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Pokémon Super Fruit System — Page 299

Immediately, Bangira, Suicune, and the flaming chicken summoned by Luo Yi, the ancient tyrannical carp dragon, and the nine tails, who were standing beside Luo Yi, all walked towards Groudon.

Coupled with the fast dragon and the super giant Hudi, Luo Yi’s most powerful lineup has been dispatched!

Seven elves surrounded Groudon in the middle.

The people who saw this scene through the live broadcast were all excited. The seven elves swarmed Groudon, and they seemed to have seen Luo Yi’s victory!

This is not an ordinary elves, but seven elves under Luo Yi!

However, at this time, Groudon not only did not feel flustered, but there was still a hint of mockery in his eyes.

The appearance of Groudon begins to change!

Some golden lines began to appear on Groudon’s body.

At the same time, Groudon’s body radiated a dazzling light.

The light quickly disappeared, but Groudon’s appearance was very different from just now.

Groudon, the original return form!

Seeing Groudon’s appearance, his eyes became solemn, even if it was a super-giant Hudi.

Chapter 240 The Dawn of Victory, Groudon’s Crisis!

Looking at Groudon’s appearance, Xiaoyao and Xirona were a little worried, especially Xirona. She knew more about the super ancient reaching out party than Xiaoyao. The primitive return of super ancient mythical beasts is more evolved than the general elf mega. The effect is even better.

She had seen the strength of Groudon before, but she did not know how strong Groudon was now after the original return.

“Primitive return…” Luo was expressionless, and the changes in Groudon’s form were all he expected.

The people who saw this scene through the broadcast were worried again in their hearts. The change in the shape of Groudon, as long as he was not blind, can see that Groudon has become stronger.

Luo Yi’s elf, can it stand it…

At this time, in the middle of the battlefield, the seven elves that surrounded Groudon looked at Groudon, who had returned to the original, with indifferent eyes.

No matter if you are a super-ancient divine beast, or a super-ancient divine beast that has returned to the original, since Luo Yi has ordered the action, no matter how powerful you are, you will be doomed.

On the shoulders of the super giant Hu Di, Kuailong is already brewing a big move. Although he can’t beat Groudon in close combat, it does not mean that Kuailong’s ability is only like this.

Kuailong opened his hands, the fruit ability activated, and the air in front of him suddenly began to compress.

Soon, it turned into a small bright sphere.

This bright little ball is different from the air cannon shot by the fast dragon before. When this ball explodes, the destructive power is countless times stronger than that of the air cannon.

Simply an air bomb!

However, the fast dragon that condensed the empty bomb did not hit the blow, but waited for the opportunity to bombard Groudon with the blow.

Not only Kuailong, but almost all of Luo Yi’s elves were in action.

Bangira has completely sanded the ground under Groudon’s feet, and Groudon’s feet have fallen into the sand.

Suicune still cooperated with Bangira to freeze the desert, firmly binding Groudon’s feet.

Groudon, who had returned to the original, looked down at his feet bound by the sand, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

But the next second, Groudon suddenly felt a heat wave coming from in front of him, and Groudon was stunned for a moment.

Looking up, what caught my eye was a dazzling sun!

This sun was held up by a humanoid elf.

Flame Chicken!

An invincible super move, Yandi!

Looking at this huge fireball, Groudon’s face could no longer remain calm, even if he was a super ancient beast, he had never seen such a move.

Although it has the fire attribute after the original return, it is only the fire attribute.

The burning fruit of the flame chicken is the ability to control the flame!

At this time, Groudon looked at the flame chicken and the huge Yandi fireball in his hand, and his heart was depressed for a while.

The flame chicken’s eyes were very indifferent, staring at Groudon’s figure, and directly threw the Yandi fireball in his hand at Groudon.

Groudon, his face is terrifying!

At this time, whether it was the people watching from a distance or those who saw this scene through the broadcast, they were all stupid.

This battle has completely exceeded people’s imagination.

The vast majority of people will never see such a confrontation in their entire life!

At this time, in the highest meeting room of the alliance, everyone was stunned, completely stunned by the strength of the flaming chicken.

At the battle scene, the Yandi fireball let go and slowly pressed towards Groudon’s position. Along the way, the earth was crushed by the might of the Yandi fireball.

Groudon’s eyes were serious, this blow has surpassed the scope of ordinary elf attacks, and has the qualifications for him to face it.


Groudon’s feet were pulled directly out of the sand, and the solid sand hardly caused any effect under Groudon’s powerful force.

Staring at the Flame Emperor fireball, Groudon raised his hands, and actually wanted to resist this move!


Pokémon Super Fruit System

Pokémon Super Fruit System

Status: Completed Author:


Traveling through the world of Pokémon, Luo Yi discovered that he could actually eat devil fruits for elves...
You ask me where did I get this elf?No, no, I made it myself.
Why is there a flame in my pokeball, you ask?That's my little fire dragon!It just ate a strange fruit, don't make such a fuss.
With Pikachu in hand, Luo Yi opened up an epoch-making combat trick, Ring Ray Pikachu Che!
Like an endless thunderbolt in his hand, Luo Yi ruthlessly pressed the Pikachu in his hand on the enemy!
Kill everything!
(PS: This book is also known as "The World of Pokémon by Elementary School Students", and it is absolutely not used to women!) (This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)


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