearing Luo Yi’s voice, Kuailong immediately retracted his hands, fanned his wings wildly, and his figure rose in an instant.

However, there was a ferocious flash in Groudon’s eyes, of course it couldn’t let go of the fast dragon!

Groudon’s legs were slightly bent, and then suddenly straightened, and his figure jumped into the air instantly!

On the ground, the powerful force of Groudon’s jumping was stepping on a huge deep pit!

Under the support of Groudon’s powerful strength, Groudon’s figure instantly appeared in front of Kuailong.

Kuailong’s heart jumped, and he realized that he underestimated the super-ancient divine beast like Groudon too much.

However, the fast dragon’s response was also quick, and his hands immediately blocked in front of him, aiming at Groudon’s abdomen, and he was about to activate the ability of 1 ball of flesh.

But at this time, Groudon’s waving arm is about to fall on the fast dragon!

Xiao Yao was shocked and grabbed Luo Yi’s arm. If this palm fell on Kuailong’s body, the consequences would be unimaginable!

However, although Luo Yi frowned, his face was still calm.

At this time, Groudon had a wicked smile on his face, and seemed to have seen the scene of Kuailong’s tragic death by his hands.

But at this moment, Groudon felt a sudden darkness in front of him.

Something seemed to block the sun.

The next second, just as Groudon’s hand fell on Kuailong, Kuailong disappeared.

Disappeared in front of Groudon.

boom!Groudon fell from the air, turned around slowly, and behind it stood an incomparably huge elf.

like a mountain!

Huge Woody!

The fast dragon that disappeared in front of its eyes just now is now standing on the shoulders of the giant Hu Di.

It was the super-giant Hu Di who used his sea-like mind power to act on the fast dragon, allowing the fast dragon to complete a teleportation.

Looking at the huge Hu Di in front of him, Groudon’s eyes became more violent.

Seeing the rage in Groudon’s eyes, Luo showed admiration, this is Groudon!

That powerful and fearless super ancient beast.

But now, with yourself, even the most powerful super-ancient divine beast, you have to kneel!

“Stop playing, let’s go!” Luo Yi said.


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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